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Online Education for Virtually Every Neurologist

By Steven L. Lewis, MD, Editor,
and Walter Struhal, MD, Co-Editor

Steven L. Lewis, MD, Walter Struhal, MD

We would like to welcome all neurologists worldwide to the October/November 2020 issue of World Neurology. This issue begins with the report from Matthew Kiernan for the ALS Consensus Committee, operating with the support of the WFN, about the development and publication of the new ALS diagnostic criteria, which are aimed to diminish ambiguity of patients’ diagnoses while also facilitating enrollment of patients into clinical trials. In this issue’s President’s Column, WFN President William Carroll reports on the current global efforts to understand, collaborate, and report on the neurologic aspects of COVID-19 and also updates us on the recent Annual General Meeting of the Council of Delegates, the success of the recent World Brain Day 2020, and recent and current successful efforts related to virtual education in the current era from the WFN, the national societies, and WFN specialty groups. In his recurring column on the WFN Committees and Specialty Groups, WFN Secretary-General Wolfgang Grisold updates us on the activities of the WFN Congress Committee and the WFN Specialty Group on Rare Neurologic Diseases.

In this issue’s history section, Aernoud T.L. Fiolet and Ingrid M. Daey Ouwens describe the history of malaria fever therapy as a treatment for general paralysis of the insane from neurosyphilis, which they provide as a cautionary tale in the current pandemic era with regard to potential pitfalls in urgently developed treatments. Also in this issue, Gustavo Roman, who was recently appointed as editor-in-chief of Cerebral Circulation, issues a call for papers for this new publication.

This issue is distinguished by having a number of articles highlighting a sampling of some of our member societies’ successes related to World Brain Day 2020, including the report from India from Chandrashkhar Meshram, Pramod Kumar Pal, Gagandeep Singh, Nirmal Surya, and Vinay Goyal; a report from Pakistan by Abdul Malik; a report from Man Mohan Mehndiratta and colleagues from New Delhi on his suggestions for a successful virtual advocacy effort; and finally, a report by Marcelle Smith and Patty Francis on the current status of Parkinson’s Disease in Africa, particularly from their South African perspective.

Much of the remainder of this issue is devoted to the important new world of international virtual conferences related to the WFN, in addition to the recent very successful AFAN/WFN E-Learning Day, which was held on Oct. 10 and so skillfully led by Riadh Gouider, WFN Trustee, and discussed in the President’s column. This issue features reports from Abderrahmane Chahidi, Zouhayr Souirti, Mohamed Chraa, Najib Kissani, and Reda Ouazzani from the Moroccan Society of Neurophysiology and Moroccan League Against Epilepsy on their highly attended and successful International Webinars of Experts in Clinical Neurophysiology, and the report by Chandrashkhar Meshram on the WFN Neuroinfection Series (cosponsored by the Forum for Indian Neurology Education [FINE]) that is now on its second set of highly attended and remarkable lectures and case presentations on neuroinfectious disease. These internationally presented and globally attended lecture series represent highly effective and (and in these cases, free) educational efforts; in fact, the creation of these remarkable online (live and archived) educational opportunities are the true silver linings of the current pandemic and we encourage neurologists worldwide to attend and learn from as many of these virtual lecture series as possible.

On a similar note, John England, Wolfgang Grisold, and Juan J. Vilchez report on the recent International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases (ICNMD), which was both highly successful and well attended in its virtual format for 2020.

Finally, the issue concludes with a heartfelt report from Guillermo Delgado-García, who details his visit to “The Neuro” (the Montreal Neurological Institute) under the auspices of the WFN and the Canadian Neurological Society.

We look forward to receiving reports from the field as you care for your neurological patients throughout the world during this pandemic, and wish you all the best of health and safety. •



History of Neurology: Treatment Evaluation Takes Time

A Cautionary Tale From the History of Malaria Fever Therapy

By Aernoud T.L. Fiolet and Ingrid M. Daey Ouwens



History is the present seen through the eyes of the future. Now, more than ever, we are confronted with this aphorism, as one of the most impressive contemporary pandemics unrolls. As of mid-October 2020, according to the WHO (, more than 39 million cases have been confirmed worldwide, including more than 1 million deaths. The societal and economic sequelae of the virus management are felt on a global scale. Meanwhile, scientific research on the subject has surged. Fundamental research quickly provided insight on the virus genome and its systemic dissemination.1 Many institutions and pharmaceutical industries have reallocated resources on the development of therapeutic solutions. The focus is on effective vaccination, strategies to reduce the hyperinflammatory response, and support of the critically ill.2,3 While attempting to catalyze the process of resolving current unmet needs, the risks of compromising scientific integrity and validity may become apparent.4

A chart of a patient with General Paralysis of the Insane, dated 1954. The points and connecting curves depict the three-day cycle of recurrent fever after inoculation with Plasmodium vivax, paralleled by an increase in heart rate.

The history of medicine teaches us that the elusive nature of a disease and the urgency felt by the medical society to treat it may incite as well as impede scientific development. An example par excellence is the intentional inoculation with plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, to induce fever in patients suffering from General Paralysis of the Insane. In the early 20th century General Paralysis of the Insane was a much feared and nearly always lethal presentation of syphilitic infection. Future Nobel prize laureate Julius Wagner-Jauregg evoked a paradigm shift for the treatment of this condition when he developed malaria fever therapy.5

This paper on the introduction of malaria fever therapy for General Paralysis of the Insane aims to provide a meaningful insight into pitfalls that may arise during scientific developments in urgent times, then and now.

