Junior Traveling Fellowship 2017: Dr. Ngoungoure Halima, Fidelie Scholastique


I welcomed my nomination for the WFN-JTF 2017 with pleasure and attended the 32nd International Epilepsy Congress Sept. 2-6, 2017, in Barcelona. (I would like to thank the WFN for giving me this opportunity.

: Ngoungoure Halima

Ngoungoure Halima

It was with great attention that I followed the several congress sessions. The ones that interested me most were the video sessions, in particular, those relating to seizures and epilepsy in neonates and the cases oriented series. Through the sessions on the new classification of epilepsy, epileptic encephalopathies concept treatment and outcome, and advanced EEG, I benefited from the advice of experts and updated my knowledge in epileptology.

Attending this conference also allowed me to present my poster whose research theme was betamethasone in the treatment of West syndrome. In fact, betamethasone is not a common oral steroid used in West syndrome. In our practice in Dakar, we use it because of its availability, low cost, and easy route of administration.

In addition to meeting with leading experts in the field of epilepsy, I also made new relationships for my future neurologist career.

At the end of this congress as a young neurologist, I am confident and ready to face the challenges of epilepsy in Africa.•

Junior Traveling Fellowship 2017: Mario Cornejo-Olivas


I am a neurologist and researcher working at Neurogenetics Research Center of Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Neurológicas in Lima, Peru. I’m grateful to WFN for supporting my attendance at the 21st International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Mario Cornejo-Olivas (left) and two colleagues

Mario Cornejo-Olivas (left) and two colleagues

This scientific meeting attracts delegates from around the world to learn the latest research and best evidence-based clinical guidelines on the field of movement disorders.

Together with two colleagues, I presented two posters: one case of Familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, with an E200K mutation, and a qualitative study regarding Myths and Misconceptions Regarding Huntington’s Disease.

This meeting allows me to update my knowledge regarding clinical practice on movement disorders and neurogenetics, meeting with current collaborators as well as networking and looking for future collaborations.

Hot topics of main sessions of this meeting were also discussed with my colleagues in Peru, improving both clinical and research local capacities in the field within my country. •

Austrian World Summit Update

By Wolfgang Grisold, on behalf of the WFN.

The Austrian World Summit R 20 took place May 15, 2018, at the Imperial Palace in Hofurg. This was a high-level meeting dedicated to the environment. It was organized by the Schwarzenegger Institute and members of the Austrian government.

High-ranking speakers were international, and included Antonio Guterres, U.N.; Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway; L.L. Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark; Maros Sefcovic, E.U. commission; Jane Godall, U.N. Messenger for Peace; Li Yong, UNIDO; and Fran Pavley, former California state senator. The Austrian Chancellor S. Kurz gave an opening speech, which was briefly interrupted by a flash mob of environmental activists. The Austrian President Van der Bellen and Arnold Schwarzenegger gave keynote lectures.

Opening Program

All main sessions had keynote speakers and panel presentations. The theme was introduced by a dramatic video and sound presentation, showing effects on the environment and climate in many areas of the world. The U.N. secretary affirmed the need for the protection of the environment. Many speakers lamented the fading effects of Paris, and the new policy of the U.S. in ignoring the effects of environmental damage and global warming.

In his keynote address, Schwarzenegger emphasized that local and regional governments are powerful and need to be empowered. As an example, he cited California with a decrease in carbonization. Despite the fear that these environmental activities would harm the state the economy is booming.

Home pollution in the developing world was another important topic. In many countries, burning wood and coal indoors creates significant pollution. This also refers to water, which often needs to be boiled with energy-consuming and polluting energies to avoid infections.

The Vice Mayor of Beijing talked on its successful fight on smog. The town of Katovice, Poland was presented as a successful campaign. Katovice is a traditional miners’ town that had been severely polluted and had several successful interventions to restore the environment. By the end of this year, another environment summit will be hosted there.

Among the examples of successful campaigns was an inspiring lecture by Mr. Piccard, who finally successfully navigated a trip around the world in an sun-powered electric plane.

The afternoon sessions had main topics, such as sustainable investments, from action to transaction, building cities in the future, interactions of cities and surroundings, smart energy solutions, sustainability and tourism, and strategies to tackle pollution, in concurrent sessions.

I attended “Strategies to Tackle Pollution,” which was chaired by Mrs. Neira from the public health and environment department of WHO. During this talk, she addressed health issues. I was able to point out that the WFN has a research group on environment and emphasized the importance of stroke and the environment. More than half of the world’s population has no access to health care. (A survey on headache in Africa assumes that 80 percent of patients are treated by healers, also with no access to conventional modern  medicine.)

