Mediterranean Routes and the Bulwarks of Plague Control During the “Serenissima Republic in Venice”

By Luigi Bertinato, Venice, Italy

plague_mainNavigation and trade have always been the cornerstones of multiple cultural relationships with civilizations of the Mediterranean and the Far East countries. Indeed, the caravans that transported the rarest and most precious wares by sea to the Venetian warehouses arrived from as far as Constantinople and Alessandria.

The patricians of the Serenissima Venetian Republic, as Niccolò Machiavelli pointed out in The Prince, were the only noblemen in the world who thought themselves to be above the humility of practical work. Trading was for these people not only a source of financial gain, but an art form.

To navigate and trade successfully, it was important to gather information on the routes, the coastlines, the islands, and on geographical and climatic details, as well as to understand markets, rates of exchange, money, weights and the differing customs of the people located in other parts of the world. It was important to know how to communicate using conventional sign systems and gestures marked by innate pragmatism reminiscent of those civilizations that converged along the coasts of the huge Mediterranean basin.

From 1348, a dark foreboding began to make its way into the Mediterranean: the plague. Even today, the plague has its natural breeding ground in Kurdistan, in Assyria, and in Central Asia, where it is endemic. It would spread to the convoys that followed the lines of the caravan routes, thereby reaching the ports of the Eastern Mediterranean. The contagion would spread via two main vehicles: a rodent, the rattus-rattus, and the Xenopsilla Cheopis, a flea that lodged itself in the surface hair of the rodent, and then pass on to humans. In the dark, dank corners of the ship’s hold, the rats not only represented a serious threat for the goods and wares, but, more importantly, for the people who would come into contact with them.

Due to its constant contact with the East, Venice would find itself in the frontline. Venice could not give up its trading links with the East on which it based its whole wealth. Therefore, it had to adopt measures for the protection of public health. The result was the invention of the quarantine, or lazzaretto.

The Birth of the Venetian Lazzaretti
From 1348 in this globalized ante litteram world raged the spectre of the plague, which spread along the Mediterranean routes, threatening the survival of peoples in its wake.

While science at the time groped helplessly in the dark for solutions, it was clear to many states that the lethalness, contagiousness and sheer virulence of the plague constituted such an enormous threat that it was necessary to take recourse to collective measures.

On Aug. 28, 1423, during the umpteenth attack of the plague, the Venetian Senate instituted isolation facilities where the plague victims would be housed. In these buildings, there would be medical and nursing personnel at hand, paid by the state. After much deliberation, the choice of location fell upon the Island of Santa Maria di Nazareth, which carried the name of the pre-existing convent, vulgarized thereafter into the term “Nazaretum,” then into “Lazaretum,” and finally into “Lazzaretto.” This name was then adopted by similar types of isolation facilities modeled on the Venetian Lazzaretto, which sprang up elsewhere in the western world.

In 1423, the Senate underlined the importance of information as an indispensable premise for effective and rapid isolation, and the success of prevention. Each and every Venetian — from the captains of large vessels to the sailors on deck, to the citizens themselves — was involved in the fight against the spreading of infection and was encouraged to collect every piece of news, when it surfaced, on cases of the plague in the city and on board the ships, so that affected persons and goods could be isolated immediately.

However, certainly the most original model was that of the quarantine lazzaretto, founded in 1468, which would take in the recovered plague victims for a period of 40 days before they were allowed to return to the city. The lazzaretto, called “Nuovo” or “New” to distinguish it from the pre-existing site named “Vecchio” or “Old,” was used as a quarantine for persons and goods arriving from infected countries. Isolation and purification measures were implemented, requiring constant investment of economic resources as well as the slowing down of the traffic of goods and persons. The priority was to spend on prevention rather than risk economic and demographic ruin as a result of widespread epidemics.

The system of the Venetian lazzaretti was managed, in the context of a wider national and international health care strategy, by the Public Health Care Magistracy of the Venetian Republic (instituted in 1486), thereby creating the model for all Mediterranean ports, which intended to compete with the “Serenissima” Venetian Republic.

Mass Communication on Preventing Measures
It was no easy task to force plague victims and those suspected of carrying the plague virus to be hospitalized in the lazzaretti, which during the 15th Century were tainted by scandal and condemned by their priors for the maltreatment of patients. The health care information campaign and the sensitization of the people to isolation practices reached a peak as a result of the veneration of Saint Rocco who, through his example, inspired people of that time to accept marginalization and quarantining as a means of preventing the spread of disease in populations.