General Paralysis of the Insane and Malaria Fever Therapy

General Paralysis of the Insane, also designated “General Paralysis” or “dementia paralytica,” caused a worldwide health care problem with a considerable social and economic impact during the turn of the 19th to 20th century. At its peak, one-fifth of admissions and one-third of deaths in asylums in western Europe and the United States were attributable to General Paralysis of the Insane.6 In this tertiary form of syphilis, progressive neurological and psychiatric symptoms occurred six months to several decades after the initial syphilitic infection. Most patients died within six years after diagnosis. Various applications of highly toxic heavy metals, e.g. mercury, sulphuric acid, and arsenic acid, were used to treat early stages of syphilis, mostly with some success. As with all manifestations of syphilis, long-term treatment was required, hence the expression, “One night in the arms of Venus leads to a life on Mercury.” However, these methods were of limited use in General Paralysis of the Insane.7

Beneficial effects of fever due to an intercurrent disease in patients with somatic and psychiatric conditions have been reported since classical times.8 The Austrian psychiatrist Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1857-1940) took this approach one step further by intentionally inducing fever in psychiatric patients.8,5 At the end of the 19th century, he started his experimental treatments using streptococci, tuberculin, and typhoid vaccine. The results, however, were disappointing. He continued this line of research more than a decade later. In 1917, he induced fever by inoculation of blood containing plasmodium. The ensuing malarial fever spikes were terminated with quinine bisulphate. In addition, the patients received neosalvarsan, an arsenic, to treat their syphilitic infection. This treatment, referred to as malaria fever therapy, was adopted as the standard treatment for General Paralysis of the Insane by the global scientific community within 10 years of Wagner-Jauregg’s first report.9

Contemporary Scientific Report on Malaria Fever Therapy

Wagner-Jauregg’s first report comprised a case series of 10 malaria-inoculated patients with General Paralysis of the Insane. Nine of these patients contracted malaria. Following this treatment, two patients showed permanent considerable improvement with regard to General Paralysis of the Insane, four patients suffered relapses, two had to be sent to an asylum, and one patient died.5

Gerstmann, at the time an assistant at Wagner-Jauregg’s clinic, reported that at the end of 1921 more than 200 patients had been treated with malaria fever therapy in their clinic, of whom 50 had been able to return to work. These results encouraged the introduction of malaria fever therapy not only in Europe, but also in South America and the USA. In 1926, an international review of 2,460 cases recorded in the literature found that 27.5% of the treated patients improved greatly and another 25.6% moderately in accordance with the findings of Gerstmann.10 In 1927, Wagner-Jauregg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for his discovery of the therapeutic value of anti-malaria vaccination in the treatment of dementia paralytica.” This recognition undoubtedly contributed at an international level to an increase in the number of malaria fever treatments applied. Within 10 years of Wagner-Jauregg’s first report, malaria fever therapy was globally adopted as the standard treatment for General Paralysis of the Insane.9

Current Appraisal of Malaria Fever Therapy

The reported treatment outcome appeared very favorable for a previously considered untreatable condition. However, the evidence to support the efficacy of malaria fever therapy was weak. It is remarkable that in 1933 malaria fever therapy was not yet subjected to a standardized set of regulatory research criteria, while at that time any drug used in the treatment of patients was controlled with formal standards including animal research, toxicity tests, histopathological studies, tests of therapeutic efficacy, and approval by a federal regulatory board.9 Only observational studies were available with many differences in often poorly described patient characteristics and diagnostic criteria. By 1924, malaria fever therapy was also used in asymptomatic individuals who had a positive Wassermann reaction (indicating syphilitic infection), in order to prevent the development of late stage General Paralysis of the Insane.8,9 The number of patients included is often not clarified. Differences in malarial strains used, the mode of infecting the patient (inoculation of malaria-infected blood versus the bite of infected mosquitoes), number of fever spikes left untreated, pharmacological treatments preceding or following malaria fever therapy, and outcome criteria will all have influenced the results.9 Moreover, differentiation between treatment outcome and spontaneous remission requires a long follow-up period of at least three years, much longer than the usual follow-up period reported in the studies.

Perhaps most importantly, it was not possible to isolate the effect of the induced fever in itself from the effect of concomitant heavy metal therapy and general hygiene strategies taken to improve the patient’s general health. Fresh air, good nutrition, massage, hydrotherapy, and the elimination of physical and mental stress were implemented in the hope of increasing the bodily defense against the syphilitic infection and to strengthen the condition of the patients prior to the exhausting effects of malaria fever therapy.7,9

Lastly, reporting bias may have led to a distortion of the published results. Wagner-Jauregg and Gerstmann did not report the death of three out of four newly inoculated patients with General Paralysis of the Insane in 1917 or 1918. Due to Wagner-Jauregg’s omission to microscopically examine blood prior to inoculation, these patients had received blood containing plasmodium vivax. As he later documented in his memoirs, these patients consequently had contracted malaria tropica, a malignant form of malaria.5 p136 When he resumed his “vaccination” trials later in 1920, Wagner-Jauregg only used blood taken from cases of confirmed tertian malaria. Risks associated with malaria fever treatment were considerable, with reported mortality rates varying from 4% to 20%.7 The relatively high morbidity and mortality rates concomitant with this severe form of treatment seem to have received initially a mostly perfunctory discussion, probably as a result of the general feeling of hopelessness in patients and physicians with regard to General Paralysis of the Insane. As Moore, professor of Medicine at The Johns Hopkins University, whose whole professional career was devoted to the study and treatment of syphilis, put it: “desperate situations usually justify desperate risks”.9

In conclusion: the history of malaria fever therapy teaches us that a compelling need to contribute to the solution of a global health problem may compromise critical appraisal; in this example the situation led to the introduction of a globally applied and Nobel Prize-awarded treatment of uncertain benefit. Therefore, even in the midst of a pandemic, it is necessary to find the right balance between the rapid availability of therapeutic and preventive measures on the one hand, and careful research and ethical considerations on the other. •


