During the past decade, historical neurological films gained popularity in the neurological community. Early films were made by neuroscientists in several cities, including Leuven (Van Gehuchten), Paris (Paul Sainton), Berlin (Paul Schuster and Arthur Simons), Bucharest (Georges Marinesco), Philadelphia (Theodore Weisenburg), Boston (Denny-Brown), Turin (Camillo Negro), Bologna (Vincenzo Neri), London (S.A. Kinnier Wilson), Utrecht (Magnus) and Leiden (Rademaker); many surfaced during the past decades.
Advancing Our Goals

Donald H. Silberberg
How can we help individuals with neurological problems obtain the best possible care in every country? The World Federation of Neurology, representing about 27,000 neurologists from 113 countries, plays a potentially critical role in this effort. Through its officers, 15 committees and over 20 working groups, the WFN seeks to educate, advocate and support research and clinical care in many parts of the world. A particular focus is to bring improved services to areas that are under-resourced. [Read more…]
JNS: New Editor, New Face, New Content
The Journal of Neurological Sciences (JNS) is the official journal of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN). Under the leadership of Robert Lisak and his team, the journal has grown steadily in its impact factor, circulation and income for the WFN. We are most grateful to Lisak, his team and his indispensable manager, Susan Hutton, for their dedication and accomplishments. [Read more…]
Eli S. Goldensohn
Eli S. Goldensohn, a pioneer in the development of video-EEG monitoring, passed away March 22, 2013, at the age of 97. During his long career, he was on the faculties of the University of Colorado, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, the College of Physicians & Surgeons at Columbia University, and after retiring from Columbia, he spent more than a decade at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. [Read more…]
Mark Your Calendars
Second SFCNS Congress: Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies
June 5-7, 2013
Montreux, Switzerland
WFN Headquarters Office is Moving
After five years in Richmond-upon-Thames, WFN Headquarters Office is relocating to new premises in London. The new address is in Hammersmith at 1 Lyric Square, London W6 0NB. The new telephone and fax numbers are: [Read more…]
Candidate Statement: President – Werner Hacke, MD, PhD, DSc (hon), FESC
Neurology is changing rapidly!
The spectrum of neurological diseases is undergoing major changes in incidence, spectrum and therapeutic options. There is an increase of neurological diseases in an unprecedented manner all over the world. While infectious diseases are still a major health problem in low and middle income countries, all societies are facing a massive increase of noncommunicable diseases linked to risk factors and aging population. [Read more…]
Candidate Statement: President – Raad Shakir
The WFN has been part of my life for 32 years. It all started when I presented a paper at the 1981 World Congress in Kyoto. I soon realized that neurology is an international fraternity of like-minded people who strive to understand and advise each other. This was made more poignant as I was already an émigré from my own country of birth, Iraq. [Read more…]
Candidate Statement: First Vice President – William M. Carroll, MB, BS, MD, FRACP, FRCP(E)
The Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists (ANZAN) and the Neurological Society of Thailand together with the Chinese Neurological Society have honored me by nominating me for this important position. [Read more…]
Candidate Statement: First Vice President – Ryuji Kaji
After serving as an elected trustee for six years and as the chair of the Asia Initiative for three years, I would like to introduce myself as a candidate for the first vice president. [Read more…]