By Pâmela Ayala

Pâmela Ayala
Thanks to the World Federation of Neurology, I had the opportunity to attend the fifth Congress of the Spanish Society of Epilepsy in Málaga, Spain.
Throughout the conference, I exchanged ideas and established contacts with great professionals in the field of epilepsy. During the lectures and discussions, news advancements in epilepsy were presented, and I became familiar with some medications that are not yet available in Latin America.
I also had the opportunity to present my work as a poster and oral presentation. My work was entitled “ENCEFALOPATÍA EPILÉPTICA SENSIBLE A URIDINA ASOCIADA AL GEN CAD,” or Epileptic Encephalopathy Sensitive to Uridine Associated with CAD Gene.”
Epilepsy is one of my passions, and day after day I try to perfect my technical scientific skills. I just have to thank the WFN for promoting my growth. •