  1. Shang, J., Ye, G., Shi, K., Wan, Y., Luo, C., Aihara, H., Geng, Q., Auerbach, A., & Li F. (2020). Structural basis of receptor recognition by SARS-CoV-2. Nature, 581, 221-224.
  2. Callaway E., Cyranoski D., Mallapaty S., Stoye E., & Tollefson J. (2020) The coronavirus pandemic in five powerful charts. Nature, 579, 482-483.
  3. The RECOVERY Collaborative Group.(2020) Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19 — Preliminary Report. New England Journal of Medicine. doi/10.1056/NEJMoa2021436
  4. Mehra M. R., Desai, S. S., Kuy, S., Henry, T. D., & Patel, A. N. (2020). Retraction: Cardiovascular Disease, Drug Therapy, and Mortality in Covid-19. N Engl J Med. DOI.10.1056/NEJMoa2007621
  5. Wagner – Jauregg J (1936) Fieber- und Infektionstherapie: ausgewählte Beiträge 1887 – 1935 mit verknüpfenden und abschließenden Bemerkungen, p12, 117-138, Verlag für Medizin, Weidmann & Co. Wien, Leipzig, Bern.
  6. Daey Ouwens, I.M., Lens, C. E., Fiolet, A.T.L., Ott, A., Koehler, P. J., & Verhoeven, W. M.A. (2015). Clinical presentation of General Paralysis of the Insane in a Dutch psychiatric hospital, 1924-1954. European neurology, 74(1-2), 54-59.
  7. Daey Ouwens I.M., Lens C.E., Fiolet A.T.L., Ott A., Koehler P.J., Kager P.A., & Verhoeven W.M.A.. (2017) Malaria Fever Therapy for General Paralysis of the Insane: A Historical Cohort Study. European Neurology, 78, 56-62.
  8. Whitrow, M. (1990). Wagner-Jauregg and fever therapy. Medical history, p12, 34(3), 294-310. DOI:
  9. Warren, J. R. (2000). A critical history of the malaria fever therapy of general paresis. Thesis University of Calgary. doi:10.11575/PRISM/23211
  10. Brown E.M. (2000) Why Wagner-Jauregg won the Nobel Prize for discovering malaria therapy for general paresis of the insane. History of Psychiatry 9: 371–382.

7 Steps to Creating a Virtual Public Awareness Event for Neurological Diseases in an Era of Social Distancing

Lessons Learned From Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Society in New Delhi, India

By Dr. Man Mohan Mehndiratta, Dr. Amrita Tiwary Vyas, Dr. Natasha Singh Gulati, Dr. Yogesh Sharma, and Durgesh Kumar Pathak

We would like to walk you through the seven steps we recommend for conducting a virtual public awareness event. This has really helped us to get our message out to the community on World Brain Day 2020 with a live event held at Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital Society in New Delhi (JSSHS), India.

Step 1:  A Well-Thought-Out Theme With a Bird’s Eye View

Prof. Man Mohan Mehndiratta, director, professor, and head of Neurology, JSSHS, decided to take the responsibility of sharing the efforts of the WFN on World Brain Day, following the theme of moving together to end Parkinson’s disease.

Despite the constraints of the COVID-19 Pandemic and social distancing, a virtual public awareness and education series was planned and held July 22, 2020, at JSSHS with the above theme.

Step 2: Choosing Speakers and Inviting Them

Eminent international and national neurologists were invited as speakers. Telephonic and email correspondence occurred, requesting them to spare their time for their valuable input as panelists for this event.

Step 3: Informing Patients and Their Caregivers

Parkinson’s disease patients and caregivers who had visited the neurology outpatient department in the previous few months were registered with their contact details and were continuously informed regarding event plan updates.

Step 4: Engaging the Administration for Telecommunication Setup and Creating Video Links

Step 5: An event schedule page.

High speed internet connectivity, audio visual setup, and virtual platform video links were tested, along with a pre-event dry run to ensure smooth functioning of the event.

Step 5: Creating An Event Schedule Page, Informing the Speakers and Audience, and Cross-Promoting

Step 6: Encouraging Interaction and Participation And Keeping the Event Interesting

All of the patients were given a chance to ask their queries. An e-poster competition was also held with e-certificates and cash prizes. The results were announced the very same day with the judges being the invited faculty speakers

Step 7: Finally, Evaluating the Event And Continuing to Engage In or Arrange Similar Events In Future Years

We hope these seven steps are helpful to others as they plan future events promoting awareness of neurological disorders. •


Prof. Man Mohan Mehndiratta, MD, DNB, DM, FAAN, FANA, FAMS, MNAMS, FRCP, FICP, FIAN, professor and director of the department of neurology at Janakpuri Superspecialty Hospital Society in Janakpuri, New Delhi

Dr. Amrita Tiwary Vyas, specialist of nuclear medicine at Janakpuri Superspecialty Hospital Society in Janakpuri, New Delhi

Dr. Natasha Singh Gulati, MD, specialist of cytology at Janakpuri Superspecialty Hospital Society in Janakpuri, New Delhi

Dr. Yogesh Sharma, MBBS, DNB, senior resident and associate research fellow in the department of neurology at Janakpuri Superspecialty Hospital Society in Janakpuri, New Delhi

Durgesh Kumar Pathak, BOT, MOT, neurodevelopmental disorders fellow and occupational therapist at Janakpuri Superspecialty Hospital Society in Janakpuri, New Delhi



World Brain Day Celebration in India

by Chandrashekhar Meshram, Pramod Kumar Pal, Gagandeep Singh, Nirmal Surya, Vinay Goyal

The theme of this year’s World Brain Day, “move together to end Parkinson’s disease,” is very relevant for patients, their caregivers, family physicians, and the general public, and therefore there was a lot of excitement about the event. World Brain Day was cerebrated throughout India on July 22. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, auditorium or field programs could not be organized, so the campaign was mainly through print and electronic media with virtual meetings in different cities of the country.


A World Brain Day awareness program was organized as a webinar by the Indian Academy of Neurology (IAN) and the Epilepsy Foundation and Movement Disorder Society of India (MDSI). The secretary of IAN, Dr. Gagandeep Singh, made introductory remarks and introduced the faculty for the event. Dr. Tissa Wijeratne, chair of World Brain Day, inaugurated the event by lighting a lamp. He also mentioned that though Parkinson’s disease was first described in modern literature by James Parkinson, ancient Indian physician Sushruta had mentioned it as Kampa Vata a few thousand years back and suggested treatment for it. He said there is a lack of awareness about this disease even in developed countries, so this theme was chosen.

Dr. Pramod Kumar Pal, president of IAN and a movement disorder specialist, mentioned that there are many young Parkinson’s patients in India and there is a need of epidemiological study of Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Vinay Goyal, president of MDSI, said that the major problem is delay in diagnosis due to lack of awareness about this disease. Dr. U Meenakshi Sundaram, secretary of MDSI, presented interesting statistics about Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Chandrashekhar Meshram, convener of National Brain Week and World Brain Day, stressed the importance and ways of celebrating WBD. Dr. Nirmal Surya, chairman of the Epilepsy Foundation and treasurer of IAN, who took initiative to organize this event, made the closing remarks and answered questions. Dr. Nirmal Surya also posted a video on the WFN website.


