Hilary Koprowski, MD: Dec. 5, 1916 – April 11, 2013

koprowskiHilary Koprowski, MD, a distinguished and highly respected biomedical researcher, died on April 11, 2013, at the age of 96. Koprowski was recognized for many achievements, most notably development of the first oral polio vaccine, but also the generation of the oral rabies vaccine currently used worldwide and for his pioneering work in developing monoclonal antibodies to detect and treat cancer. [Read more…]

ACTION Report 2013

action2action1We are grateful for WFN’s  endorsement of the Australia China Training Initiative of  Neurology (ACTION). The course is  an intensive training of up-to-date  neurological treatments. [Read more…]

JNS Update: England Named Editor-in-Chief

John England, MD

John England, MD

At the annual editorial board meeting in San Diego, Vladimir Hachinski, WFN president, and Peter F. Bakker, executive publisher, Global Medical Research Division for Elsevier introduced John England, MD, professor and head of the Department of Neurology, LSUHSC School of Medicine, New Orleans, who will serve as the next editor-in-chief for the Journal of the Neurological Sciences, beginning in July. He will succeed Robert P. Lisak, MD, FRCP, FAAN, FANA, who has served as editor-in-chief since 1997. [Read more…]

NIRVE: A Tale of Five Continents

In June 2012, five Toronto residents visited St. Petersburg, Russia, here seen accompanied by Russian residents and Natalya Shuleshova, coordinator of the NIRVE program at the State Pavlov Medical University in St. Petersburg.

In June 2012, five Toronto residents visited St. Petersburg, Russia, here seen accompanied by Russian residents and Natalya Shuleshova, coordinator of the NIRVE program at the State Pavlov Medical University in St. Petersburg.

During exchange visits, residents from both hosting and visiting sites participate in various lectures and discussions.

During exchange visits, residents from both hosting and visiting sites participate in various lectures and discussions.

The Neurology International Residents Videoconference and Exchange (NIRVE) is a resident initiative funded by the Peter A. Silverman Global e-Health Program, Canada International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO) and Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto. NIRVE promotes international collaboration beyond political or geographical borders and health care infrastructures. Hosted by the Division of Neurology, University of Toronto and St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, NIRVE unites residents around the world through videoconference, forging strong professional relationships and friendships. [Read more…]

NCL Research Award: Call for Proposals

The NCL Foundation aims to  find a cure against the deadly  children’s disease Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (NCL), also called Batten disease. This metabolic disorder is the most common neurodegenerative disease of childhood and is inevitably fatal. The gradual stages of the suffering are blindness, dementia, epilepsy, loss of speech, paralysis and complete helplessness. [Read more…]

Research Group on Neuroethics

Ethics in neurology are the  basis of all practical work  as well as for research  activities. In a critical analysis of  the used ethical principles, it has to  be stated that the contemporary ethical laws are missing different religious, traditional and cultural requirements. The contemporary ethics are based on the philosophy  of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle,  with the incorporation of the  Christian philosophy of Saint  Augustine and Thomas Aquinas  and should be called Western Ethics. But Western Ethics must not be  acceptable worldwide. [Read more…]

Candidate Statement: Trustee – Professor Marco T. Medina

medinaIt is a great honor to participate as a candidate for a World Federation of Neurology (WFN) elected trustee. I am professor of Neurology, dean of the School of Medical Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) and WFN regional director for Latin America. I got my MD degree at the UNAH, I made my neurology training at the National Institute of Neurology in Mexico, and the pediatric and adult epileptology/neurophysiology training at the Saint Paul Center and the Aix-Marseille University, France, and later at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). [Read more…]

WFN Elections 2013: Nominating Committee Recommendations

Schonbrunn Palace  in Vienna, Austria.

Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria.

Three officers and one trustee are to be elected at the Council of Delegates Annual General Meeting (AGM) in September during the World Congress of Neurology in Vienna.  The nominating committee of the World Federation of Neurology now recommends to the membership those listed here as candidates in accordance with the Federation’s Memorandum and Articles of Association. [Read more…]