Other topics included renewable water preparation methods, European law in regard to the right of clean air, and a lecture by Fran Pavley, former California state senator, on the development of the environmental movement and success in California. I was also able to speak personally to Mrs. Pavley and introduce her to the activities of the WFN.

This was a high-ranking, international meeting on environments, which emphasizes the importance of the WFN`s choice of the topic for WBD 2018. Regrettably there was little presence of doctors or medical associations. Hopefully the connections with the WHO and the Schwarzenegger Institute will be useful for the WFN. •

Candidate Statement for Secretary General: Wolfgang Grisold

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Grisold

My name is Dr. Wolfgang Grisold. I am a neurologist from Austria, and I want to apply for a second term for the position of the secretary general of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN).

Wolfgang Grisold

Wolfgang Grisold

My main motivation to keep the position as secretary general is to ensure continuity and coherence. Over the past years, I was strongly involved in realizing various successful initiatives, projects, and global cooperations on behalf of the WFN. Pursuing these efforts, strengthening global connections, and applying best practices to new projects will be at the heart of my agenda.

My work as secretary general is driven by the conviction to understand and build upon the needs of neurological patients worldwide. Equally important is also the prevention of disease. In that regard, the WFN has realized a number of initiatives, such as patient education and the patient days at the World Congresses of Neurology (WCN). I am convinced that these initiatives will need to be further developed and included firmly in our culture.

I have been an elected trustee of the WFN since 2009 and was elected as both the secretary general and treasurer at the 2013 WCN in Vienna. The separation of the two functions, executed in 2015, was an important move for the improvement of the structure and governance of the WFN. In the position of the secretary general, I was in close contact with the officers, the trustees, and our member societies. The WFN traditionally has several committees, which focus on specific topics and are a valuable source of advice for the WFN. Also the Applied Research Groups (ARG) aim to increase the scientific standards in neurology worldwide. It is an important task of the secretary general, that both the committees and the ARGs are close to the officers of the WFN and work synergistically.

During the past years, the WFN streamlined its organization, and in addition to the previous agenda, it has been able to successfully add new activities and agendas. Examples are the well-established educational activities such as Junior Traveling Fellowships, department visits, and the creation and implementation of WFN teaching centers. These activities have been developed over several years, and I was involved in establishing and promoting these activities. We are also proud to be able to keep up the WFN-AAN Palatucci course at our world congresses, which successfully promotes the important role of advocacy of the WFN, as an important symbol of importance.

The WFN has also been successful in working with other societies in global activities such as the Global Neurology Network and the World Brain Alliance. The World Brain Day has promoted several topics, as for example epilepsy with the ILAE and stroke with the WSO.

The World Brain Day was established at the WCN 2013 in Vienna, in particular by the advocacy committee chaired by Prof. Wasay. Through joint efforts with the WFN London office and trustees, and professional press support, it gained sustainable and quotable success. As mirrored by countless press quotes, the World Brain Day has a far-reaching international effect.

The communicative efforts of the WFN are individually strong but still need a more synchronous appearance to be even more effective. In addition to the Journal of Neurological Sciences, eNeurologicalSci is now indexed in Pubmed. Our newsletter World Neurology, the WFN social media and WFN website, including the new video platform, are drawing global attention to promoting neurology, and serving the interests of the society, and still have a great potential for further development for education.

The WFN has an important neuropolitical role, and in addition to the relations with many other specialist neurological societies, aims toward an increased connection and shared work with the WHO. In addition to the successful global activities of the past and present president, the WFN was also invited to the regional WHO meeting in Budapest last year, and were able to position a statement on neurology and environment. (See http://www.euro.who.int/en/about-us/governance/regional-committee-for-europe/67th-session/statements-from-non-state-actors.)

My role as the secretary general is not only continuity, but also to help and support the development of new ideas, strategies, and concepts. •

Junior Traveling Fellowship 2017: Annick M. Magnerou, MD


I am a young Cameroonian neurologist from Senegal. I have just finished my training. I have seen interest in the field of clinical neurophysiology and epilepsy. It was possible for me to attend the Second Moroccan Congress of Neurophysiology associated with the first African and MENA seminar of clinical neurophysiology Oct. 26-28, 2017, in Morocco, due to the World Federation of Neurology Junior Traveling Fellowship.

From left to right, Dr. Camara Massaman (Mali), Dr. Prisca Bassole (Burkina-Faso), Prof. Jun Kimura (Japan), and Dr. Annick Magnerou (Cameroon)

From left to right, Dr. Camara Massaman (Mali), Dr. Prisca Bassole (Burkina-Faso), Prof. Jun Kimura (Japan), and Dr. Annick Magnerou (Cameroon)

The conference was held at the Mohammed VI conference center, a scenic place located in Rabat. I presented my abstract on movement disorders in HIV patients at the congress. I also took teaching courses and workshops on epilepsy, EEG, and EMG.

