A collaboration between the World Federation of Neurology and Multiple Sclerosis International Federation
By Tissa Wijeratne, Wolfgang Grisold, Rachel King, William Carroll

Wolfgang Grisold

Tissa Wijeratne
World Brain Day (WBD) was launched in 2014. Since then, the WFN, jointly with other international societies, such as International League Against Epilepsy, World Stroke Organization, the International Headache Society, and the Movement Disorders Society chooses a topic with a view to drive home the importance of brain health and promoting better neurological care globally.
Based on this background, the WFN chose the topic of multiple sclerosis jointly with the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) as the topic for WBD 2021. As in preceding WBDs (https://wfneurology.org/world-brain-day-past-years), the aim of WBD 2021 is to alert not only its member societies but also the public on critical neurological issues. The member societies of the WFN will receive a “tool kit,” templates for press releases and also educational PowerPoint presentation sets to assist in their local activity to promote WBD and advocate for patients with MS and their caregivers.

Rachel King

William Carroll, MD
Local press conferences, press coverages (including print, electronic, radio, TV, YouTube channels) are strongly encouraged to reach the public.
Let us spread the key messages from WBD 2021: Stop Multiple Sclerosis through mainstream media, social media platforms, and local, regional, national and international meetings throughout the year. Please see and share our new logo, the web banners, social media images, and other educational material in your country. We invite our readers to rally around WBD 2021 with the aim to stop multiple sclerosis.
Please make the World Brain day 2021 campaign Stop Multiple Sclerosis an important priority. The educational and promotional material from the WFN-MSIF collaboration will help you to be the best advocates for your patients with multiple sclerosis and their caregivers. •
Key Message
World Brain Day (WBD) 2021, jointly with the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF).
Get on board now; let’s spread the news through mainstream media, social media platforms, national and international meetings throughout the year.
Arrange virtual educational, advocacy activities concerning “STOP Multiple Sclerosis (MS),” World Brain Day 2021 campaign in your community, hospital, village, city-region throughout the year.
Contact the World Brain Day team through the WFN website for ongoing support.
The educational and promotional material from the WFN-MSIF collaboration will help you advocate for your patients with MS.
Five Key Facts
Disability: Multiple sclerosis can be a debilitating neurological disease that impacts every aspect of a person’s life, with effects ranging from cognitive impairment to significant physical disability.
Prevalence: 2.8 million people of all ages globally are affected by MS, and someone receives this life-altering diagnosis every five minutes.
Education: We must work with health care professionals to recognize the signs and symptoms of MS so people can be diagnosed early and effectively treated.
Access to Treatment: Disease-modifying treatments slow disease progression, dramatically improving the quality of life for those living with MS, yet access to these medications is unavailable in many parts of the world.
Advocacy: We can stop MS by diagnosing earlier, providing better access to life-changing treatments, and advocating for improving the quality of life for those living with MS and their caregivers.