Stroke: A History of Ideas

A book review of the history of cerebrovascular disorders.

Jan van Gijn. Cambridge University Press, 2023.

By Jan Stam

Jan van Gijn hardly needs an introduction. He is well known for his clinical research of cerebrovascular disorders. He chaired the Utrecht team that made many contributions to our knowledge of different types of stroke, notably transient ischemic attacks and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Many participants of stroke conferences will remember his well-designed presentations, often illustrated with paintings by Dutch masters.

In September 2023, a Dutch national newspaper featured a long interview with Van Gijn. The occasion was his recently published book: Stroke. A History of Ideas. After his retirement, Van Gijn continued to study cerebrovascular diseases, but now mainly in the role of an historian of science, a career switch that resulted in this impressive monograph.

In the foreword, the author mentions some pitfalls for amateurs who write about the history of their own profession. One is consulting secondary, translated, and often unreliable sources. A second is known as presentism, the fallacy to reconstruct history, looking back from the vantage point of today’s knowledge, as a rational process that leads in a straight line, through a sequence of major discoveries to the present. Van Gijn has avoided these pitfalls by thorough preparation. He studied Latin and enrolled as a student of history and philosophy of science.

The story begins with descriptions “fap’plexy” by Galen and other authors of Greco-Roman antiquity, followed by a brief overview of medieval thinking, which mainly recycled or paraphrased antique ideas, embedded in the then-dominant religious worldviews. The modern era starts about halfway in the 16th century with what is often called the medical renaissance.

During the 16th century, the ancient dogmas slowly made way for personal observations (“auto-opsia”) and insights, with the anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) as one of the iconic innovators. Theories about the role of the ventricles as the site or origin of a neural signaling substance (such as Descartes’ esprits animaux) or mental activity became obsolete, and the function of the circulatory system was slowly revealed. The era covered in the book ends in 1975, with a picture of the first CT scan showing a large pixeled image of a cerebral hemorrhage.

Numerous clinical case histories, often translated from Latin by the author, increasingly large series of published autopsies, and finally the first prospective studies and trials, show how the ideas about stroke gradually changed. One of the first clinical observations was by Conrad Wolffhart (Lycosthenes; 1518-1561). He recovered from his own apoplexy and was able to give a careful description: “I not only lost my voice, but also all sensation and movement of the right side, from head to heel (except sight and hearing)”. During his long recovery, he could communicate with his friends by pointing with his left index finger to the letters which were written on a slate in alphabetical order. He finally recovered almost completely, a miracle for which he thanked “God almighty in the first place, and thereafter Dr. Gratoloro”. Van Gijn added a beautiful etching of Lycosthenes from the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, one of the many historical images that accompany the text.

As more causes of acute cerebral disorders were identified, the concept of apoplexy became diluted and could refer to about any kind of sudden cerebral dysfunction, by whatever cause, or spontaneously. Around 1800, more than 20 variants were distinguished, including nervous, traumatic, lymphatic, and abdominal apoplexy, orderly summarized in a table in a French treatise published in 1811. Autopsy findings often did not help, due to endless confusion about the nature and causes of brain softening (“ramollisement,” Chapter 6) and of infection and inflammation, which lasted until the mid-19th century. Chapter 7 describes the clarification of thrombosis and embolism as causes of brain softening, based upon the work of Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) and others. The developing insights in the role of atherosclerotic changes of the carotid arteries are described in Chapter 8,
including the discussion about the contribution of obstructed blood flow versus artery-to-artery embolism. The last four chapters discuss lacunae, transient ischemic attacks, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and sinus thrombosis. The increasingly important contributions of technological innovations, such as microscopy and the use of X-rays to the understanding the different kinds of stroke are given its due place in the final chapters.

As we approach the year 1975, prevention and treatment, both surgical and medical slowly enter the scene. A background theme discernible throughout the book is Van Gijn’s bibliophilia. Beautiful illustrations, often copied from his own library, enliven the text, with interesting footnotes about illustrators and graphic techniques.

Additional historical context is presented in 43 boxes with short, highly readable, and often witty biographies of some prominent figures, such as Vesalius, Variolo, Wepfer, Willis, Virchow, Boerhaave, Charcot, Gowers, and Miller Fisher. Lesser-known physicians who contributed to the knowledge of stroke are also honored, such as Charles le Pois (1563-1633), who, perhaps not coincidentally, received the smallest box. Interesting asides enrich these brief portraits and show how these scholars were often active outside their medical practices or the autopsy theatre. Both Virchow and Egas Moniz (1874-1955) for instance were prominent national politicians. The first had severe disagreements with the Prussian Chancellor von Bismarck, apparently a risky position since he barely escaped a duel. Egas Moniz, known for introducing frontal leukotomy (honored with the Nobel prize in 1949) and for pioneering cerebral angiography, was imprisoned for republican activism when he studied medicine and later became a member of parliament, ambassador, and minister of foreign affairs.

Box 2.3 is dedicated to the Swiss physician and scholar Johann Jakob Wepfer (1620-1695). He was a vigorous proponent of post-mortem dissection, including of his own body after his death. In 1658, he was the first to carefully describe cases of apoplexy without apparent cause, which showed a hemorrhage in the brain at autopsy. He proposed that a rupture of an artery was the cause of the hemorrhage, agreeing with William Harvey’s (1578-1657) theory of the circulation that was published 30 years before but still controversial. Wepfer acknowledged the senate of Schaffhausen for the permission to do post-mortem examinations and denounced those who, “led by whatever religion, maliciously proclaim that any corpse must be buried intact, while they themselves are destined to become food for the worms.”