Dr. Annick M. Magnerou

Dr. Annick M. Magnerou

The lectures on electrodiagnostic examination of patients with myasthenic syndrome done by Prof. Shri Mishra and principals and pitfalls of motor and sensory nerve conduction studies by Prof. Jun Kimura offered a good perspective. The session on challenges in botulinum toxin in dystonia and spasticity by Prof. Dirk Dressler also addressed some important issues that are relevant in the implementation of any trial. Participation in this congress presented a unique opportunity to discuss my research in all aspects of clinical neurophysiology with many delegates from different nationalities from around the world.

Such conferences help us to perceive that the international community must stay united across frontiers in search of solutions to problems that many epileptic and HIV patient have particularly in Africa: stigmatization and lack of knowledge in order to improve therapeutic care awareness globally.

It was an enthralling experience for me. I got an impetus at the right time in my career, and this provided me with a better world view of the field of clinical neurophysiology.

I am grateful to my professors in Senegal (Prof. Mansour Ndiaye, Prof. Gallo Diop, Prof. Kamadore Toure, and Prof. Lala Bouna Seck) and also to the World Federation of Neurology for its initiatives, graciousness, and support.•

Candidate Statement for Elected WFN Trustee: Daniel Truong, MD

I am a member of the neurology society of Vietnam, which have nominated me for the trustee position. In support of my candidacy, I will provide some biographical information about my qualifications and experiences.

Daniel Truong

Daniel Truong

I was born in North Vietnam and moved with my family to South Vietnam in 1955 as a result of the war. I was one of the first Vietnamese to come to Germany in 1967 to study medicine at the University of Freiburg. I specialized in neurology and psychiatry. Marriage brought me to the U.S. in 1982, where I continued my training, first with a residency at the Medical University of South Carolina and later with a 3-year fellowship at Columbia University and London’s National Hospital for Nervous Disease.

My journey with the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) began in 2002, when I was given the honor to serve as a member of the Publication Committee. I was entrusted with the task of improving upon World Neurology. At the time, the newsletter was printed in India and mailed to subscribers worldwide. To reduce costs and expedite circulation, I proposed the transition to an Internet-based newsletter with regional interests. This proposal was later implemented as the current World Neurology.

My association with the WFN gave me the opportunity to safely develop educational programs for Vietnam, as it had just begun opening its doors. I developed the International Neurology Forum, consisting of a short course focused on one topic lasting one to two days. This format was the product of repeated observations that physicians from developing countries did not demonstrate high retention of new techniques learned from broad, lengthy meetings. However, when trained collectively in a large group in their own countries, there was a much higher chance that their practice patterns would change collectively. I organized the forums later in different developing countries, such as Mongolia, Indonesia, Tanzania, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

I also have served on the Publication, Fundraising, Membership, and Education Committee, the Editorial Boards of World Neurology and the Journal of Neurological Sciences. I have joined with my other three colleagues to edit a textbook, International Neurology, with the contributions from more than 200 neurologists from 50 countries around the world. This book is now in the second edition. I have published over 180 scientific papers and six books.

Reasons for Candidacy

As the WFN continues its endeavor to foster quality neurology and brain health worldwide, it serves as the bridge connecting different national neurology societies together. Its collective knowledge and strong moral standing lend the support to different national neurology societies to become a professional society with its own standing and as a pillar of democracy in their countries. I believe that I will be able to assist WFN to promote and sponsor initiatives that can leverage growth in neurology in regions of need, such as Africa, Central Asia, parts of Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. Toward this goal, I believe that the WFN communications processes can be further improved to push for low-cost education in developing countries.


  • To protect and grow the visibility of the WFN brand
  • To continue to modernize WFN communication and processes
  • To assist in developing education programs worldwide.

Personal Qualities and Experience

The role of trustee requires a balance of experience, energy, and teamwork. I believe I will contribute effectively to the stable growth of the WFN, the fulfillment of its mission, and the achievement of the stated goals.