Saint Rocco embodied and, at the same time, exorcised the fears and obsessions which beset the Christian West since 1348, in whom, as a beggar and wayfarer, people saw the image of Christ in need of help. Following the disappearance of the plague in Europe, the fear remained that there could be individuals still around who could spread the infection and cause further deaths. Saint Rocco represented the pilgrim, the traveller who was conscious of the danger of his movements, and the possibility of constituting a vehicle for the spread of infection.

To dissuade people from violating laws on compulsory isolation for plague victims and to discourage all infringements of quarantine norms and of the expurgation of goods and passengers, the Public Health Magistracy adopted exemplary measures such as capital punishment before the seat of the Magistracy at St. Mark’s.

During the plague of 1576, since there were numerous victims and deaths in Venice as a result of coming into contact with the infection raging through the city, the number of citizens who had to be subjected to quarantining procedures in Lazzaretto Novo was high. The small island could not accept all these people, which meant that the sick had to be housed in thousands of ships moored off the island, crammed next to one another, thereby increasing the size of the territory and increasing the ability of the island to take on infected people. At a short distance away from the island, a boat equipped with a gallows served as a warning to those who thought of escaping isolation, and other armed boats patrolled the surrounding waters to tighten the security even further. The proclamation enforces the ban on those coming from infected areas (or suspected areas) when trying to enter the city without undergoing a period of quarantine.

plague-2A plague doctor (see the photo at the right),was a medical physician who treated victims of the plague. They were specifically hired by the Senate of Venice that had many plague victims in times of epidemics.

The plague doctors wore a special costume. The garments were invented by Charles de L’Orme in 1619; they were first used in Paris, but later adapted in Venice with a special mask with a prominent nose. The protective suit consisted of a heavy, waxed fabric overcoat, a mask with glass eye openings and a beak-shaped nose, typically stuffed with herbs, straw, and spices. Plague doctors would also commonly carry a cane to examine and direct patients without the need to make direct contact.

This was thought to protect the doctor from miasma.

The Great Quarantine Warehouses and the Rules of Expurgation
In the 17th century, the health care cordon around the city was optimized, thereby preventing any ship from approaching Venice without being subjected to the necessary controls by the Public Health Care Magistracy. Armed boats patrolled the lagoon to check that nothing was unloaded from the ships arriving from foreign waters. The captains of these ships were obliged to go before the health care office and avoid contact with anyone else, and then to fill out a detailed report about the trip. The Magistrate’s scribe had to collect the details of the captain’s report, and check health certificates and licenses issued by port authorities in the ports visited by the ship in question. These documents had to prove the ship had set sail from ports that were not infected by disease. In case of false declaration, the captain would risk the death penalty. It was quite common that seafarers who had set sail from plague-ridden ports would destroy the documents, thereby asking for licenses to be issued by other ports free from infection. This was a futile trick because the Republic would plant informers and spies all around the Mediterranean area.

In order to gain access to the Venetian ports of the Mediterranean, it was compulsory to exhibit a bill of health. The bill of health or the health license (passport or passpartout) certified the health of individuals and the safety and hygiene levels of goods that were shipped by providing detailed information on ports of call and transit ports used by a particular vessel.

This documentation was issued by the Chancery of the Venetian consulates, which was at the head of the markets in the numerous near eastern ports where ships would berth. At the end of a journey, the licenses were returned to their owners indicating all the ports entered by the vessel.

This is the reason why such documents have been preserved in the consular archives or in the archives of the Venetian ambassador (“bailo”) who resided in Constantinople, and was in charge of the consulates stationed in the Near Eastern Mediterranean.

The Health Care Magistracy of the Serenissima Republic and International Health Care Bulletins
From the date of its establishment in 1486, the health care magistracy had founded preventative policies based on a systematic identification of epidemics in all the countries that traded with Venice, which included the publication and distribution of news concerning the latest developments, through a network of health care offices, diplomatic representatives and similar agencies abroad.

In 1770, a total of 6,990 copies of health decrees rolled off the ducal press, carrying warnings of the dangers posed by the outbreak of plague in specific areas, with relevant dates and bearing the supposed office’s address. All this went to show what a fine system of networks had been adopted in efforts to reach even the most distant localities, and stop the spread via unexpected and lesser known avenues, and avoid the suspension of ties with infected zones.