Wepfer’s name is linked to the yearly award by the European Stroke Conference for outstanding researchers. Jan van Gijn was honored with the Wepfer award in 2010 for his many contributions to the clinical science of cerebrovascular disorders. In the laudation, Peter Sandercock called him a “renaissance man” because of his multifaceted interests and knowledge. The publication of this book confirms that reputation. If a chapter with recent developments were ever added, Van Gijn would have to dedicate a box to himself. This must be one of the good reasons for the author to end the story in 1975.

The subtitle — a history of ideas — is explained in the final paragraph of the last chapter, on cerebral sinus thrombosis. After discussing the various concepts covered by the term pseudotumor cerebri, Van Gijn observes: “… names of diseases do not refer to entities that exist by themselves. They only stand for ideas.”

Obviously, the book is much more than a history of mere ideas. To paraphrase Immanuel Kant: ideas without observations are empty, observations without ideas are blind. Ideas about stroke have been proposed, rejected, corrected, and developed through clinical observations, autopsies, technological innovations, microscopic and radiological research, and experiments.

This book provides a splendid insight into that process. It will be a standard reference about the history of stroke for many years to come, both for historians of medical science and for doctors interested in the history of neurology. •

Jan Stam is emeritus professor of Neurology, Amsterdam University Medical Centre, the Netherlands.

My Experience in the Asian WFN Department Visit Programs

Author visited Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER) in Chandigarh, India.

Professor Vivek Lal on my last day at PGIMER.

By Dr. Duc Nguyen

2023 was a special year for me, a Vietnamese neurology resident, as I was honored to join the first Asian Department Visit Program by the World Federation o

f Neurology (WFN) and the Indian Academy of Neurology (IAN). This program allows young neurologists from low- to middle-income Asian countries to visit the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India, and learn from its neurology department. Thanks to the arrangement of WFN and IAN, I achieved all the objectives of the program and more.

During my time at Nehru Hospital, I had the opportunity to deepen my expertise in neuro-ophthalmology, a specialty for which the hospital’s neurology department is renowned. The faculty and residents at PGIMER shared their extensive knowledge and invaluable experience with me, enhancing my clinical acumen to diagnose and manage conditions, such as idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), IgG4-related diseases, and ischemic optic neuropathy. For instance, I now place greater emphasis on measuring cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure in patients who exhibit headache and disc edema, which are indicative of IIH.

I learned to use a handheld fundus camera and discussed a case of idiopathic intracranial hypertension in the neuro-ophthalmology clinic.

Another area that I gained an understanding was the approach to the patients suspected of vasculitis as a cause of stroke in young individuals and as a differential diagnosis for demyelinating diseases. This has heightened my awareness significantly of angiitis, marking an essential first step in the diagnostic process that could ultimately help prevent further deterioration.

The EEG laboratory was where I visited to learn every afternoon.

I was impressed by the efficiency of using information technology in outpatient settings. It streamlined patient management by saving time, ensuring thoroughness, and providing a concise summary of the patient’s extensive history. In addition, my clinical skills, knowledge, and critical thinking have been enriched, particularly in formulating a working diagnosis list. I have also acquired valuable insights into maintaining an efficient medical and educational system within a dynamic environment.

Dr. Tanya Banerjee (right) and me in the outpatient setting.

As Prof. Aastha from PGIMER said, “The experience is more important than the knowledge.” The Department Visit Program enabled me to immerse myself in an international academic environment, gain insight from diverse clinical contexts, network with new colleagues, and promote collaboration between countries. These experiences empower me to expand my knowledge and skills, foster my professionalism, and consequently help me advance the neurology specialty in my country. Hence, I strongly recommend this scholarship to young neurologists, especially trainees like me. I wish WFN, IAN, and PGIMER continued success with the future Asian Department Visit Programs.


I am grateful to the World Federation of Neurology, Indian Academy of Neurology, and Post-graduate Institution of Medical for organizing such a valuable Department Visit Program for developing countries. I thank Prof. Vivek Lal and Prof. Aastha Takkar Kapila for their thoughtful and considerate arrangement for my stay. I also appreciate the hospitality and kindness of all the faculty members and residents of the Neurology Department from Nehru Hospital. •

Dr. Duc Nguyen is a neurology resident at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Leveraging Technology in Resource Poor Settings: Not an Improbable Dream

Identifying problem statements, technology can help provide simple solutions that go a long way in bridging lapses in treatment.

Dr. Bindu Menon and Dr. Medha Menon

By Dr. Bindu Menon and Dr. Medha Menon

Epilepsy, when put simply, is a brain disorder that causes recurrent seizures. This disease can manifest as the typical jerky movements of limbs as well as only sensory complaints recorded as electrical disturbances on electroencephalography (EEG). This wide variation of disease manifestation makes it a condition one must be wary of and have a high index of suspicion. The number of cases of epilepsy touches 50 million globally, 80% of whom reside in middle- to low-income countries like India1.

It is important to realize why one must be wary of a disease that’s prevalent in such high numbers. Surely, its ubiquity implies the presence of a well-structured management plan? However, the enormity of the problem can become the hamartia of the disease.

One must first realize that more than three-quarters of the disease burden resides in regions that are struggling to bridge the treatment gap. In a world where everything is run by money, the catastrophic expenditure on health burdens every family in the lesser privileged sections of economy. This expenditure encompasses costs of medication, hospitalization, and continuation of care. The onus to balance livelihood and health falls on the patient, and when this burden becomes too much, they tend to stop being compliant to treatment — an ignition to the vicious cycle of expense and hospitalization.

Another stark problem one sees in the lower income countries is the stigma attached to the disease. The typical flailing of limbs often described as demonic possession in archaic times still brings out a level of unnecessary discomfort in onlookers of a seizure episode. These thoughts are easily curbed through a proper understanding of the disease. In a way, the stigma that hurdles a patient’s progress when vanquished empowers the community to provide moral support to the patient and their family.

