Review the list of candidates for WFN trustee.
Prof. Raad Shakir, CBE, FRCP
For the upcoming election of a trustee at the virtual Council of Delegates (COD) meeting in September, WFN’s Nomination Committee, chaired by Prof. Raad Shakir, has reviewed all applications and has the following recommendations (in alphabetical order):
- Fernando Cendes, Brazil
- Valery Feigin, New Zealand
- Miguel Osorno, Mexico
- Brian Sweeney, Ireland
- Barbara Tettenborn, Switzerland
- Tissa Wijeratne, Sri Lanka
The statements of these individuals will be published in an upcoming issue of World Neurology, and will be available on the WFN website.
The voting process will be announced in due course, and will be accompanied with detailed instructions.
The deadline for nominations was March 15, 2024. Nominations made after this deadline are still possible. Additional nominees must be a member of a WFN member society and must present the supporting signatures of five or more authorized WFN delegates, a CV, and a letter of agreement to stand.This must be submitted to the Secretary General, c/o the WFN Headquarters at no later than 30 days prior to the start of electronic voting. Deadline for additional nominations will be Friday, July 26, 2024. Electronic voting will occur over three weeks starting Aug. 26, 2024. •
Prof. Raad Shakir, CBE, FRCP, is chair of the WFN Nomination Committee, and a past president of the WFN.