Infected war vessels as well as those under suspicion of being so were duly reported so that ports could deny them access or send them on to areas equipped with infected lazzaretti. Near-escapes and cases of having resolved the epidemic onboard ships were also made known using the same system of publication and news bulletins.

The Serenissima’s loss of domination over the Adriatic, known for centuries as the “Venetian Gulf,” was having to come to terms in the meantime with yet another business rival, that of Ancona.

Despite the loss of her military and commercial supremacy, the old Republic did continue through its health authorities to control the dissemination of information about epidemics and to spread health warnings via its public announcements, many of which in fact fell on the ears not only of friendly but less than friendly ports.

Poveglia: The Very Last of the Lazzaretti
Over the course of the 17th century, the New Lazzaretto faced a slow and irreversible degradation, made no easier by the surrounding lagoon areas falling prey to swamplands. This forced the Senate into taking into consideration two alternative solutions: either that of undertaking drastic restorations, or building a third lazzaretto on another island. In 1782, the island Poveglia was carefully selected for its proximity to the mouth of the port of Malamocco, with its deep and navigable canals, which had long been in use for the placement of ships in quarantine.

Victims of the plague were isolated on islands to keep the disease from spreading to Venice.

Victims of the plague were isolated on islands to keep the disease from spreading to Venice.

This would have afforded impressive savings on the costs of transporting the goods and passengers to the islands, thus cutting the costs of peate, towing, transfers, and overtime for the health administrators who had the task of keeping their eye on such operations. The project however, had to be set aside, due to a lack of funds, and it was only the emergency created in 1793 by the arrival of an infected Tartan that prompted having to equip the island with quarantine facilities. This necessitated the building of two wooden control centers, one for infected persons and the other for the guards, who in patrolling the surrounding waters with armed boats managed to contain the spread of infection.

After the fall of the Republic, Poveglia continued to be used as an emergency quarantine base for crews afflicted by the plague and, after 1803, yellow fever. The following year, the Austrian government decided that suspected ships coming from Spain were better turned away from the Austrian lazaretti and should instead be sent to the Venetian reception points, which were far better equipped by their isolated position to deal with them. In 1805, plans were being considered for the creation of a large lazzaretto at Poveglia, an idea also taken into consideration by the successive Kingdom of Italy in 1808, but the major obstacle remained in the fact that the island was already used by the military.

In 1814, while the plague continued to break out in many ports of the Levante, Poveglia was finally handed over to the Health authorities, functioning from then on as an isolation center for all Austrian sea ports, and managing the infection to a high degree of success.

Any historical reflection on the role of the Mediterranean Lazzaretti demonstrates that the West had already expressed a common intention regarding health research, many centuries prior to the birth of the European community anticipating the rules adopted today by the World Health Organization, within the so called “International Health Regulation.” 

Luigi Bertinato, MD, is public policy adviser in the areas of international public health policies and currently Health Care Manager at the University of Verona,Italy

From the Editors

By Steven L. Lewis, MD, Editor
and Walter Struhal, MD, Co-Editor

Walter Struhal

Walter Struhal, MD


Steven L. Lewis, MD

We are very pleased to introduce the January/February 2017 issue of World Neurology, with a number of varied and quite interesting reports from around the globe.

Drs. Jorge G. Burneo, David A. Steven, and Miguel Arango describe the fruitful ongoing collaboration between Canada and Peru on a project to provide high-level epilepsy surgical care in Peru. Drs. Peter Spencer and Jacques Reis report on the International Meeting on Environment and Health that recently took place in Strasbourg. Dr. Gallo Diop reports on the recent exciting announcement of the process and promotion of seven neurologists within Africa to the rank of professor.

In this issue’s President’s Column, WFN President Raad Shakir notes that brain health is at the forefront of diseases leading to morbidity and mortality, highlighting the critical importance and role of neurologists in increasing the profile of neurology as a discipline around the globe. Dr. Bruno Giometto reports on the highlights of the recent successful XLVII Congress of the Italian Society of Neurology, and in a related report, Dr. Luigi Bertinato’s keynote lecture from the same Congress on the origins of public health and the history of plague control will be of great historical interest to our readers.

Drs. Sergey Lobzin and Natalie Zinserling report from the September 2016 Davidenkov Readings Conference in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and summarize the historical and modern aspects of Saint Petersburg Neurology.  In his Editor-in-Chief’s Update from the Journal of the Neurological Sciences, the official journal of the WFN, John D. England, MD, announces the new Elsevier web-based editorial system to provide an improved and streamlined author and reviewer experience for the journal. In this issue’s history column, Dr. Peter Koehler informs us about the history of the discoveries and putative functions of “stones” in the brain.