The root of these problems is often lack of knowledge of the disease and so it is only natural that the solution is proper education and awareness. In this digitally advanced world, we must keep up and take advantage of the speed and extent of the reach of technology. Where once it was physically difficult to reach remote areas, in this day and age the internet and satellite connections help us reach the same areas remotely.

One such advancement is the Epilepsy Help App launched by our Foundation in India2 April 2016 — a free mobile app that can be downloaded on Android phones. It is available in English as well as vernacular languages and keeps record of a patient’s personal details, appointments, and reports.

When a patient presents to the emergency department with a seizure, it is of utmost importance that the doctor knows which medication and dosage the patient is on. The app shows the record of patient’s medications as well as has alarms for taking them, since a single missed medication can prove to be devastating to their life. Besides this, the patient can maintain a seizure diary within the app. The app has facilities for a bystander to take a video of a patient having a seizure attack, which proves to be of great value to a doctor to discern a diagnosis. On the whole, this app helps keeps track of a patient’s disease for their as well as the doctor’s benefit.

Among the patient stories we have permission to share was of one college student on three anti-seizure medicines. He often received different injections in the emergency department and was prescribed different cocktails of medicines due to his lack of record keeping. But with this app, he is documenting his prescriptions and scans and has currently been seizure free for eight months. The most useful feature for him, “For me, the drug reminder alarm is a huge help, and it makes sure I have not missed medications like I used to before.”

Another story was about the usefulness of keeping a video diary. An office worker who stayed in the dorms away from his family suffered from jerky motions, which were misdiagnosed as a seizure attack. Hence, he was put on wrong medication. But record-keeping of videos at several instances — once in the dorms, another at his home, and one while he was outside with friends who all knew of the app in his phone, helped in reaching the right diagnosis of a nonepileptic attack disorder upon physician review.

Another application is a Tele Awareness3 initiative, which is a toll-free number that can be called to receive information about epilepsy. It is accessible to all, and this number when disseminated in large numbers when in medical camps, helps ensure that the general population is made aware of the disease, its risk factors, management, and the need for treatment compliance. Furthermore, it is in these medical camps that they are made aware that the societal stigma about the disease needs to be abolished.

Stroke is another disabling disease that affects everybody differently. The life of a patient and their family changes drastically after a stroke which makes rehabilitation a crucial part of the spectrum of stroke care. Rehabilitation is all about getting back to a normal life and living a life as independently as possible. A venture in this direction is the Stroke Help app. This app has various physiotherapy exercises which are specific to the stroke deficits. The exercises are for passive and active limb exercises, handgrip and dexterity, positioning of the body, turning and mobilization, visual training, and balance exercises. This app has been extremely helpful for stroke patients especially during COVID, when medical services were not as accessible, but we did not want to falter in patient care. It is still being used4.

A novel project in the country is the Neurology on Wheels program where treatment-inaccessible areas are approached in a bus equipped with medical facilities. It follows the motto, “We Reach, We Teach, We Treat” Upon reaching the remote areas, there is an awareness camp followed by a medical camp with distribution of free medicines. An extension of this is We Care, wherein patients with epilepsy are followed up remotely. This is done with the help of the village head who gathers the patients in one place and sets up a telecommunication link to the doctor who can then follow up with each patient. This ensures compliance and treatment satisfaction especially in a resource-poor setting by curbing expenditure from both ends.

Technology doesn’t need to be used in grandiose gestures to be of use to the people. Identifying problem statements and finding simple solutions goes a long way in bridging lapses in treatment. A resource-poor country does not imply that the whole nation is lacking. Technologically linking the better-off areas to help the lesser privileged sections doesn’t have to be a lofty feat. Once the key to unraveling the tangled ball of problems is in sight, it is only a matter of like-minded individuals putting smart and economic solutions to improve health care. •

Dr. Bindu Menon is professor and head of the department at Apollo Speciality Hospitals in Nellore, India, secretary general of the Indian Epilepsy Association, and president of Dr. Bindu Menon Foundation. Dr. Medha Menon is resident in internal medicine at the Kasturba Hospital Manipal, India, and treasurer of the Dr. Bindu Menon Foundation.



Improving Brain Health in Honduras

Community education programs and the creation of the Neurology Postgraduate Program at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.

By Marco Tulio Medina, FAAN, FEAN

Neurological disorders are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death both worldwide and in Honduras. Among these neurological disorders are cerebrovascular disease (or “derrames” in Honduran argot), Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, migraine, developmental disorders among others, which substantially affect the brain health of millions of human beings, including that of our fellow citizens.

In May 2022, the Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) approved the Global Intersectoral Action Plan (IGAP) for Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders, so that between 2022 and 2031, the countries of the world can improve the approach to brain health through specific actions for prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative measures.

As highlighted in the recent scientific article led by Mayoba Owolabi and collaborators, global synergistic actions are required to improve brain health for human development. (The author’s team participated as co-authors and the article was published in 2023 in the British journal Nature Reviews Neurology.)

In Honduras, after a process of community intervention, we were able to reduce the frequency of a cerebral parasitosis, neurocysticercosis (incorrectly called “triquina” in Honduras), caused by fecal contamination by tapeworm or Taenia solium worms, in Salama, Olancho, through environmental sanitation measures and the educational campaign “the piggy is not to blame,” among others. Access to anti-epileptic drugs was also improved, thereby reducing the treatment gap.

The training of human resources has been another great challenge. The creation of the Neurology Postgraduate Program at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH), 25 years ago, has trained 37 neurologists and neurologists in our country to date. This postgraduate program had the support of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN), as well as the late U.S. professor, Ted Munsat, among many other national and international collaborators.