Dr. Chandrashekhar Meshram issued the press release. Information about Parkinson’s disease appeared in nine newspapers. The awareness program was organized by Indian Academy of Neurology, Nagpur Neuro Society, Nagpur Psychiatry Society, Orange City Cultural Foundation, and Saptak as a webinar on July 22. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Lokendra Singh, president of the Neurological Society of India. Dr. Meshram explained clinical manifestations of Parkinson’s disease through videos. Neurologist Dr. Dhruv Batra explained available treatment options for better day-to-day activities. Psychiatrist Dr. Sudhir Bhave highlighted various psychological problems in patients with Parkinson’s disease and how to cope with them. Jayashree Pendharkar explained the role of proper diet in these patients. Dr. Sheetal Mundhada showed various exercises for these patients through a video demonstration and emphasized the role of yoga, physiotherapy, and various exercises for a better life. Dr. Nitin Chandak answered questions from the audience. Dr. Kajal Mitra, dean of NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences, announced that the chairperson of the Institute, Ranjeet Deshmukh, will sponsor one deserving patient every year for deep brain stimulation (DBS). About 500 people attended the webinar.


Neurologist Dr M. A. Aleem’s interview on Parkinson’s disease was published in the newspaper.


A World Brain Day event was organized by the neurology departments at Lady Hardinge Medical College and SK Hospital. Prof. Rajinder K. Dhamija, head of the neurology department, published an op-ed piece, titled “Mind the Brain: It Is High Time to Act Now” on the editorial page of Daily World. He was also interviewed about World Brain Day and Parkinson’s disease by Poineer. Dr. Rajinder K. Dhamija also appeared on national television (DD News) in addition to All India Radio’s special program, Surkhiyon Mein, to discuss World Brain Day.

At Agrim Institute of Neurosciences, Dr. Manish Mahajan gave a talk on Parkinson’s disease and its management.


Dr. E. S. Krishnamoorthy was interviewed by Sunalini Mathew for the paper The Hindu.


On the occasion of World Brain Day, Dr. Bindu Menon, head of the neurology department at Apollo hospitals in Nellore, and Andhra Pradesh delivered a lecture titled “Know About Parkinson’s Disease,” followed by a question-and-answer session. The Parkinson Disease Movement Disorder Society (PDMDS), which has 60-plus centers in India with 40,000-plus beneficiaries, conducted this event. Dr. Bindu Menon thanked Prof. B. S. Singhal, the founder and honorary secretary of PDMDS, and their team on behalf of the Nellore branch of the PDMDS support group. The meeting was held in the Telugu language to both Andhra and Telangana state participants. Dr. Bindu Menon spoke about symptoms and signs, diagnostic approaches, and different treatment modalities of Parkinson’s. There was excellent interaction. The session concluded with a note of thanks by Dr. M. Barretto. •


Move Together to End Parkinson’s Disease: World Brain Day 2020 in Pakistan

By Dr. Abdul Malik- MD

The World Federation of Neurology (WFN) promotes brain health through its education, skills development, and advocacy activities. Since 2014, the WFN has organized dedicated awareness drives in all the WFN member countries around the globe.

Abdul Malik

The WFN, in collaboration with the International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorder Society, declared the sixth World Brain Day this year, dedicated to the awareness for Parkinson’s disease, which is a neurodegenerative brain disease that affects the mind, movement, and almost all aspects of brain function.

We in Pakistan, along with numerous other global organizations, joined again this year with this campaign to support the WFN in advocating for improved patient care, education, and additional research for those living with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers.

The Neurology Awareness and Research Foundation (NARF) organized countrywide activities to mark the sixth World Brain Day, with the theme of moving together to end Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease affects people of all ages, including one in 100 people over the age of 60. The prevalence of this disease is on the rise, making our actions today vital to improving the lives of those who have been and will be diagnosed, particularly during this global health crisis.

Keeping in view the COVID-19 pandemic, our organized activities in Pakistan (online through Zoom and Facebook) became regional and even global activities as our participants were just not from Pakistan; they were from India, Bangladesh, the UAE, the U.S., the U.K., Canada, and different other parts of the Europe.

These awareness activities were more focused on social media like Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp. We also organized patient welfare activities by organizing two free Parkinson’s clinics on July 19 and July 24, adopting all standard operating procedures regarding the patients’ and medical staff’s safety. The services provided during these free clinics included not only free consultation from a neurologist, but also free services from a physiotherapist, speech therapist, and neuropsychologist.

We prepared awareness flyers in the Urdu language about Parkinson’s for the general public; this material was in simple, pictorial form about the signs, symptoms, treatment, and rehabilitative awareness of Parkinson’s disease and was distributed in 500 clinics across the country. Month-long Facebook as well as Twitter activities were executed with key messages given by the WFN and translated into the local language. World Brain Day posters were placed in almost all of the major institutes and departments of neurology in Pakistan.

We prepared a NARF Exercise Diary in the Urdu language with illustrative pictures to inform Parkinson’s patients about the importance of exercise as well as to motivate them to do these exercises at home. The diary comprises exercises involving all four limbs and trunk, including standing and sitting postures with facial exercises; speech exercise and speech therapy are also briefly described. This diary was launched in collaboration with the Pakistan Parkinson’s Society and was distributed among all neurology centers throughout Pakistan.

On July 14, NARF organized a Facebook Live public awareness session on Parkinson’s disease in the context of WBD 2020. This session was held at Aga Khan University in Karachi and was organized with the leading media group of Pakistan, Duniya. The complete proceedings of this session were published in the Daily Duniya newspaper. In this session, we had the top neurologists of the country, Prof. M. Wasay, Prof. Naila Shahbaz, and Dr. Bashir Soomro, as the participants. Besides these we had the director of the Institute of Psychology, Prof. Dr. Uzma Ali; an assistant professor and physiatrist from the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of DUHS, Dr. Syed Saeed Qaiser; and the editor of the Daily Duniya Karachi, Ahmed Hasan, as the panelists. Dr. Abdul Malik and Mustafa Habib Siddiqui were the moderators of this extensive awareness session, which was seen live in almost two dozen countries.