Dr. Michael Ackerl reports on the latest developments of the European Board Examination in Neurology from the European Union of Medical Specialists from their last meeting in October 2016.

In what we also hope will be the model of many similar contributions from our readers for future issues, we know readers will appreciate seeing a “Photo of the Issue” that was provided by Dr. Shakir, showing Professor Jun Kimura giving a recent EMG workshop at the Lebanese society of Neurology in Beirut. Dr. Wolfgang Grisold, the Secretary-General of the WFN, and Dr. Alla Guekht briefly report on their international collaboration that resulted in a Russian translation of the American-European Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases. Also in this issue is the official call for applications for the 2017 WFN Junior Traveling Fellowships.

We trust that you will enjoy the many and varied contributions from this issue about neurology around the globe, and we continue to encourage your suggestions and ongoing submissions on news of interest to neurologists worldwide. 

Peru, Canada Collaborate on Epilepsy Project

By Jorge G. Burneo, MD, David A Steven, MD, MPH, and Miguel Arango, MD

First temporal lobectomy, with Dr. David Steven, a neurosurgeon, observing at the Instituto de Ciencias Neurologicas in 2012.

First temporal lobectomy, with Dr. David Steven, a neurosurgeon, observing at the Instituto de Ciencias Neurologicas in 2012.

In 2008, a collaborative effort between Peru and Canada was born. The purpose of this collaboration was to establish epilepsy surgery centers in Peru. The catalyst for this endeavor was the North American Commission of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Partnership of Epilepsy Centers across the Americas (PECA) Program. This program funded initiatives to improve epilepsy care in Latin America through partnerships with North American epilepsy centers.

Our partnership with Peru has had the main objective of establishing epilepsy surgery programs in Peru. The epilepsy program at Western University in London, Canada, partnered initially with the Instituto de Ciencias Neurologicas (INCN), part of the Peruvian Ministry of Health, and subsequently with the Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Marins (HERM), part of the Essalud system, both located in Lima.

The country of Peru has adequate neurological care in major cities, particularly in Lima. Peru has two major health systems: a public one, funded by the Ministry of Health, and the Social Security System (or Essalud), funded by major private employers. However, certain subspecialized care, such as epilepsy, is lacking. Despite access to most first-, second- and even third-generation antiepileptic drugs, epilepsy surgery was not previously available.

Dr. Miguel Arango, a neuro-anesthesiologist, with one of the Peruvian teams during an awake craniotomy in 2016.

Dr. Miguel Arango, a neuro-anesthesiologist, with one of the Peruvian teams during an awake craniotomy in 2016.

The initial partnership with the INCN, which began in 2008, has allowed the establishment of a comprehensive epilepsy surgery program1. Since 2012, when the first temporal lobectomy was performed, the team has completed 56 more epilepsy surgeries. The INCN has a single bed with video-EEG capabilities that has allowed the evaluation of more than 100 patients since opening in 2009.

The partnership began with an initial video-EEG workshop run by the team from Canada, and over the years, it has consisted of annual visits to deliver lectures through symposia and grand rounds, as well as discussion of cases in person and on-line. This also has been carried out with rotations of Peruvian colleagues in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit in London, Canada. Furthermore, a fellowship in epilepsy surgery was undertaken in Mexico by Dr. Carlos M. Vazquez, and a fellowship in epileptology was undertaken in Brazil by Dr. Jose C. Delgado. The Canadian team also participated in different types of epilepsy surgeries, from the first temporal lobectomy in 2012, to the latest surgery in 2016, which involved an awake operation for mapping of language function prior to a dominant temporal lobectomy. The team used the Canadian model of presurgical assessment and molded it based on the Peruvian reality.

The Instituto de Ciencias Neurologicas team.

The Instituto de Ciencias Neurologicas team.

The partnership with HERM started in 2010 when Dr. Alicia Becerra, a neurosurgeon, came to London, Canada, to undertake an epilepsy surgery fellowship. This coincided with the visits of the neurologists Dr. Elliot Barreto and Dr. Mirla Villafuerte to our center as well. Despite the lack of initial support from their institution, they were able to perform three pre-surgical assessments that culminated in successful epilepsy surgeries before 2016. This year, however, their institution has been able to open its own single-bed epilepsy monitoring unit, and it has already been able to perform an awake surgery during a dominant temporal lobectomy.