The creation of this postgraduate program had many detractors, who argued that there were not the necessary conditions in Honduras for its development, but despite these critics, the postgraduate course was certified worldwide for its high quality in 2006 by the WFN and named a WHO collaborating center for research and community intervention in epilepsy (HON01), thus supporting the Strategic Plan and action of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) between 2011 and 2022.

On Nov. 6, 2023, at UNAH, we had the presence of the Secretary-General of WFN, Prof. Steven Lewis, our mentor from the University of California at Los Angeles, Prof. Antonio V Delgado Escueta, with whom we have jointly published more than 40% of our indexed scientific papers and who has contributed a patent to UNAH, as well as the distinguished academic and dear Costa Rican friend Prof. Franz Chaves-Sell. Along with the university community, we celebrated a quarter of a century of advances in neurology and the foundation of his postgraduate program of excellence in our alma mater. •

Dr. Prof. Marco Tulio Medina is vice chancellor of International Relations at UNAH and past president of the Panamerican Federation of Neurological Societies.

The Global Neuro Research Coalition: A Call for Collaboration

Join the collective network of neurologists, neuroscientists, and allied specialty professionals to create a research environment that tackled problems of global neurology.

Orla Hilton

By Dr. Orla Hilton

Founded in 2020, the Global Neuro Research Coalition works to advance research in global brain health and improve patient care through an ever-expanding international network of clinicians, allied health care workers, scientists, and policymakers who are passionate about brain health.

COVID-19 was the initial catalyst for the founding of the then-called Global COVID-19 Neuro Research Coalition, as the global neurological community began to be confronted with the largely unknown effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the nervous system and the inequalities in the management of patients who developed neurological complications of the virus. We have now expanded our focus and established as the Global Neuro Research Coalition, comprising over 120 members from 38 countries, with skills and translational expertise spanning from basic neuroscience research to clinical neurology and guidelines/policy decision-making.

Our coalition invites and welcomes new members of the global neurological community to join our collective network of neurologists, neuroscientists, and allied specialty professionals to create an inclusive research environment that can better understand and tackle the ever-evolving problems the field of global neurology faces.

Our mission statement: Advancing brain health research through interdisciplinary global collaboration.

The five pillars of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Intersectoral Global Action Plan (IGAP) on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders lie at the heart of our mission, as we work to harmonize networks and strategies for future neurological research and to develop clinical guidance by establishing open lines of communication between international colleagues and institutions, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The building and strengthening of such a coalition remain vital as we investigate and understand the long-term neurological and cognitive sequelae of COVID-19, and look forward to pursuing the translation of current and future neurological research into policies that promote a ‘one health’ approach.

To date, the coalition has published over 10 papers together. A key example of the power of our consortium to perform global neurological research is the International Inter-observer Variability Study by Tamborska et al. (Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2023), undertaken in collaboration with the World Federation of Neurology. This brought together 146 researchers and clinicians from 45 countries, who looked at the diagnostic accuracy for the acute neurological complications of COVID-19 and demonstrated the need for training in the global reporting of neurological syndromes. Other key works of our coalition have addressed the neurological manifestations of acute COVID-19 infections. Examples include the Consensus Clinical Guidance for Diagnosis and Management of Adult COVID-19 Encephalopathy Patients’ by Michael et al. (The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2023), in addition Neurological Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccines by Frontera et al. (Annals of Neurology, 2022), and Evaluation and Treatment Approaches for Neurological Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 by Frontera et al. (Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2023).

In addition, our coalition has also led to the creation of the Global Brain Health Clinical Exchange Platform in collaboration with the WHO. This platform hosts monthly free, online sessions, engaging hundreds of participants from over 50 countries to hear the latest from world leaders in neurology and exchange experience on the current challenges and future directions of a wide spectrum of neurological research. Topics have included the neuroepidemiology of emerging pathogens, management of acute neurological presentations, patient-and-public engagement and long-term care, and the delivery of improvements in health care systems.

The coalition is grateful for the ongoing support of the World Federation of Neurology and our other partner institutions. We endeavor to continue to collaborate and partner in an interdisciplinary way with other medical and allied specialties, especially in LMICs which often carry the heaviest burden of neurological disease. We welcome all new members. If you are interested in becoming part of the coalition, please visit and/or send an email to •

Dr. Orla Hilton (UK) is an academic foundation doctor in infectious diseases and clinical researcher for the national COVID-19 Clinical Neuroscience Study based at Infection Neuroscience Lab in Liverpool, UK.

The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) Database

A useful genetic data repository for clinical neurologists.

Foreward by Martin Krenn, Department of Neurology, Medical University, Vienna, Austria

A large number of neurological disorders are characterized by a strong genetic component, either in a monogenic or a more complex polygenic sense. This is illustrated by the extensive portion of the human genome actively expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Over the past decade, new genome-wide sequencing technologies have enabled us to identify single-gene etiologies in an increasing number of cases. More recently, these methods have also entered clinical routine diagnostics. As most of these conditions are very rare, the utilization of publicly available genetic databases is of utmost relevance for clinical neurologists to better understand human gene-disease relationships in neurogenetic disorders.

The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database offers a widely used, comprehensive, and constantly updated compendium of a vast number of monogenic (Mendelian) conditions. It is based on the most recent biomedical literature and thus constitutes a particularly useful resource for clinicians, often referenced in genetic diagnostic reports. It can be expected that the clinical value of such repositories will further increase in the coming years, as new neurogenetic disorders are still being discovered at a rapid pace, and more targeted treatments for patients are being developed.

