Walter Struhal, MD

Steven L. Lewis, MD
By Steven L. Lewis, MD, Editor, and Walter Struhal, MD, Co-Editor
We are pleased to introduce the September/October 2016 issue of World Neurology.
In this issue, Raad Shakir, MD, president of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN), provides us with his insights about the infrastructural investments, in addition to the training of more neurologists, required for providing optimal neurologic care worldwide.
Wolfgang Grisold, MD, and Steven L. Lewis, MD, report on the recent successful site visit to Dakar, Senegal, now becoming the third WFN Teaching Center on the African continent. Dr. Grisold then reports on two recent international educational activities, the Eighth Joint European Board Examination in Neurology in Copenhagen, as well as the 14th International Congress on Neuromuscular Disease in Toronto.
Jera Kruja, MD, reports on the activities from the Albanian Day of the Brain celebration. John D. England, MD, provides his editor-in-chief’s update from the Journal of the Neurological Sciences, the official journal of the WFN.
In this month’s history column, Catherine E. Storey, MBBS, FRACP, MSc, provides an illustrated summary of the development of the ophthalmoscope and its introduction to British neurologists. Serefnur Öztürk, MD, announces an exciting international essay contest for young neurologists sponsored by the Turkish Neurological Society.
In the book review column, Carrie Grouse, MD, reviews a multiple-expert authored book devoted to discussing and contextualizing landmark neurological papers. Vladimir Hachinski, MD, DSc, adds his heartfelt memories about the life of John N. Walton, MD.
Finally, Dr. Grisold provides a tribute to Keith Newton, who stepped down from his work at the WFN after 18 successful years as executive director and consultant administrator.
We sincerely hope you enjoy the contributions from this issue, and we look forward to seeing the delegates of the WFN at the upcoming Council of Delegates meeting occurring Sept. 12, 2016, coincident with the 12th European Congress on Epileptology in Prague.
As always, we encourage your outstanding submissions and helpful suggestions for the benefit of all World Neurology readers around the globe.