Listed are some of the positions that I have held, or currently occupy, supporting my candidacy:

Clinical professor, neurology, UC Riverside

President, International Association for Parkinsonism and Related Disorders (IAPRD) (2015-present); Chair, Education Committee, IAPRD (2005-2015) Member Congress Fundraising Committee, IAPRD (2013-2015)

Member, Publication and Website Committee, WFN (2002-2012); Fundraising Committee, WFN (2005-2009), Membership Committee, WFN (2005-2007 and 2009-2013), Research Committee on Parkinson’s Disease, WFN, (2004- 2010), Education Committee, WFN (2013- 2017), Membership committee, WFN (2018- present)

Member, Lawrence C. McHenry Award Subcommittee, AAN (2007-2011), International Subcommittee, AAN (2013-2015), International Committee, AAN (1995-1997)

Member, Liaison/Public Relations Committee, Movement Disorder Society (2006-2010), Strategic Planning Committee, Movement Disorder Society (2014-2015)

Ad Hoc reviewer, American Academy of Neurology (2007-2008)

Section editor, Journal of Neurological Sciences (2013-present); Journal of Neural Transmission (2008-2017)

Editorial board: Journal of Neural Transmission (2006-2008); Parkinsonism and Related Disorders (2005-2013); Journal of Neurological Sciences (2006-2013); eNeurological Sciences (2015- present) Future Neurology (2007-present); World Neurology (2003- 2013); Neurology International (2009-present); Romania Journal of Neurology (2013-present) •

Candidate Statement for Elected WFN Trustee: Jean-Marc Léger, MD,FAAN,FEAN

Jean-Marc Léger started his career in neurology in 1980 at the University Hospital Pitié-Salpêtrière and University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France, where he trained in general neurology and clinical neurophysiology. He was then nominated as full-time senior neurologist in 1987 in the Department of Neurology, then Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire (IHU) de Neurosciences, University Hospital Pitié-Salpêtrière, and received his post-graduate degree (Habilitation à diriger des Recherches) from University Paris VI in 1991. He is currently co-chair, together with Dr. Eymard, of the National Referral Center for rare Neuromuscular Diseases, that was built up in the IHU de Neurosciences/Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière (IHU/ICM), at University Hospital Pitié-Salpêtrière, in 2004.

Jean-Marc Léger

Jean-Marc Léger

Dr. Léger’s clinical and research interests are in the field of peripheral neuropathy and in particular chronic immune-mediated neuropathy. He has authored and co-authored more than 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and contributed more than 30 chapters to books on neurology, mainly in the field of diagnostic features and therapeutic trials in vasculitic neuropathy, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, multifocal motor neuropathy, and paraproteinaemic neuropathies. He served as editor-in-chief of the Revue Neurologique for eight years and as member of the editorial board of Brain for five years, is currently member of the board of the European Journal of Neurology, associate editor of the Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, and was appointed as co-editor-in-chief of Current Opinion in Neurology in 2017.

Dr. Léger is past president of the Société Française de Neurologie, in which he served as secretary general for eight years. He served as vice president, then officer of the Management Committee of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS), and as chair of the Training and Education Committee of the EFNS. He acted as chair of the Local Organizing Committee of the EFNS Congress in Paris in 2004. He is also past member of the Board of the Peripheral Nerve Society, and organized its biennial meeting in Saint-Malo, France, in 2013. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Neurology (FAAN), corresponding fellow of the American Neurological Association, and was nominated as fellow of the European Academy of Neurology (FEAN) in 2018.

He also acted as delegate of the SFN at the WFN Council of Delegates from 2005, and actively participated to the World Congresses of Neurology from 2001. He actively participated in the International Congresses on Neuromuscular Diseases (ICNMD) organized by the WFN Research Group in Neuromuscular Diseases for 20 years, being a member of the Congress Programme Committee of the ICNMD International Congresses in Nice 2014, Toronto 2016, and Vienna 2018.

He actively participated on behalf of the SFN/EFNS/EAN/WFN in International Teaching Courses in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Czech Rebublik, Moldova, Turkey, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, Senegal, Vietnam, China, Chili, Brazil, and Australia.

He was elected as titular member of the Académie Nationale de Médecine, France, in 2016. •

Candidate Statement for Elected WFN Trustee: Alla Guekht

I am honored to be nominated for the position of the WFN Trustee. The achievements of the WFN for more than 50 years of its history are tremendous. I hope to be able to contribute to the accomplishment of the WFN mission – to foster quality neurology and brain health worldwide – on the background of my clinical, academic, and administrative expertise and the experience gained while being involved in clinical practice, research, high-level initiatives, and events in epilepsy, stroke, cognitive impairment, and other brain diseases in collaboration with WHO, as well as professional organizations in many areas of neurology.

Alla Guekht

Alla Guekht

Neurology has been a vital and integral part of all my life. I inherited the passion regarding neurology from my late father. I was fortunate to have outstanding mentors, and now I am happy to teach young doctors, guiding them in clinical practice and research, with more than 25 completed PhD and doctoral dissertations.

With a background in general neurology, I have been taking care of patients for 30 years. My PhD was in EEG monitoring in carotid surgery and doctoral dissertation —  in brain plasticity and restoration after stroke. Currently, I am doctor of medical sciences, director of Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry, professor of neurology at the Russian National Research Medical University, supervising the regional stroke center and neurological clinic in the huge multidisciplinary hospital in Moscow.