The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man

Cassandra Kniffin Arnold and Joanna Amberger

In 1863, Nikolaus Friedreich described a juvenile-onset form of hereditary ataxia (Friedreich ataxia). Several years later, George Huntington described an adult-onset hereditary chorea (Huntington disease). Nearly 100 years later, these familial genetic neurologic disorders, along with over 1,400 other genetic disorders, were included in Dr. Victor McKusick’s seminal textbook Mendelian Inheritance in Man: Catalogs of Autosomal Dominant, Autosomal Recessive, and X-linked Phenotypes (MIM). These catalogs were updated and published regularly, and in 1987, MIM was made freely available and searchable online as OMIMTM. Today, is a continuously updated, freely available compendium containing over 27,000 structured descriptions of human genetic disorders and genes. Currently, OMIM describes over 7,400 disorders caused by pathogenic variants in over 4,800 genes. On average, over 35,000 clinicians and researchers worldwide use OMIM daily to assist in disease gene discovery, clinical diagnosis, and management of genetic diseases, as well to understand the molecular bases of disease and the underlying medical science.

The information in OMIM is based on the peer-reviewed biomedical literature. Priority for inclusion in the database is given to published papers that provide significant insight into the phenotype-genotype relationship, expand our understanding of human biology, or contribute to the characterization of a genetic disorder.

Each OMIM entry (phenotype or gene) has a preferred title, with alternative names if relevant, and is given a unique 6-digit number that remains stable, even if the name changes. These OMIM accession numbers are used widely in publications and databases. OMIM entries are text-based and organized into consistent headings. Gene entries include information on gene structure, expression, function, animal models, and allelic variants, when available. Phenotype (disorder) entries include information on clinical features, inheritance, pathogenesis, genotype-phenotype correlations, and molecular genetics. In addition, each phenotype entry has an accompanying Clinical Synopsis, a concise tabular anatomical listing of the clinical features described in patients with the disorder. The relationship between phenotypes and genes is summarized in OMIM’s tabular Gene Map.

From its inception, MIM has played a foundational role in the nosology and naming of genetic disease.

In general, the naming and classification of disorders (phenotypes) in OMIM reflect that used in the respective medical community or as designated in the published paper(s).

OMIM curators evaluate reports of new phenotypes in the context of those present in the catalog and consider the following questions.

  • How many patients have been described in how many reports?
  • What shared features actually define the phenotype, and how thorough are the clinical descriptions?
  • Does this constellation of features represent a new entity?
  • Do the different features of a disorder constitute clinical variability of a single disorder or define separate disorders?
  • Have the same or similar features been described under a different name?
  • Is the phenotype similar to others in OMIM?
  • Can the phenotype be classified with any other disorders?

Answering these questions must also take into account the views and possible disagreements in the genetics community as well as published nosologies. Since the definition of a phenotype (constellation of features) as a genetic entity is an evolving process, the names of a disorder in OMIM may change over time, but an OMIM number remains stable. Disease names should be unique, enhance clinical care and classification, and be easy to communicate. Acronyms and eponyms can both serve in this capacity, although eponyms should be used sparingly. When disease names, designations, and classification schemes are not provided in the papers or are not agreed upon in the medical community, the process of disease naming and classification involves defining recognizable patterns of features and highlighting those that allow one condition to be distinguished from another. For new disorders, the three to five most clinically significant features are selected to create an acronym or initialism that is both informative and memorable. It may seem appealing to name a genetic disorder after a gene; however, this is not recommended for several reasons. Patients present with clinical features, and not all phenotypes have a recognized molecular basis. Importantly, many people around the world will not be sequenced and their conditions should be catalogued. Additionally, one-third of disease genes cause more than one phenotype, each with its own unique features, prognosis, molecular pathogenesis, and treatment. Phenotypes and genes are distinct concepts, and their names should change appropriately and independently to reflect greater knowledge. The OMIM number unifies clinical names and aliases under a single identifier.

If the same or similar phenotype exists in OMIM but that phenotype is caused by variants in a different gene, the existing name is used and a serial number is added at the end. These genetically heterogeneous phenotypes are then assembled into “Phenotypic Series” and given a unique PS accession number. Grouping similar phenotypes using clinical naming provides unique insights into molecular mechanisms and disease etiology, and offers a broader context for understanding the complexity of similar diseases. Examples of genetically heterogeneous neurologic disorders include Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT, PS118220), hereditary spastic paraplegia (SPG/HSP, PS303350), spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA, PS164400), and developmental and epileptic encephalopathy (DEE, PS308350). The clinical synopses of members in a Phenotypic Series can be viewed side-by-side on the website; such a view reveals differences that can guide physicians toward the right diagnosis and management or treatment. Each Phenotypic Series sheds light on shared molecular pathology and mechanisms of disease and/or can reveal new divergent avenues of investigation. is freely accessible and is intended for use primarily by physicians and other professionals concerned with genetic disorders, by genetics researchers, and by advanced students in science and medicine. The entries have copious directed links to external resources including DNA and protein databases (GenBank, Ensembl, UniProt), clinical resources (genetic testing sites, ClinGen, Orphanet), genetic variant resources, (ClinVar, gnomAD), and animal model databases (Mouse Genome Informatics, OMIA). OMIM supports programmatic access to its content via an API (Application Programming Interface). Also available from is the service MIMmatch. MIMmatch is a way for a user to follow OMIM entries of interest and to find other researchers who may share interest in the same topics. Registered MIMmatch users are able to receive alerts about updates to genes and diseases of interest and/or receive notification of new phenotype-gene relationships added to OMIM. Help in using is available from the website with both written guides and short video tutorials.

For over 55 years, OMIM has chronicled the collected knowledge of the field of medical genetics and remains one of the primary repositories of curated information on both genetic disorders (phenotypes) and genes and the relationships between them. •

Cassandra Kniffin Arnold, MD, is senior medical writer, and Joanna Amberger is program manager at OMIM, Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Martin Krenn, PhD, is from the Department of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna in Austria.