On July 22, NARF organized a Zoom webinar which was CME-accredited by the Jinnah Sindh Medical University. Principal Liaquat College of Medicine and Dentistry Prof. Dr. Rashid Naseem Khan gave opening remarks. The educational talk in context of the theme of World Brain Day was given by Dr. Abdul Malik, the rehabilitative talk was given by Dr. Farooq Rathore, and the keynote speech on the review of non-motor symptoms with recent advances in Parkinson’s management was given from Canada by the Dr. Abdul Qayyum Rana. A large number of undergraduate students, postgraduate trainees, and faculty members attended this interactive academic session.

The awareness activities were not only covered in national and local newspapers but also in the electronic media. Almost a half dozen leading newspapers and magazines published articles on Parkinson’s disease.

In short, keeping in view the COVID-19 pandemic, a comprehensive advocacy campaign for Parkinson’s disease awareness was executed on the occasion of this year’s World Brain Day 2020 from Pakistan as a member of the WFN. •

Dr. Abdul Malik- MD, MHD (Denmark), DCN, PGDN,MBA, General Secretary of NARF Pakistan, Associate Professor of Neurology, Liaquat College of Medicine & Dentistry, Karachi, Pakistan

Call for Papers

Gustavo Roman

By Gustavo Roman, MD

I have recently been appointed editor-in-chief of a new ELSEVIER online publication, Cerebral Circulation – Cognition and Behavior. The goal is to publish papers dealing with the arterial, venous, CSF, and glymphatic circulation and cognitive or behavioral aspects. Areas such as the vasculopathy of COVID-19 and the frontal arterial spin labeling (ASL) changes induced by the coronavirus as well as papers related to sleep and normal-pressure hydrocephalus are welcome and can range from case reports to comprehensive reviews.

Peer review is fast and there are no publication charges. Please contact me at for further details. •

Gustavo C. Roman, MD, FANA, FAAN, FACP, FRSM, Jack S. Blanton Presidential Distinguished Chair for the Study of Neurological Disease at Methodist Neurological Institute in Houston, TX, and professor of neurology at Cornell University in New York, NY, and Texas A&M College of Medicine in Bryan, TX

International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases (ICNMD) Went Digital for 2020

By John D. England, Wolfgang Grisold and Juan J. Vilchez

Wolfgang Grisold

John D. England, MD

John D. England, MD

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted almost everything, including international meetings. ICNMD 2020, which was scheduled to take place in Valencia, Spain, in July 2020, was cancelled because of global travel restrictions.

The unprecedented situation necessitated the development of new strategies for holding the meeting. The ICNMD team decided to provide a virtual (digital), brief, topic-focused update on neuromuscular diseases for 2020. Since many new diagnostic and therapeutic options are increasingly available, an interim update was deemed to be important. Specific examples for which new therapies are available include spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), hereditary ATTR (hATTR), amyloidosis, and myasthenia gravis. Many additional therapies are in various stages of development.

The challenge was to organize and dedicate speakers who could present time-sensitive information on myopathies, neuropathies, neuromuscular transmission, and motor neuron disease, as well as satisfy the requirements of an EACCME-accredited meeting. Time also was dedicated for excellent industry-sponsored presentations, similar to satellite symposia in face-to-face meetings.

With the help of professionals from International Conference Services Ltd, the development and fulfillment of ICNMDigital 2020 went extremely well. ICNMDigital achieved an impressive attendance of over 796 delegates from more than 58 countries. The program featured 27 speakers in 12 scientific sessions across four thematic days. In addition, several Industry-Supported Symposia were presented. Feedback from attendees was very positive, and most participants suggested that some form of virtual presentations remain a part of future meetings.

As validation of the sucess of the conference, we offer the following comments from participants:

“We hope that 2021 will give us the possibility to organize the live congress again in Valencia, and definitely we have learned that virtual sessions and hybrid constructions will be useful and necessary in the future.”

“ICNMDigital met the challenge to organize in a very short time frame an exciting congress with outstanding content. The technical staff was incredibly helpful to make it a successful and smooth experience. Two thumbs up for organizers and all people with hands on!” –Laurent Servais

“I was fortunate to be able to give a talk alongside Mary Reilly, one of the best inherited neuropathy researchers in the world. Her talk brought a great crowd and set us on the right track. Davide Pareyson was a wonderful moderator, and we had incredible questions from the audience. The virtual format worked well, and I think encouraged even more thoughtful questions, which is what helps everyone learn. The ICNMD conference pulled off a great conference given very difficult circumstances.” – Brian Callaghan

As a reminder, the live ICNMD 2021 meeting is scheduled for May 28-June 1, 2021 in Valencia, Spain. Faculty from ICNMDigital 2020 will again join with the addition of new experts/sessions addressing updates and breakthroughs in research. A special session on COVID-19 is planned. All previously accepted abstracts remain on the schedule for ICNMD 2021. In addition, the ICNMD 2021 website will reopen for new or updated abstract submissions. See for details.  •



Candidate Statements for Elected Trustee

Six candidates present their experience and vision for what they would bring to the role of elected WFN trustee. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Candidate Statement for Elected WFN Trustee: Prof. Kailash Bhatia

Prof. Kailash Bhatia

I am honored to be nominated for the position of the WFN trustee. The Association of British Neurology (ABN) nominated me as an elected World Federation of Neurology (WFN) trustee, and I am privileged to be considered as one of the candidates for this post. I hope to be able to contribute to the accomplishment of the WFN mission — to foster quality neurology and brain health worldwide — based on the background of my clinical, academic, and administrative expertise and the experience gained while being involved in clinical practice, research, and teaching in movement disorders and general neurology.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has made us again aware that disease knows no boundaries, and the world is a connected place, and that strategies for health care and education have to be worldwide. Given that my initial training in medicine and neurology was in India, and I subsequently trained further and specialised in my field of movement disorders in the U.K., I thus have the experience on both sides with regard to needs and requirements as well as expertise and assets in different parts of the world in neurology. I also have the desire to foster communications and collaborations for education and make equitable services possible everywhere. Neurology has been a passion all my life, and I had the privilege of having great mentors both in India and in the U.K.. In turn, I have been able to teach and train over 40 fellows from all over the world. They have in turn appraised me of the situation in their respective countries in neurology and will be contacts for development of new initiatives for education and the WFN projects worldwide.