My main areas of research are epilepsy, post-stroke cognitive impairment, restoration after stroke, and neuroepidemiology. I have the privilege of being a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of the Neurological Sciences, the WFN journal, European Journal of Stroke,  Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, author of more than 170 PubMed-listed publications, including over 60 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and book chapters, several books/ manuals, and national guidelines. I received several prestigious international and national awards, including the AAN Bruce S. Schoenberg Award.

Of more immediate relevance to the nomination for the WFN trustee is my expertise gained while working for more than 15 years on the WFN Education Committee. I am proud to belong to the team fostering the education worldwide and successfully developing important educational initiatives, including Continuum. Being involved in the international collaboration through education, several Eastern European countries eventually joined the WFN.

I am the secretary and the WFN delegate of the National Society of Neurologists. For several years, I worked as the chief neurologist of Moscow, where meaningful improvement of care for patients with stroke, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis has been achieved.

WFN maintains strong partnerships with the World Health Organization — a rare privilege among professional organizations. I acquired experience that may be useful for the WFN and the World Brain Alliance, as for many years I have contributed to the significant WHO activities in non-communicable diseases, including the 68th WHA Resolution on epilepsy, mhGAP, and several WHO initiatives in dementia and Parkinson’s disease. I feel privileged to be involved in the work on bringing back stroke to neurological diseases in ICD11, which is a major achievement for future neurology.

Following our president’s approach to develop cooperative strategies, I can be instrumental in promoting productive and effective collaboration, also in the framework of the World Brain Alliance, with the key professional organizations in brain diseases, namely, International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) and World Stroke Organization (WSO), where I am honored to be significantly involved, being the ILAE vice president, member of the WSO Educational Committee and Steering Committee of the Action Plan for Stroke in Europe. For many years, I have been an invited lecturer/chair to the WFN, EFNS/EAN, ILAE, and WSO Congresses; a member of the Organizing/Program Committees of the international and national meetings in brain diseases.

I came from a country situated geographically in Europe and Asia with many regions different in their ethnic, cultural, economic, and historical background. I have been involved in developing neurological education and care in Eastern Europe, managing a range of available resources, from quite appropriate to limited; this experience in recognition and addressing specific needs could be of value in implementing the WFN mission.

There are many examples that women can effectively contribute to medicine, research, and administration. WFN has no women among the elected trustees; it might be beneficial for the WFN to aim for a gender balance in the leadership.

I would be honored, if elected, to serve the WFN as a trustee, to enrich traditions and implement the WFN strategy, fostering the new developments and collaboration with member societies and neurologists all around the world, prioritizing communication, education, and partnership. •

Candidate Statement for Elected WFN Trustee: Morris Freedman, MD, FRCPC

I have had the honor to serve as a WFN Trustee since 2015. I now have the privilege of also serving as the newly appointed Chair of the Membership Committee.

Morris Freedman, MD, FRCPC

Morris Freedman, MD, FRCPC

I have served as the Canadian delegate to the WFN, a member of the WFN Education Committee, and Co-Chair of the eLearning Task Force of the Education Committee, alongside Prof. Riadh Gouider from Tunisia. I have also served as president of the Canadian Neurological Society, Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, and Federation of National Specialty Societies of Canada. My clinical and research foci are on dementia.

I am honored that the Canadian Neurological Society has nominated me for re-election as a WFN Trustee. I am also proud that Canada has initiated a WFN Department Visit program for young neurologists from Central and South America through the efforts of Prof. Guy Rouleau, director of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Canadian Delegate to the WFN. I am also proud of the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform, which has its base at the Montreal Neurological Institute, and which is well-positioned to serve as an integrator and facilitator of education worldwide.


I have taken an active international leadership role in education. Since 2005, I have focused on eLearning using videoconferencing as an electronic medium to bring together health care professionals from across the globe within a virtual classroom. This has been done within the context of international videoconference rounds in behavioral neurology. The goal is to develop greater international communication and links in behavioral neurology, and to transfer knowledge at the basic science and clinical levels internationally through joint educational programs. The audiences are multidisciplinary and include neurologists, psychiatrists, geriatricians, family physicians, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, and psychologists, as well as trainees in these disciplines. I was awarded the prestigious Colin Wolf Award from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, for this initiative.

An important development that was modeled on the international behavioral neurology videoconference rounds was the formation of international neurology resident rounds in 2008, i.e., the Neurology International Residents Videoconference and Exchange (NIRVE) that promotes international collaboration among neurology trainees. Participating sites have included Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ethiopia, France, Jordan, Nigeria, and Russia. In addition to the rounds, NIRVE has led to resident exchange visits.

