Directory items for easy navigation on the WFN e-Learning Hub.
Visitors can get free access to global virtual education.
Morris Freedman, Surat Tanprawate, Chiu Keung Man, Steven Lewis, Wolfgang Grisold
The World Federation of Neurology (WFN) has launched its novel e-Learning platform, which offers free access to a broad spectrum of high-level educational material in neurology for health care professionals. Branded as the WFN e-Learning Hub, this platform has been designed as a full-access electronic library that includes WFN programs. It also features external material from centers across the globe, such as teaching rounds, seminars, webinars, lectures, master classes, and related academic activities.
The WFN e-Learning Hub serves as a one-stop shop to access this material by simply clicking on links to archived videos. For programs involving the WFN, these include the World Congress of Neurology, WFN Digital Neurology Update, WFN-AFAN e-Learning Day, WFN-AOAN e-Learning Day, International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases, and Education in Headache to Health Care Providers in Africa.

Videos by topic can be searched for, such as this video of Suvarna Alladi.
As the WFN e-Learning Hub grows, with more sites contributing to its archived educational videos, it will be poised to become the go-to website where health care professionals from all countries will be able to access free educational material on any topic of their choice. Moreover, new content will be added on a regular basis.
The WFN e-Learning Hub features a broad spectrum of topics. Clicking on any of the menu items will open a page with access to recorded videos within this topic area. These videos will be focused on events organized by the WFN or in collaboration with the WFN. The hub also includes information on special educational days as well as External Resources.

Sample video page of Prof. Wolfgang Grisold’s welcome address at the WFN-AOAN e-Learning Day.
Videos related to a specific topic, such as Prof. Suvarna Alladi speaking on Advocacy in Dementia at WCN in 2021, can also be found on the site.
Visitors can view videos from previous events, such as Prof. Wolfgang Grisold giving a welcoming address during the WFN-AOAN e-Learning Day in 2023 with the theme of advancing stroke care in Asia.
External Resources, the lower button on the upper left side of the hub, opens a web page from sites outside of the WFN. We invite organizers of educational events from WFN member societies, academic institutions, and hospitals across the world to submit requests for a link to their archived programs for posting on the WFN e-Learning Hub. These requests, as well as questions, should be sent to Dr. Surat Tanprawate, chair of the e-Communications & e-Learning Committee. His email address is surat.md@gmail.com.

The External Resources menu item provides links to resources outside of WFN.
Access to the WFN e-Learning Hub is open to all health care professionals. The hub can be accessed by clicking on the Education tab on the WFN website or directly here.
We gratefully acknowledge the current WFN trustees: Maria Benabdeljlil, Alla Guekht, Minerva López Ruiz, Chandrashekhar Meshram, Guy Rouleau, and Mohammad Wasay, as well as the former WFN trustees: William Carroll, Walter Struhal, and Marianne de Visser for their contributions to the development of the WFN e-Learning Hub. •
Morris Freedman is treasurer of the WFN, Surat Tanprawate is chair of the WFN e-Communications & e-Learning Committee, Chiu Keung Man is WFN Digital Content and IT Management consultant, Steven Lewis is secretary general of the WFN, and Wolfgang Grisold is president of the WFN.