Placebo/Nocebo and the Brain

Toward a pharmacology and toxicology of words.

Placebo and recently the term nocebo are often used in situations where uncertain effects, possibly the effect of the mind works, and have been often disregarded as scientifical activities. All of us working with patients are implicitly using the concept of placebo, and sometimes the negative prediction, the nocebo.

As members of the health profession, we are part of placebo effect, and investigations have shown that also in regular approved and effective drugs a percentage of placebo effect can be calculated. The awareness of these important effects are important. The perception of placebo effect can in several instances be blocked or denied by cultural practices, and for neurology, it is important to spread and enhance the global perception.

Prof. Benedetti has worked on the placebo effect over many years and has given the placebo effect a rational and scientific background.

We are pleased that Prof. Benedetti has accepted our invitation and given a short summary of his important work.

– Wolfgang Grisold

Fabrizio Benedetti, MD, MAE

Fabrizio Benedetti, MD, MAE

Modern medicine and neurology have progressed in parallel with the advancement of biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology. By using the tools of modern medicine and neurology, today the physician and the neurologist can treat and prevent a number of diseases through pharmacology, genetics, and physical interventions, including surgery. In addition to this materia medica, the patient’s mind, cognitions and emotions play a central part as well in any therapeutic outcome. Placebo effects are at the very heart of these issues and, maybe paradoxically, they can be approached by using the same biochemical, cellular, and physiological tools of the materia medica, which represents an epochal transition from general concepts such as suggestibility and power of mind to a true physiology and biology.

Placebo effects remind us of the old tenet that patients must be both cured and cared for, and they teach us that these complex issues can today be investigated by using a physiological and neuroscientific approach. The intricate psychological factors involved can be approached through biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology, thus eliminating the old dichotomy between biology and psychology. This is both a biomedical and a philosophical enterprise that is changing the way we approach and interpret medicine, neurology, and human biology.

In the first case, curing the disease only is not sufficient, and care of the patient is of tantamount importance. In the second case, the philosophical debate about the mind-body interaction can find some important answers.

Although a terminological confusion still persists and the terms placebo effect and response are often used interchangeably, placebo effect could be considered different from placebo response. In the same way as the drug response is the global response to drug administration, so the placebo response is the whole response to placebo administration, including natural history of disease, regression to the mean, and such like.

Conversely, in the same way as the drug effect is the specific pharmacodynamic effect of a drug, so the placebo effect is the specific effect of placebo administration, that is, the real psychobiological phenomenon deriving from the psychosocial context around the patient. What neuroscientists have learned over the past few years is placebos are not inert substances. Instead, they are constituted of different words and therapeutic rituals as well as of different symbolic elements which, in turn, can influence the patient’s brain, thus they are amenable to classic neuroscientific investigation. Therefore, overall, a placebo is the whole ritual of the therapeutic act. Neuroscientists use the placebo effect as a model to understand how the human brain works, and indeed the study of the placebo effect is today a melting pot of concepts and ideas for neuroscience. In fact, there is not a single but many placebo effects, and there is not a single but many mechanisms across different conditions and interventions. The nocebo effect goes in the opposite direction, namely, clinical worsening after negative words that induce negative expectations.

In neurology, the most studied and understood conditions where placebo effects have been investigated in depth are pain and Parkinson’s disease. In pain, the opioid system activation by placebos is the most understood, as shown by the blockade of placebo analgesia by the opioid antagonist naloxone and by in vivo brain imaging of endogenous opioid release. By contrast, the cholecystokinin (CCK)-antagonist, proglumide, enhances placebo analgesia on the basis of the anti-opioid action of CCK, whereas the activation of the CCK type-2 receptors by means of the agonist pentagastrin disrupts placebo analgesia. Therefore, the activation of the CCK type-2 receptors has the same effect as the opioid receptor blockade, which suggests that the balance between CCKergic and opioidergic systems is crucial in placebo responsiveness in pain. Some brain regions in the cerebral cortex and the brainstem are affected by both a placebo and the opioid agonist remifentanil, thus indicating a related mechanism in placebo-induced and opioid-induced analgesia. A role of the CB1 cannabinoid receptors has also been found in some types of placebo analgesia that is not mediated by endogenous opioids. The CCK pro-nociceptive system has also been found to mediate the nocebo hyperalgesic effect. For example, expectation of pain increase leads to nocebo hyperalgesia, and this increase can be blocked by the CCK antagonist proglumide. Interestingly, there is compelling experimental evidence that the whole lipidic pathway, e.g. arachidonic acid, endogenous cannabinoid ligands, prostaglandins and thromboxane, is importantly involved in both placebo and nocebo effects, for example in hypoxia-induced headache.

In Parkinson’s disease, dopamine receptors are activated in both ventral (nucleus accumbens) and dorsal striatum when a placebo is administered. The release of dopamine corresponds to a change of 200% or more in extracellular dopamine concentration, and it is comparable to the response to amphetamine in subjects with an intact dopamine system. Intraoperative single-neuron recording in Parkinson patients during the implantation of electrodes for deep brain stimulation, shows that the firing rate of the neurons in the subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra pars reticulata decreases after placebo administration, whereas the firing rate of thalamic neurons in the ventral anterior and anterior ventral lateral thalamus increases, along with the disappearance of bursting activity in the subthalamic nucleus. Importantly, from a clinical point of view, these neuronal changes are accompanied by a reduction in muscle rigidity.