I have collaborated with Prof. Riadh Gouider to create a special series of international videoconference rounds in Behavioral Neurology involving Africa and Canada, and which has been supported by a WFN grant.


My major goal as WFN trustee is highly focused on education through eLearning and is directly related to the mission of the WFN to foster quality neurology and brain health worldwide by promoting “global neurological education and training with the emphasis placed firmly on under-resourced parts of the world.” I will continue working hard to achieve this goal through innovative eLearning programs involving our network of international sites for videoconference rounds that target neurologists, allied health care professionals, and trainees in neurology and related disciplines. The ongoing programming series will involve both developing and developed countries with a view to transferring knowledge from one to the other in both directions with all participants as equal partners.

A new goal is to significantly expand this eLearning network and broaden the focus from our highly successful behavioral neurology series to include a broad spectrum of disciplines within neurology.

I recognize the financial challenges facing under-resourced parts of the world and the barriers that this poses for successful knowledge transfer through eLearning. However, in keeping with the mission of the WFN to promote global neurological education and training, I will apply all the resources at my disposal to help fulfill this mission with full emphasis on under-resourced regions.

In addition to my goal related to eLearning, I hope to have a major impact on increasing membership in the WFN through my new position as chair of the Membership Committee. Furthermore, I will serve the WFN in any other way that I can.

I have a vision, a clear sense of direction, and the focus to facilitate knowledge transfer for enhancing brain health across the world, especially where it is needed the most. This will require extensive collaboration and coordination involving many people with diverse needs, and across many countries. Those who know me say that I am an excellent team player and organizer, qualities that are essential for success in promoting education and training in neurology worldwide. •

Receiving “the Call” From the Nobel Committee

A conversation with Stanley Prusiner

By Douglas J. Lanska, MD, MS, MSPH, FAAN

In an oral history interview for the American Academy of Neurology, conducted April 27, 2017, at the Boston Convention Center, I spoke with Nobel laureate Stanley B. Prusiner, the only living neurologist who has won a Nobel Prize (Lanska and Klaffke, 2017, Lanska, 2017). Prusiner was the sole recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1997 “for his discovery of Prions — a new biological principle of infection.”

Here is an excerpt from that interview concerning the call at 5:05 a.m. EDT on Oct. 6, 1997, from the Nobel Committee, notifying Prusiner that he had won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (Prusiner, 2014, p. 218). The call was from cell geneticist Nils Ringertz (1932-2002), professor and chair of the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, who was then-secretary of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, as well as a member of the Nobel Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Lanska: When you got the call that you had won the Nobel Prize, [what was] your reaction to that call?

Prusiner: First of all, my ex-wife [Sandy Turk Prusiner], who was my wife at that time, she got the call. She was in San Francisco, and I was in Bethesda at an FDA meeting. She got the call, then she told them where I [was]. Then, the guy woke me up. I knew him. I had met him. [He was] named Nils Ringertz.

He said, “Do you remember me?” I said, “Yes! We had dinner together six months earlier.” He said, “Well, we’ve decided that we’re going to give you the entire prize.” That was really a surprise to me. I thought surely they were going to have some other people. And, you know … I was shocked, because I knew people were nominating me for three or four years before that.

It was really nice, but it wasn’t as though I was jumping up and down. It was just really nice that this had happened. I thought this is great.

People would ask me all the time, “How does it feel?” I would say, “You know, I recommend this.” It’s a nice thing to have happen to you.

Lanska: “Yeah, everybody, I recommend it!” [laughter]

Prusiner: I sat there, and I was sort of stunned. I was really stunned about the whole thing, about getting the prize alone.

Then I turned on CNN, and there was nothing about this Nobel Prize or any Nobel Prize at that moment. The time goes on and on, and I’m not finding anything, and I think this is a hoax, because I knew this had happened. It’s not the first time some reporter called up and convinced somebody that they had been given the Nobel Prize. But this was not a joke. This was real. But I said, “I screwed up,” because I should have said to Nils Ringertz, “I don’t want to recite to you where I met you. I want you to recite to me where you met me, so I know it’s you.’” I didn’t do that. I said, “Well, alright.”

Then, 7 a.m. comes, and there’s nothing more on the TV. I turn on the radio. That I found a radio was amazing. The radio was on, and then there it’s all laid out, and I said [expressing relief], “Oh, OK.”