Even though the initial funding came from PECA, subsequent funding came from Western University and private Canadian donations.

The collaborations have not ended. More trips to Peru and the future training of an anesthesiologist in neuro-anesthesia are planned for the near future.

It is finally our hope to use this model to establish epilepsy surgery centers in other parts of Peru and South America.


1Burneo JG, Delgado JC, Steven DA, et al. A collaborative effort to establish a comprehensive epilepsy program in Peru. Epilepsy Behav 2013;26:96-9.

Jorge G. Burneo, MD, is an epileptologist; David A. Steven, MD, is an epilepsy surgeon; and Miguel Arango, MD, is a neuro-anesthesiologist, all at the Western University, London, Ontario, Canada.

American-European Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases now Translated into Russian

atlasesBy Wolfgang Grisold and Alla Guekht

group of two U.S. neurologists (Eva Feldman and James Russell) and two European neurologists (Wolfgang Grisold and Wolfgang Löscher) co-wrote the second edition of the Atlas on Neuromuscular Disease, which was published by Springer in 2014.

Recently, further international collaboration has led to the publication of a Russian translation of the Atlas. The editors of the Russian version are Professor Alla Guekht and Professor Alexander Sanadze, from Moscow. The Russian version has been dedicated to the late Professor Boris Guekht, who was the leading Russian specialist in neuromuscular diseases.

The authors of the Atlas feel that this is a most useful and practical way for international cooperation, and sincerely thank Professor Guekht for her excellent initiative.

WFN 2017 Elections: Submit Your Candidate Recommendations

On Sept. 17, 2017, at the Annual General Meeting of the World Federation of Neurology Council of Delegates during the World Congress of Neurology in Kyoto, Japan, elections will be held for the following posts:

  • President to take up office from Jan. 1, 2018 (position vacated by Raad Shakir, MD, not eligible for re-election)
  • First vice president to take up office from Jan. 1, 2018 (position vacated by William M. Carroll, MD, not eligible for re-election as first vice president)
  • One elected trustee to take up office from Sept. 18, 2017 (position vacated by Riadh Gouider, MD, eligible for re-election)

Candidate names may be submitted together with written confirmation of their willingness to stand for election, a brief curriculum vitae (a single type-written page), and written support from their national society. This should reach the London secretariat office by Jan. 31, 2017.

The Nominating Committee will draw up an official list six months before the date of the election and will scrutinize all submissions received. Candidates for the positions of president and first vice president also will be required to provide a statement of their goals and objectives for the organization if elected, which will be published in World Neurology. They also will be required to present a short statement at the Council of Delegates on the day of the election.

Please note that following the closing date, additional nominations can be submitted by five or more national delegates acting jointly up to 30 days before the Council of Delegates meeting (Aug. 18, 2017).

Jun Kimura: Forever Dedicated

Professor Jun Kimura, MD, gives one of his legendary EMG workshops to the meeting of the Lebanese Society of Neurology on Oct 21, 2016, in Beirut.

Professor Jun Kimura, MD, gives one of his legendary EMG workshops to the meeting of the Lebanese Society of Neurology on Oct 21, 2016, in Beirut.

Mentored by a Madman: The William Burroughs Experiment

Yuri Takeuchi, MD

Yuri Takeuchi, MD

By Yuri Takeuchi, MD

A mentor is a preceptor who imparts wisdom and shares knowledge with less experienced colleagues. During medical training, it is customary to have a teacher who guides the future physician in approaching patients with the right clinical tools, bedside manner, and  generosity that characterizes a good physician.

In the first chapters of his autobiographical book, Mentored by a Madman: The William Burroughs Experiment, Professor Andrew J. Lees, MD, a neurologist known worldwide for his contributions to the understanding and treatment of Parkinson´s disease and other movement disorders, describes his early beginnings as a brilliant medical student at London’s Hospital Medical College in Whitechapel. The memories of those first years in medical school will be shared by all of those who have had the illusion of becoming a physician. Regardless of the person who serves as role model for young medical students, it was evident to young Lees that the doctor-patient relationship is always unbalanced, given that the God-like physician always knows what is best for the “unschooled” patient.

15_madmanAs a sixth-grade child, the future Dr. Lees was introduced to the work of Richard Spruce, an American biologist who may be considered the father of modern ethnobotany. They shared a “passion for grasses and trees” and Spruce’s descriptions “left me with an indelible impression of the convulsive beauty of the forest … he also hinted in this logbooks that the plants of the rainforest held most of the secrets to understanding and manipulating the chemical systems of the human brain.”