It is clear from this brief description that placebos modulate the same biochemical pathways that are modulated by drugs, such as narcotics and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for pain as well as dopaminergic agents for Parkinson’s disease, thus giving rise to the concept that placebos and drugs share common mechanisms of action. Overall, these findings provide compelling evidence for a true pharmacology and toxicology of words and of social interaction, thus leading to a new physiology of the doctor-patient relationship. Much remains to be done to understand where, when and how placebos work, that is, in which medical conditions, in which circumstances, and how they affect the brain across different neurological disorders. This challenge is certainly worth undertaking, as it will provide important pieces of information for clinical practice, clinical trials, and a better understanding of the human brain.•

Fabrizio Benedetti, MD, is professor of neurophysiology at the University of Turin Medical School, Turin, Italy, and professor of medicine, physiology, and neuroscience for the Innovative Clinical Training, Trials and Healthcare Initiative (ICTHI), Zermatt, Switzerland. He has been nominated member of The Academy of Europe and of the European Dana Alliance for the Brain. He is author of the book Placebo Effects (Oxford University Press, 3rd Edition, 2020), which received the Medical Book Award of the British Medical Association in 2009. In 2012, he received the Seymour Solomon Award of the American Headache Society, in 2015 the William S. Kroger Award of Behavioral Medicine from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, in 2023 the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies.

For additional information:

  • Benedetti F, Carlino E, Piedimonte A (2016) Increasing uncertainty in CNS clinical trials: the role of placebo, nocebo, and Hawthorne effects. Lancet Neurol, 15: 736-747.
  • Benedetti F (2020) Placebo effects. Understanding the other side of medical care. 3rd Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Frisaldi E, Zamfira DA, Benedetti F (2021) The subthalamic nucleus and the placebo effect in Parkinson’s disease. In Swaab DF, Kreier F, Lucassen PJ, Salehi A, and Buijs RM (Eds). Handbook of Clinical Neurology: The Human Hypothalamus: Middle and Posterior Region. San Diego: Elsevier BV, pp 433-446.
  • Benedetti F, Frisaldi E, Shaibani A (2022) Thirty years of neuroscientific investigation of placebo and nocebo: the interesting, the good, and the bad. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol, 62: 323-340.
  • Frisaldi E, Shaibani A, Benedetti F, Pagnini F (2023) Placebo and nocebo effects and mechanisms associated with pharmacological interventions: an umbrella review. Br Med J Open, 13: e077243.

WCN Update, Election Results, and WFN News

Welcome to World Neurology, the WFN newsletter, which contains several important contributions and has become the main instrument of information on WFN activities as well as other neurological activities worldwide.

I want to thank our editors, Steven Lewis and Walter Struhal, for their work for World Neurology, John England for JNS, and Walter Struhal for eNS. These publications help to promote neurology worldwide.

Council of Delegates (COD)

The electronic voting for the new positions was used by 65% of member societies. The results are:

  • Prof. M. Wasay was elected as a new trustee and will follow Prof. M. Freedman.
  • Prof. Richard Stark as the treasurer will be replaced by Prof. M. Freedman.

We thank Prof. Freedman for his activity as a trustee, and also thank both coopted trustees, Prof. Riadh Gouider and Prof. Marco Medina for their incredible input over the last two years, in particular to the needs of their regions. Prof. Stark will be in office until Dec. 31, 2023. From Jan. 1, 2024, Prof. Freedman will be in office as the new treasurer.

I also want to thank all individuals who applied for the positions but were not successful. Please keep supporting the WFN.

We welcome Chad as the 124th member of the WFN, as recommended by the membership committee.

In the COD meeting, the ongoing activities of officers, trustees, and committees were reported. Our global activities with the WHO and UN ECOSOC are developing well.

At the closing ceremony, the formal handover for the new congress site from Montreal to Seoul was finalized. We are happy to announce that Cape Town will be the WCN site in 2027.

Thanks to all other venues for their efforts to apply to be the site of the WCN.

WCN 2023 Montreal

The congress was co-hosted by the Canadian Neurological Society under Congress President Guy Rouleau. The WCN 2023 was a success in combining science, education, and the need for international cooperation and advocacy. In many sessions, the spirit of cooperation, education, advocacy, and global engagement was felt.

There were 2,300 in-person attendees and 1,300 online participants from 132 countries. There were also 2,297 submitted abstracts.

The scientific program was developed by the program committee and included 260 speakers from all regions of the world. The 10 plenary speakers discussed several topics, including the importance of cooperation with the WHO. The joint sessions with the WSO, MDS, and ILAE, as well as the joint sessions with the World Psychiatric Association and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies were introduced.

For the first time, the Young Neurologists were able to develop two sessions on their own. They also organized a patient day with a local committee and established a patient platform.

One highlight was the celebration of 10 years of WFN Training Centers in Africa and Mexico. Each training center received recognition. The chairs of the training centers reported on their important work.

In addition to the continuously successful and highly competitive and exciting Tournament of the Minds (won by Sri Lanka), several other congress initiatives were introduced, such as coffee talks, debates, meet the plenary lecturer, and interactive communications with social media.

Although the total number of attendees reached the goal, the low number of in-person attendees raises concern. The reasons will be subject to more analysis, including the attractiveness of the WCN concept, high costs of travel, visa issues, and decreasing industry support. As this was the first hybrid WCN, we are pleased with the participation from 132 countries.

It was also acknowledged that the WFN has its focus on global activities in advocacy and cooperation with the WHO and UN ECOSOC. Numerous meetings spread over the congress mirrored the spirit of cooperation and advocacy, and much effort was made to make the delegates and community aware of the WHO IGAP project.

The next WCN will be in Seoul Korea in 2025 jointly with the Korean Neurological Society. For 2027, Cape Town South Africa will be the congress site.

In 2024, the WFN will provide a virtual educational congress in the autumn called “WFN digital neurological Updates (WNU) 2024,” which will provide updates in the development of the most recent neurological conditions in association with teaching courses. The yearly COD in 2024 will be virtual and will provide a platform for informational meetings with the member societies in regard to international work, such as WHO and UN.