My main area of research has been in movement disorders in a translational way, merging clinical, genetic, and electrophysiology to understand pathophysiology. I have been honored to be the associate editor of Movement Disorders Journal and the current founding editor of Movement Disorders Clinical Practise Journal and have authored more than 600 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and several book chapters and books, including the BMA-award-winning Marsden’s Book of Movement Disorders, a large reference tome. I have led or participated in various international task forces for setting up new diagnostic guidelines for tremor, dystonia, and others.

It’s the endeavor of the WFN to develop cooperative strategies, and I can help promote these through my associations at senior levels with the European Academy of Neurology, ABN, and the International Movement Disorders Society.

I have been involved in spreading neurological education throughout the world, teaching in local symposia not just in Europe but also in India and the rest of Asia and also Africa on several occasions recognizing and tailoring to the available resources, which can vary — and these experiences will help me address specific needs and implement the charter of WFN.

It would be a tremendous privilege to be elected as trustee by the delegates of the WFN to implement the WFN strategy. My goals would be communication, education, and partnership and fostering new developments and collaboration with member societies and neurologists all around the world.

Candidate Statement for Elected WFN Trustee: Prof. Mustapha El Alaoui-Faris

Prof. Mustapha El Alaoui-Faris

I am Mustapha El Alaoui-Faris, professor of neurology at the University of Mohamed-V and director of the Alzheimer’s Centre of Rabat. I graduated with an MD from Mohamed-V University and trained in neurology and psychiatry in Rabat and in neuropsychology in France. I have taught neurology and neuropsychology and taken care of patients since 1981. My main interests in neurology are dementia, neuropsychology, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and neuro-epidemiology. I pioneered the translation of “Neuropsychological Tests in Arabic” and established the first master’s degree on clinical neuropsychology in Morocco.

In 2008, I developed deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease at Rabat’s University, and in 2009, I led a national study on “Stroke Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Genetics in Morocco.” I am past president of the Moroccan Society of Neurology and of the Maghreb Federation of Neurology and current president of the Moroccan Foundation Against Neurological Diseases.

I am a founding member of the African Academy of Neurology (AFAN), for which I actively participate in the drafting the bylaws, and I also draft the bylaws of the Pan Arab Union of the Neurological Societies (PAUNS). I was a member of the WHO board for the “Revision of the International Classification of Diseases 10 (ICD 10) of the Nervous System” and the WHO Zika Committee.

My commitment for the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) started with the organization of the 20th World Congress of Neurology (WCN) held in Marrakech in November 2011, of which I was the president. This congress was a great success with more than 3,500 participants worldwide; several African neurologists were able to participate in the congress thanks to the scholarships of the Moroccan Society of Neurology.

Since 2011, I have been the WFN Moroccan delegate, and I was involved in different activities of the WFN. Among others, I was a member of the Educational and Grant Committees. In 2013, I established the first WFN Training Center in Rabat, where several African neurologists have been trained in clinical neurophysiology. In 2014, I initiated the WFN Applied Research Group (ARG) on “Neurology in Migrants,” whose scientific work will be published by Springer this year. In order to perfect the continuing education of Moroccan neurologists, I coordinate, since 2016, three annual sessions to work on the AAN Continuum books.

In the last years, I was actively involved in the organization of the 24th WCN held in October 2019 in Dubai, as a co-chair of the Teaching Course Committee and also by preparing the Tournament of Minds material. I am currently a member of the WFN Finance Committee.

In the Dubai Congress, I was honored to receive the prestigious WFN Medal for Service to International Neurology.

I will be honored, if I am elected as a WFN trustee, to participate in the development of neurology worldwide, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. I will also campaign for the needs in neurological care of migrants and ethnic minorities to be recognized as a priority by international health authorities.

Candidate Statement for Elected WFN Trustee: Prof. Morris Freedman

Prof. Morris Freedman

I am honored to have served as WFN chair of the Membership Committee, Canadian delegate, Education Committee member, co-chair of the eLearning Task Force of the Education Committee together with Prof. Riadh Gouider, and trustee. I have also served as president of the Canadian Neurological Society, Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, and Federation of National Specialty Societies of Canada. My clinical, research, and education foci are on dementia. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been actively involved in providing virtual care to patients in long-term care facilities and acute care hospitals who are suffering from severe agitation and aggression associated with dementia. In many cases, this has prevented transfers to acute care hospitals. Thus, COVID-19 has taught us the power of virtual care for patients in need, including those who cannot attend an in-person visit. As a result, I have become a strong advocate for physician education and training in virtual assessment and management, especially as applied to dementia.

I am pleased that the Canadian Neurological Society has nominated me for election as a WFN trustee. I am proud that Canada developed a WFN Department Visit program for young neurologists from Central and South America through the efforts of Prof. Guy Rouleau, director of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Canadian delegate to the WFN, and that the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform, which has its base at the Montreal Neurological Institute, is well positioned to serve as an integrator and facilitator of education worldwide.


I have taken an active international leadership role in neurological education. I have advanced international e-learning with a focus on dementia through weekly videoconferencing of behavioral neurology rounds that bring together health care professionals from across the globe within a virtual classroom. The goal is to develop greater international communication and knowledge transfer in dementia. I was awarded the prestigious Colin Wolf Award from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, for this initiative. The international rounds are now recorded and can be accessed through a link on the WFN website. More recently, I have facilitated expansion of international rounds to include general neurology.

An important development modeled on the international behavioral neurology videoconference rounds was the Neurology International Residents Videoconference and Exchange (NIRVE) that promotes international collaboration among neurology trainees.


My major goal in education through e-learning is directly related to the mission of the WFN to foster quality neurology and brain health worldwide. I will work hard to achieve this goal through innovative virtual programs. This will involve both developing and developed countries with a view to transferring knowledge in both directions with all participants as equal partners.

