Candidate Statement: Secretary-Treasurer General – Wolfgang Grisold, MD

I want to apply for the position of secretary-treasurer general for the upcoming election at the WCN 2013 in Vienna.grisold

I have been a member of the WFN Education Committee for more than 10 years, have chaired this committee and am now co-chairing. I am chair of the Teaching Course Committee. Since Bangkok 2009, I am an elected trustee of the WFN, and was re-elected in 2012 for a second term. [Read more…]

Candidate Statement: Secretary-Treasurer General – Stanley Fahn, MD

I cite some of my leadership and innovative past activities as an example of my qualifications for the position as secretary-treasurer general of the WFN.fahn

I am the H. Houston Merritt professor of Neurology and director of the Center for Parkinson’s Disease and Other Movement Disorders at Columbia University Medical Center in New York. I remain active in patient care and teaching, having trained more than 130 movement disorder fellows over the years. Throughout my career, I have been involved in clinical research, and earlier in basic science research. [Read more…]

Candidate Statement: Trustee – Professor Ching-Piao Tsai

I am section chief of the Neurological Institute at Taipei Veterans General Hospital and National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan. I am also clinical professor at the National Defense Medical School, Taiwan. [Read more…]

Candidate Statement: Trustee – Amadou Gallo, DIOP, MD, PhD

galloI am professor of Neurology, Epileptology and Neurosciences at the University Hospital of  Dakar, Senegal. I am 54 years old; graduated MD in 1988 in Dakar and specialized in neurology (Universities of Toulouse, France and Dakar,  Senegal).  I obtained  my PhD  in neurobiology in  Limoges, France, in 1995 and served as  assistant professor of Michel Dumas,  at the University Hospital of  Limoges, for four years. I also have expertise in public health and health  promotion (University of Nancy, France). [Read more…]

Candidate Statement: Trustee – Donna C. Bergen, MD

Over the past decade, the WFN has evolved into a more ambitious, dynamic organization, with a clear mission and an energetic leadership. My goal as a trustee is to ensure the continuation of this growth and to expand the influence and effectiveness of the WFN. [Read more…]

Recent Literature

Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010)

Murray C. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. The Lancet, Volume 380, Issue 9859, Pages 2197 – 2223, 15 December 2012 [Read more…]

The Success of Haoua Ousseini Sidibe, MD: From Niamey to Neurology Worldwide

Haoua Ousseini Sidibe, MD

Haoua Ousseini Sidibe, MD

I am from Niger, the country where I grew up, until earning my high school diploma. Thereafter, I  pursued my doctoral cycle of general medicine at the University Hassan II  in Casablanca (Morocco). Returning  to Niger, I worked as a general  practitioner at the National Hospital  of Niamey. Then I decided to specialize in Neurology, a subject  that attracted me for its rigor and finesse during my medical training. [Read more…]

World Congress of Neurology: Vienna in September

The 21st World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2013) will be held Sept. 21-26  in Vienna, in conjunction with the European Federation of Neurological  Societies and the Austrian Society of  Neurology. The theme of the congress will be Neurology in the Age of Globalization. [Read more…]

The International Working Group of Young Neurologists and Trainees (IWGYNT)

The International Working Group of Young Neurologists and Trainees (IWGYNT) was initiated in 2009 and held its inaugural meeting at the World Congress of Neurology in Bangkok. IWGYNT’s vision is to advocate young neurologists interests on a worldwide basis within the World Federation of Neurology. IWGYNT is represented by one member (Walter Struhal) within the Education Committee of the World Federation of Neurology. (See World Neurology, April 2010.) [Read more…]

Building Local Networks of Expertise

In June 2011, the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Aphasia and Cognitive Disorders and the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on ALS and MND collaboratively organized workshops on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementias in China and Mongolia. [Read more…]