Skepticism Abounds

Prusiner’s skeptical reaction that the call might be a hoax was certainly not unique among Nobel laureates. Many, if not most, Nobel laureates are initially skeptical. For example, Romanian-born German physicist Stefan W. Hell (Chemistry 2014) said, “The first moment I thought it was perhaps a hoax” (Hell, 2014). Similarly, British-American economist Sir Angus S. Deacon (Economics 2015) recalled:

“And then they were very keen to make sure that I did not think it was a prank. I don’t know whether this is common. I’ve never had a prank phone call telling me that. And, of course, as soon as they said that, I thought, ‘Oh, my god, maybe it is a prank.’” (Dubner, 2015)

Several recipients have suspected that their students had orchestrated a prank. Australian physicist Brian P. Schmidt (Physics 2011) recalled, “I’m thinking, ‘Jeez, my graduate students are getting pretty good with the accent this year.” (Taylor, 2011) Likewise, American physicist Richard P. Feynman (Physics 1965) ruefully recounted:

“I thought it was some student calling as a prank. I wasn’t too polite. But after the third call I was convinced. I hope the guys who called will accept my apologies.” (Hendrickson et al, 1965)

Many look for some means of verification, even during the call itself. For example, Scottish economist James A. Mirrlees (Economics 1996) remembered, “I politely suggested that I’d need some proof.” (Griehsel, 2004a)

American biologist and parasitologist William C. Campbell (Physiology or Medicine 2015) replied skeptically, “You must be kidding.” He later recounted, “The first thing I did after that was to ask for a way to verify that this could be genuine, because it just seemed impossible.” (Cohen 2015)

In 2015, the Wall Street Journal reporter Ben Cohen outlined a common reaction among newly informed Nobel laureates who were only convinced of the call’s veracity upon speaking to members of the awards committees with whom they were already familiar:

[M]any Nobel laureates start their celebrations in the same way. They assume it’s a prank call. The organizations that oversee the awards, including the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, are actually used to dealing with disbelief. They even have unofficial protocols for assuring the newly named laureates that they are not, in fact, at the center of an elaborate hoax. First, a calming Swedish voice says hello. But an accent would be easy to fake. Then he says that you have won the Nobel Prize. But that could be a lie too. Then he might insist it isn’t a prank. But, of course, he would say that. For some winners, only when he passes the phone to members of the committee whom they know personally does the achievement finally sink in. (Cohen, 2015)

The scenario outlined by Cohen has indeed been described by several Nobel laureates. For example, it wasn’t until the caller passed the phone to members of the Chemistry Committee that American physiologist Brian K. Kobilka (Chemistry 2012) believed the call was not a prank: “Then I really knew it was real; you know, I don’t think any of my friends, first of all, would be able to put together such an elaborate hoax.” (Kobilka, 2012) Likewise, American astrophysicist and cosmologist George F. Smoot (Physics 2006) recounted:

“So they called, and at first, I thought I’d better be careful, this could be a hoax or something like that. But the guy sounded really serious and the next guy had a Swedish accent, so you know … I think I’d better take him really seriously. And so finally somebody I knew got on the phone, so I thought this was either a really elaborate hoax or this is the real thing, and I was kind of believing it, but I thought I better get on the web and check.” (Smoot, 2015)

Most, like Prusiner and Smoot, seek verification in the media or on the internet. For example, American geneticist and chronobiologist Jeffrey C. Hall (Physiology or Medicine 2017) replied, “Is this a prank?” “I didn’t really believe it,” he later said. The caller responded, “No, it’s not a prank,’’ but Hall wasn’t convinced until the Nobel Prize Assembly posted the official announcement later that morning (Koch and Hall, 2017; McCrea, 2017; Ritter and Heintz, 2017). Similarly, American economist William F. Sharpe (Economics 1990) recalled:

“…and then, of course, your second thought is it’s a hoax, one of your friends or colleagues. After we’d finished the chat, we turned on CNN and within about 5 minutes the first announcement came across, and it had many inaccuracies… but nonetheless there was enough there that we were pretty sure that it was real.” (Griehsel, 2004b)

British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro (Literature 2017) said:

“I thought it was a hoax in this time of fake news and everything. I didn’t believe it for a long time. Then, my publisher phoned, and finally when the BBC phoned, I thought it might be true.” (Ishiguro, 2017)

Swedish jurist Beatrice Fihn, the director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) (Peace 2017) similarly said:

“I was worried that it was a prank. You just get so nervous that maybe it’s not real. So, it wasn’t really until the actual broadcast, when [the announcer] spoke and said the name ICAN, that we really understood that it was real.” (Fihn, 2017)

In some cases, the first call the scientist received was from a reporter, but typically their reactions were similar to those engendered by the calls from Stockholm. In response to a call from a reporter at CBS New York, Swiss-American geneticist Edmund H. Fischer (Physiology or Medicine 1992) said, “I don’t believe you. What are you saying?” (Chu, Fischer, et al, 2016)

