Ralf Gold, MD, Wolfgang Grisold, MD, Albert Ludolph, MD, and Thomas ThiekÖtter, MD

Ralf Gold, MD, Albert Ludolph, MD, and Thomas Thiekötter, MD
The World Federation of Neurology (WFN) and the German Neurological Society (DGN) are pleased to announce a new partnership to invite two colleagues from Africa to visit the neurology department of the St. Josef-Hospital in Bochum, Germany, part of the University Hospital of the Ruhr University Bochum and the department of neurology at the Hospital of Ulm University.
Wilhelm Erb initially founded the German Neurological Society (DGN) as the “Gesellschaft Deutscher Nervenärzte” in 1907. In 1935, the society was dissolved by the Nazi government. The re-establishment of the society took place in 1950 by Heinrich Pette. The DGN is part of the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF). The current chairman is Professor Ralf Gold from Bochum. In recent years the DGN has become a fast-growing society, which represents more than 8,000 members.
The WFN was formed in Brussels in 1957 as an association of national neurological societies. Today, the WFN represents 119 professional societies in 118 countries in all regions of the world. WFN’s mission is to foster quality neurology and brain health worldwide, a goal it seeks to achieve by promoting global neurological education and training, with the emphasis placed firmly on under-resourced parts of the world.
About the Project
The German Neurological Society supports the WFN’s African initiative by inviting two African colleagues to visit the department of neurology in the St. Josef-Hospital in Bochum (University Clinic of the Ruhr University) and the department of neurology at the Hospital of Ulm University for four weeks. The purpose of the visit is to experience the German neurological system in an international environment, meet new colleagues, and foster future cooperation.
About the Host Institutions
St. Josef-Hospital, Ruhr University Bochum: The department of neurology at St. Josef-Hospital is part of the University Hospital of the Ruhr University Bochum. The chair of the department is Professor Ralf Gold, who is also the current president of the German Neurological Society. The department comprises a total of 106 beds, including an intensive care unit, an intermediate care unit, and a certified supra-regional stroke unit. Neuroimmunological diseases represent the main clinical and scientific focus. The department of neurology has its own CSF-lab and its own plasma exchange unit. Neurosonology of the central as well as of the peripheral nerve system, constitutes a further focus, and the neurosonology lab is one of the few DEGUM-certified labs in Germany. Cerebrovascular diseases are treated according to the latest state of medicine, including mechanical thrombectomies. Furthermore, there is special expertise in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s or Huntington’s disease.
The Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) was founded in 1962 as the first new public university in Germany since 1945. Today, the RUB is one of the largest universities in Germany and harbors more than 20 faculties.
University Hospital of Ulm (RKU): The department of neurology, University Hospital of Ulm (RKU), chaired by Professor Albert C. Ludolph, is a maximum care hospital for neurology (tertiary referral) for 93 inpatients, including a certified supra-regional stroke unit/intermediate care ward for 27 inpatients, plus additional beds in an interdisciplinary intensive care unit and an additional neurological rehabilitation clinic with all levels of rehabilitation care. The department of neurology has its own CSF-lab and its own immune adsorption unit. The clinic has a dedicated imaging facility with MRI (where neurologists are specifically trained) and a state-of-the-art angiography unit where mechanical thrombectomies are performed. The outpatient clinic includes multiple, highly specialized outpatient clinics (including those for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington´s disease, Parkinson´s disease and other movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, dementias, epilepsy, pain, brain tumors, etc.) and a dedicated neurological clinical study center. The main clinical and scientific focus is motor neuron disorders/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis for which the department is one of the world´s largest and most renowned centers.
The visit will take place in mid-October 2016.
Details about support
The German Neurological Society will provide the following support:
- Travel expenses: Country of Residence — Germany — Country of Residence
- Accommodations for four weeks
- Living expenses (food and beverage) during the four weeks
- Costs of health insurance during the stay in Germany
Criteria for applications:
- The applicant must be a resident of a country in a low or lower, middle-income country in the African continent
- The applicant must have been born after December 12, 1975
Evaluation Committee:
Two representatives of the German Neurological Society
Two representatives of the WFN Education Committee
Two representatives from the African Academy of Neurology
Deadline for application:
To apply, applicants must email their CV, a supporting statement, and a letter of recommendation from their head of department by May 30, 2016 to the WFN Education Coordinator, Ella Nkanagu, enkanagu@kenes.com.
For any questions regarding your application, or to apply, please contact the administrative office of the WFN Education Committee at +41 22 908 0164 or enkanagu@kenes.com.