Letter from the editors

Steven L. Lewis, MD

Walter Struhal, MD

We would like to welcome all neurologists to the July-August 2019 issue of World Neurology, the official newsletter of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN). This issue includes three well illustrated articles from around the globe reporting from each country’s involvement and activities surrounding World Brain Day 2019, including reports from Turkey, Pakistan, and the report from Cameroon where the World Brain Day theme (Migraine: The Painful Truth) is also used as a thoughtful analogy to the author’s view of the current situation in the country.

In the President’s column, WFN President Prof. William Carroll updates us on important issues at hand to be decided at this year’s Council of Delegates (COD) meeting that will be held during the upcoming XXIV World Congress of Neurology (WCN) Oct. 26 in Dubai. Regarding these important issues to be decided at the COD, this issue features the statements from the three cities/countries vying for the site of WCN 2023, to be held within the Americas (in alphabetical order by city): Mexico City, Mexico; Montreal, Canada; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Statements from the candidates for WFN Treasurer and Elected Trustee also appear in this issue.

In the History column, Prof. Peter Koehler discusses two important 17th century figures in the history of the science of the brain who provided critical insights beyond that that had been well accepted at the time.

This issue also features a thank-you note from a neurologist from Nigeria to his teachers from Austria who dedicated their time to provide him with the benefit of their experience and skills in nerve conduction studies and electromyography.

Finally, we look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming WCN Oct. 27-31, 2019 in Dubai. Please note the reminders in this issue for WFN member societies to field teams of four—with free registration—for this year’s sure-to-be-exciting Tournament of the Minds.