I have a vision, a clear sense of direction, and the focus to facilitate knowledge transfer for enhancing brain health globally. This will require extensive collaboration involving many people with diverse needs, and across many countries. Those who know me say that I am an excellent team player and organizer, qualities that are essential for success in promoting education in neurology worldwide.

Candidate Statement for Elected WFN Trustee: Prof. Beomseok Jeon

Prof. Beomseok Jeon

It is an honor and privilege to be considered for the position of elected trustee by the World Federation of Neurology (WFN). I am a professor of neurology at Seoul National University Hospital in Korea. My participation in WFN dates back to 2008, when I became the Korean delegate to WFN, and I now serve as the president of the Asian Oceanian Association of Neurology (AOAN).

A WFN trustee bears responsibilities requiring serious time, effort, and thorough understanding of the Federation’s workings. More fundamentally, a trustee must be committed to the WFN mission “to foster quality neurology and brain health worldwide.” Having served WFN in various capacities, I am fully prepared to carry out the duties of the position and overcome challenges in a pragmatic manner based on my experiences in various scientific, financial, organizing, and steering committees. I currently serve as the international executive committee member of the Movement Disorder Society and am an active contributor to other numerous international societies and journals. Moreover, my years with WFN have strengthened my belief in its core values. If elected as the trustee, I would like to help WFN realize its mission by pursuing the following objectives.

First, prioritize the development of educational programs. Through MDS, I have extensive firsthand experience lecturing in underserved regions as well as in establishing educational programs that cater to the specific needs of such regions. I also have years of experience through WFN, having been on the scientific and organizing committees of  the World Congress of Neurology. With awareness and appreciation for the scope of WFN’s educational activities, I believe we can further develop training programs to improve the quality of brain health care worldwide.

Second, expand collaborations with compatible academic organizations. We can be even more productive and increase WFN’s impact by taking advantage of the Global Neurology Alliance to identify and partner with other brain-related research institutions around the world.

Last, reinforce our support for under-resourced parts of the world in accordance with WFN’s avowed ideals. This means focusing on training and education so that people in underserved regions can receive better treatment for neurological disorders. I would like to offer my experiences with medical infrastructures in such regions to act as a bridge between WFN and regions in need.

What unites my experience as a neurological researcher, educator, editor, and administrative executive is my belief in the importance of brain health for all. I have had the pleasure of working with like-minded colleagues from around the world through WFN and hope we can achieve more in the years ahead. I am confident that I can fulfill the responsibilities of trustee and ask for your support.

Candidate Statement for Elected WFN Trustee: Prof. Chandrashekhar Meshram

Prof. Chandrashekhar Meshram

I am grateful to the Indian Academy of Neurology and the WFN for considering me worthy for the position of elected trustee.

Services to the WFN

My involvement with the WFN began in 2009 as the national delegate. The WFN balances its thinking and action very well, and I found that I have the experience, enthusiasm, and passion to work in such a milieu. I have served for three terms as a member of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and for two terms as a member of the Scientific Program Committee. The tropical neurology subsection had been dormant for many years, and I took the challenge to resurrect it by successfully organizing the first International Tropical Neurology Conference in India in 2017. I was then given the responsibility to take it further as president of the Tropical and Geographical Neurology Specialty Group (TGNSG). I was co-chair for INTROPICON II held in Brazil. TGNSG now is one of the most vibrant specialty groups of WFN. I am co-editor for a special issue of JNS on tropical neurology. I am also involved in activities of the Global Neurology Alliance and the Environmental Neurology Specialty Group.

The World Brain Day initiative of WFN is highly praiseworthy. The public education campaign is close to my heart due to its importance in prevention and timely treatment of neurological disorders. I have been actively organizing World Brain Day activities. I have published a book of paintings by children about their perception of the brain. Taking inspiration from WFN, we started National Brain Week for public education in India. I have been the national convener of it for the last five years. In addition, for the last 20 years, I have been organizing public education activities on the occasion of World Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, Rabies, Stroke, Autism, and Environment Days. I have published about 300 articles in various publications. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of public awareness in disease control and prevention.

The global burden of neurological diseases is massive, and there is a shortage of neurologists to deal with it. Therefore, for the last 12 years, through WFN Continuum activity and other CMEs, I have been organizing educational programs for neuroscientists and general physicians, so that they become more confident in handling neurological problems.


The core mission of the WFN, fostering quality neurology and brain health worldwide, fascinates me. There is a glaring inequality in neurology care and education worldwide. The developing and underdeveloped countries lag behind in both these aspects, and WFN is making every attempt to help them catch up. I have experienced this firsthand, and I am committed to addressing it. We need to focus on the management and long-term care of diseases in settings with poor resources where the lack of manpower and funding remain as major obstacles. This has been brought into sharp focus by the COVID-19 pandemic. We need to emphasize to all countries that health, and especially brain health, is a priority and needs higher attention and budgetary allocation. Public participation and health education is important in improving the outcome of patients with neurological diseases and, as mentioned earlier, I have participated in this enthusiastically.

The WFN Executive Committee needs representation from developing countries. This need and a passion to work for the WFN are my reason for standing for the post of an elected trustee. I would be grateful for your support.

Candidate Statement for Elected WFN Trustee: Prof. Mohammad Wasay

Prof. Mohammad Wasay

I am currently a professor of neurology at Aga Khan University in Karachi, Pakistan; past president of the Pakistan Society of Neurology and Pakistan Stroke Society; president of the Neurology Awareness and Research Foundation; editor of the Pakistan Journal of Neurological Sciences; chief editor of Jahan e Aasab (a neurology public awareness magazine), and a member of the Technical Advisory Committee for Pakistan Health and Research Council (PMRC) and the Prime Minister’s Task Force on Science and Technology. I have also served as director of the World Stroke Organization (WSO) and currently serve as a fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences and the Pakistan Academy of Sciences and secretary of the Environmental Neurology Speciality Group (ENSG) of the WFN.

I have worked with WFN for more than a decade as an active neurology advocate and researcher from South Asia. I was trained at the Palatucci Forum and then received an Advocacy Leader of the Year Award by the American Academy of Neurology for my global advocacy contributions. I served as chair of the World Federation of Neurology Advocacy Committee for four years. This committee was instrumental in starting and organizing World Brain Day activities and promoting brain health across the globe. We organized many advocacy workshops during the Asian Oceanian Association of Neurology conferences, the Asian Pacific Stroke Conference, and the World Congress of Neurology.