The trustees decided during the WCN to continue to provide WCN hybrid congresses and shorten the congress duration by one day to make the congress more compatible with the increasing time constraints.

The Specialty Group on Neuromuscular Diseases (ICNMD) will have an educational virtual meeting and a congress next year in Perth, Australia.

We are also glad on the series of educational days, jointly with the IHS/GPAC, the upcoming first joint educational AOAN WFN educational day on, and the AFAN WFN educational day on neuropathies and the ICNMD Digital.

We also shared the 14th EAN-AFAN Regional Teaching Course in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and were impressed by the program and the number of attendees, as well as the interactions between faculty and attendees.

Following the WCN congress, the WFN attended the 73rd regional WHO meeting in Astana, Kasakhstan, and also meetings with local high-ranking local officials were attended to promote the WHO IGAP locally.

We hope that this summary will give you an overview on the WFN activities, and we invite you to follow the website and social media. •

Click to see the sights from WCN 2023


We are pleased to announce a number of awards and recognitions

Named lectures:

Medal for Services to International Neurology | Awardee

Bhimsen Singhal (Bombay Hospital Institute, Mumbai, India)

Medal for Scientific Achievement in Neurology | Awardee

Avindra Nath (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland)

Elsevier Awards

Best Research Paper

Long-Term Outcomes of Symptomatic Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis Patients: A 3-Year Follow-Up
May Zin Myint

Best Research Paper

Topline Results of the Proof-Hd Pivotal Phase 3 Trial: Pridopidine’s Outcome on Function in Huntington Disease
Michael R. Hayden

Best Research Paper

Association Between Benzodiazepine and Alzheimer’s Disease Likely Driven by Prescription for Prodromal Phase Symptoms
Diego Legrand

Best Clinical Paper

Impact of Delirium Duration on Stroke Outcomes
Gabriel Suzart

Best Clinical Paper

Underemployment, Work Hour Reduction, and Income Loss: A Global, Multicentered, Cohort Study of Neuromyelitis Optica
Isabella Gomez Hjerthen

Best Clinical Paper

CADIIM Study: Cardiac and Autonomic Dysfunction in Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies
Samim Mondal

Angela Vincent Award

Clinical and Radiological Spectrum and Outcomes in Patients of Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
Jerry A. George

WFN-AAN: Ted Munsat Award

Prof. William Howlett, Tanzania

Angela Vincent Award:

Clinical And Radiological Spectrum and Outcomes in Patients of Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
Jerry A. George, India

Winner of the Tournament of the Minds WCN Montreal 2023 

Sri Lanka (Thashi Chang, A.T. Alibhoy, Senaka Bandusena, and Manjula Caldera)

Improving Access to Medicines for Neurological Disorders

Report of the Sept. 5-6, 2023, meeting at the WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

By Ksenia Pochigaeva and Wolfgang Grisold

This two-day meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, was composed of worldwide high-level representatives looking at essential medicines for neurological disorders. It was organized through collaboration of several WHO departments, including the Brain Health Unit, the Medicines and Health Products Division and the Non-Communicable Diseases Department, as well as representatives of several WHO regional and country offices.

The WFN was represented at this meeting by its president, Wolfgang Grisold, with virtual participation of its trustees William Carroll and Alla Guekht. Dr. Carroll presented the results from the WFN Needs Registry Survey highlighting the importance of having treatments for neurological disorders on the list of essential medicines.

After opening statements, the meeting was initiated by a presentation from the Brain Health Unit of an ongoing landscape analysis, which examines data on various aspects of the existing treatment gap in neurological diseases and the factors that influence access to medicines. These were graphically presented as a “fishbone” diagram, which incorporated a wide array of components pertaining to prioritization of neurological conditions, selection, production, pricing, supply and monitoring of essential medicines. This highlighted the number of challenges, which need to be addressed both globally and at regional and country levels and served as a reference point for group discussion on specific actions for overcoming these challenges.

The WHO Essential Medicines List (EML) and Essential Medicines List for Children (EMLc) were discussed from several perspectives. These tools are of global importance, as all WHO member states (194) are recommended to have these drugs available. Although all of these medications are generics, they are still not accessible for patients in all countries. Reasons for this include disparities between the WHO model list and national EMLs, high cost of certain medicines, national policies regarding Universal Health Care (UHC), and reimbursement and the registration process not completed for all essential medicines in all countries.

This was outstandingly demonstrated in the report of a case study of 47 national EMLs from Africa, in which antiseizure and antiparkinsonism medicines from the WHO model list were used as tracer conditions for neurological disorders. This case study could be a model for other regions for a better understanding in what disparities need to be addressed to improve access to medicines for neurologic disorders.

Another issue that remains is related to the health workforce capacity, with many countries lacking a sufficient number of neurologists or physicians with training to diagnose and prescribe treatment for epilepsy and other neurological disorders.

The WHO EML is updated every two years through a thorough application and review process. The latest version of the list from 2023 includes cladribine, glatiramer acetate and rituximab for MS and levetiracetam among ASMs. Unfortunately, other neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, still lack medicines or optimized formulations on the EML.

The significance of this meeting was greatly supported by accounts from persons with lived experience, with Omotola Thomas speaking for people with Parkinson’s disease in Africa and Donna Walsh representing the IBE and speaking on behalf of people with epilepsy.

The WFN is grateful that the WHO is prioritizing medicine for the treatment of neurological disorders and will continue to be active in raising awareness on the WHO Model EML. •

Ksenia Pochigaeva is an intern with the WFN, and Wolfgang Grisold is WFN president.

Sights From WCN 2023, Montreal