Similarly, a reporter called and asked American physicist Steven Chu (Physics 1997), “How does it feel to win a Nobel Prize?” Chu responded suspiciously, “Is this real?” The caller said, “Oh yes, it’s actually on the Web.” Chu countered disapprovingly, “You believe everything you hear on the Web?” (Chu, Fischer, et al, 2016)

While Prusiner believed that prank calls have occurred falsely notifying scientists that they have won a Nobel Prize, I found no clear evidence of this. The idea has certainly been discussed by scientists, though, as noted by Wall Street Journal reporter Ben Cohen:

Whether or not a prankster has ever pulled off a successful Nobel Prize caper is uncertain. But there are at least some laureates who think the con could work. Dr. [Venkatraman] Ramakrishnan [Chemistry 2009], for one, said the idea has popped up in conversations with friends who love practical jokes. There are some scientists, he said, who almost actively campaign for the honor. That only makes them easier targets.

“We often thought it would be great fun to have some Swedish postdoc call them up and say you’ve won the Nobel Prize,” he said. “But we’d never do it.” (Cohen, 2015) •

Douglas J. Lanska, MD, MS, MSPH, FAAN, is associate chief of staff for education at the VA Medical Center in Tomah, Wisconsin and professor of neurology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, Wisconsin; professor of psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and chair of the History and Archives Committee of the American Academy of Neurology.

Chu S, Fischer E, et al. When Stockholm called. iBiologie, September 28, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Giq-CJ8cxuo [Accessed 12-24-17]

Cohen B. Is your refrigerator running? No, really, you won a Nobel prize: Persuading laureates they’re winners can be a tough call; ‘It’s not a prank.’ Wall Street Journal, October 7, 2015. https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-your-refrigerator-running-no-really-you-won-a-nobel-prize-1444266470 [Accessed 12-15-17]

Dubner SJ. How to win a Nobel prize: a new Freakonomics radio episode. October 15, 2015. http://freakonomics.com/podcast/how-to-win-a-nobel-prize-a-new-freakonomics-radio-episode/ [Accessed 12-15-17]

Fihn B. Ican director: I thought Nobel peace prize win was a prank. Guardian News, October 6,2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=16&v=csmqDwChaSE [Accessed 12-26-17]

Griehsel M. Interview transcript. Transcript from an interview with Professor James A. Mirrlees at the 1st Meeting of Laureates in Economic Sciences in Lindau, Germany, September 1-4, 2004. Nobelprize.org, 2004a. https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economic-sciences/laureates/1996/mirrlees-interview-transcript.html [Accessed 12-24-17]

Griehsel M. Interview transcript. Transcript from an interview with Professor William Sharpe at the 1st Meeting of Laureates in Economic Sciences in Lindau, Germany, September 1-4, 2004. Nobelprize.org, 2004b. https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economic-sciences/laureates/1990/sharpe-interview-transcript.html [Accessed 12-24-17]

[Hell S]. Chemistry laureate thought Nobel call was a ‘hoax.’ Agence France-Presse, October 8, 2014. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/chemistry-laureate-thought-nobel-call-was-a-hoax-676620 [Accessed 12-15-17]

Hendrickson T, Galley S, Lamb F. Richard P. Feynman: Nobel prizewinner. Engineering and Science 1965;29(2):10-13.

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Kobilka B. 2012 Chemistry winner let Nobel call go to voice mail. Morning Edition, Wisconsin Public Radio, October 9, 2015. https://www.npr.org/2015/10/09/447098680/2012-chemistry-winner-let-nobel-call-go-to-voicemail [Accessed 12-15-17]

Koch M, Hall J. A Nobel pursuit may not run like clockwork. Cell 2017;171:1246-1251.

Lanska DJ, Klaffke L. Stanley Prusiner, MD, FAAN. American Academy of Neurology Oral History Archive Private Interview. 69th Annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Boston, Massachusetts; April 27, 2017.

Lanska DJ. Stanley Prusiner, MD, FAAN. American Academy of Neurology Oral History Archive Public Interview. 69th Annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Boston, Massachusetts; April 27, 2017.

McCrea N. Once ridiculed researcher and retired Cambridge resident wins Nobel Prize. Piscataquis Observer, October 4, 2017.

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Ritter M, Heintz J. Biological clock discoveries by 3 Americans earn Nobel prize.

Associated Press, October 2, 2017. https://www.apnews.com/23246a2d670b460481305d4f9702b900 [Accessed 12-15-17]

Smoot G. US scientists react to news of Nobel Prize win. Associated Press, July 23, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSZmGfYAd9Y [Accessed 12-25-17]

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