I started the Afghan neurology initiative, secured funding from the American Academy of Neurology and the French Medical Institute in Kabul, Afghanistan, and trained three neurologists from Afghanistan at Aga Khan University in Karachi, Pakistan. These trained neurologists have started neurology training programs, education, and research in Afghanistan and established the Afghan Neurology Association (AFNA). We are working at Aga Khan University to establish a network of neurology training and research in Kenya, Tanzania, Afghanistan, and Central Asia. We established an Asian stroke network with more than 20 centers in 10 Asian countries. This network has published many multicenter and multinational studies related to stroke in young and Asian women, stroke in pregnancy, and cerebral venous thrombosis in Asia.

I have trained more than 40 neurologists under my supervision. Some of my trainees are now heads of departments and program directors not only in Pakistan but in the Middle East, United States, Canada, and the U.K.. I have published more than 170 papers in peer-reviewed medical journals with impressive publications metrics (IF: 466; citations=4276, H- index 33 and I10 index 85) for a clinical neurologist in a developing third world country. I have received many awards, including the Teacher Recognition Award by the American Academy of Neurology, a gold medal from the Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences, a gold medal from the Pakistan Academy of Sciences and Research, and productivity awards by the Pakistan Council of Science and Technology. I have received 27 research and training grants (intramural and extramural) as principal investigator and co-principal investigator. I have been an invited speaker at more than 120 conferences in 70 countries.

The growing burden of neurological diseases in the world has established WFN as an important stakeholder in global health. We plan to establish brain health as a top agenda for WHO and the United Nations. There is an inequity in neurology training and care across the globe. South Asia, Central Asia, and Africa should be a center point for our future interventions. As a trustee, I could play a valuable role in promoting both of these agendas. Our advocacy committee and ENSG could play an important role in establishing WFN as a key player in global health.

From the Editors

By Steven L. Lewis, MD, Editor, and Walter Struhal, MD, Co-Editor

We would like to welcome all neurologists from around the globe to this issue of World Neurology, and at the start would like to again wish you, your families, and your patients all the best of health and safety at this time.

Steven L. Lewis, MD, Walter Struhal, MD

Much of this issue is devoted to an update on COVID-19. We are honored that the cover story on this issue is written by Drs. Avindra Nath and B. Jeanne Billioux from the Section of Infections of the Nervous System at the United States National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). They provide an up-to-the moment summary of the evolving knowledge about the interface of COVID-19 on neurology and our patients. In the President’s column, Dr. William Carroll reminds us of the importance of the pandemic on our patients and the role the WFN plays in, among other important aspects, advocating for maintaining the highest standard of care for neurological patients worldwide. Dr. Carroll also updates us on the enhancements to the WFN website as a clearinghouse for accurate and up-to-date information about neurological involvement in COVID-19 as well as its effects on neurological societies and neurological patients and services worldwide.

Dr. John England, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Neurological Sciences (JNS), provides his Editor’s Update on the journal, informing us of the efforts to invite and expeditiously publish the accepted papers in JNS relating to the neurological aspects of COVID-19. This issue also features an obituary, reprinted from JNS, of Prof. Alberto Portera-Sánchez, a pioneer of Spanish neurology and former vice president of the WFN, along with additional heartfelt words from Vladamir Hachinski, former president of the WFN.

Drs. Tissa Wijeratne, Claudia Trenkwalder, president of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society (IPMDS), Wolfgang Grisold, and Dr. Carroll, announce and update us on the efforts and ongoing plans for this year’s World Brain Day. This year’s World Brain Day focuses on ending Parkinson’s disease as a collaborative effort between the WFN and the IPMDS. Drs. Dafin Muresanu, Selevan Ovidiu, Cristian Andriescu, and Stefan Strilciuc, describe the history of neurological meetings in Transylvania, particularly the annual international events organized by the Society for the Study of Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity (SSNN).

With this issue, we are also pleased to introduce a new column, written by WFN Secretary-General Wolfgang Grisold, who will update us with each issue about the many Committees of the WFN and their critical roles, beginning with the Standards and Evaluation Committee.

This issue also features a number of reports from the recipients of Junior Traveling Fellowships (JTFs) to attend the World Congress of Neurology (WCN) in October 2019 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. These heartfelt reports are reminders of the wonderful “in person” congress that so recently occurred (and yet now seems so distant for many reasons). Equally importantly, these reports serve as a reminder of the upcoming WCN 2021 we are so actively planning and looking forward to attending in Rome, Italy in October 2021.

Finally, as Dr. Carroll reminds us in his column, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the WFN Council of Delegates (COD) remains scheduled for Sept. 9, 2020 during the ECTRIMS/ACTRIMS meeting in Washington. We look forward to seeing all of the delegates at this meeting, whether it is virtual or in person.

We hope you enjoy this issue of World Neurology, and look forward to receiving your contributions, especially updating all of our colleagues on how the current pandemic has (or has not) affected neurologists, our societies, and our patients around the globe. •





Message From the WFN President About World Brain Day 2020

World Brain Day is July 22, 2020. This year, we are excited to announce that the World Federation of Neurology is partnering with the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society to raise awareness for Parkinson’s disease.

There are more than 7 million people of all age groups with Parkinson’s disease worldwide, and the illness affects many more than this number through its impact on families and caregivers.

Parkinson’s is a chronic, neurodegenerative whole-body disease that affects movement and almost all aspects of brain function. Its prevalence continues to rise at an alarming rate, making the actions of today vital to improving the lives of those who have been and will be diagnosed.

In order to meet our goal to diagnose earlier, treat more efficiently, and improve the lives of those living with this disease and of their caregivers, additional resources are needed to help better understand and treat Parkinson’s.

COVID-19 is a dramatic reminder that health care is a global issue. Let us remember that Parkinson’s disease is also a daily challenge faced by all ages and people, mainly by the elderly.

We hope you’ll join us and help spread the word by following the World Federation of Neurology on Twitter and Facebook.

Prof. William Carroll
WFN President