Dr. Lees tells us about Spruce’s narrative of his experience during the “Feast of Gifts” of the native tribes, a ceremonial event that included the ritual drinking of the “caapi” brew. Spruce collected some fresh specimens of the liana Banisteriopisis caapi, the source of yagé, that were sent to the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew for classification and analysis in 1853.

In 1952, William Burroughs read about yagé, also known as ayahuasca, “the vine of the soul,” used by the natives for its prophetic and clairvoyance properties. In 1953, in Bogotá, Colombia, Burroughs met the charismatic Dr. Richard Schultes. Schultes introduced Burroughs to the yagé ceremonies. Dr. Lees describes that Burroughs “had glimpsed a supernatural state of being that provided him with a gateway into a proximate closed-off past.” He began a series of scientific investigations and published in the British Journal of Addiction a paper informing that the mixture of Banisteriopsis caapi with the leaves of Psychotria viridis or chacrona is responsible for the psychedelic effect of yagé.

As a confession in the book, Dr. Lees tells us of his experiences with L-Dopa and selegiline, two medications used in the treatment of Parkinson´s disease and, at his mid-60s, his journey to the Colombian Amazon forest to meet the native Indians and to experience the visions induced by the yagé ceremonies. The vivid descriptions of those self-experimental experiences by “a man of many quests,” as described by Raymond Tallis in the recent review of the book in Brain, are the most personal and intimate part of this autobiographical book.

Ethnopharmacology’s aim, as described by its international society, is the discovery of a wealth of useful therapeutic agents in the plant and animal kingdoms; the empirical knowledge of these medicinal substances, and of their toxic potential passed on by oral tradition, sometimes recorded. Many valuable drugs (e.g., morphine, taxols, physostigmine, quinidine, emetine) were found as prototypes in the attempts to develop more effective and less toxic medicines.

Dr. Lees’ message is to open our minds and show respect for nontraditional medicines and, with a strong scientific basis, to listen to our patients because those who suffer the terrible burden of neurological diseases have a sixth sense. We, as understanding physicians, should pay more attention to the voice of rainforest medicine. Perhaps, if we drink “the vine of the soul,” we might find promising alternative medicines to relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings.

Yuri Takeuchi, MD, is past president of the Congress of Colombian Association of Neurology.

A Call to Foster International Relations

By Christopher Gardner-Thorpe, MD

It would be trite to say that at no time have good international relations been more necessary than now. We live largely in communities, and, ultimately, everything we do is dependent upon the consent of others. We can achieve our human aims peacefully or by the alternative approach. Hence relations between all of us as individuals, as communities, and as nations, need to be nurtured — and this involves compromise.

Neurology affects all persons too, because we are all at risk of neurological disorders, and the specialty affects us professionally as well in our everyday jobs. Good relations between professionals are essential, as are relationships between professionals and their patients.

The neurological community worldwide is well served by local groups and societies in each country and further afield. For example, the formation of the European Academy of Neurology by the coming together of the European Federation of Neurological Societies and the European Neurological Society demonstrates how on one continent, Europe, like-minded persons can come together to exchange ideas and promote good practice and good research. Communication between individuals is vital in professional life (as it is in personal life), whether face-to-face or by means of messages on paper or increasingly by electronic means. How can we facilitate the interactions between all of us who desire increased cooperation and friendship too?

International relations are enhanced by the work of organizations, including the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) with its network of contacts throughout the globe and its conferences. The publication of World Neurology offers a site for the sharing not only of information but of ideas too. The WFN is not an overtly political organization and does not engage to any significant extent in polemics. The organization made great strides during each presidency and perhaps especially during that of the late Lord John Walton, MD, who made many radical contributions to much of neurology and its science. The memorial service for Dr. Walton in early November brought many messages of support for the promotion of international relations.

Many others have promoted good international relations extending over the 20th century. The International Society for the History of the Neurosciences and the International Society for the History of Medicine, whose new president is Carlos Viesca, MD, of Mexico City, bring to communication a slightly different focus than the strictly scientific study of neurology. There is no real doubt that to study the history of our subject is to increase understanding of where we have come from and more important, why, and to help us understand how to advance further. It is not only instructive in this manner but also a good academic discipline, and enjoyable in the process — the three principles of the study of medical history. We might ask, to what extent can we learn from each other’s heritage? Surely a great deal. Failed eponymists, those whose names should have been given to the first discovery or description of something, abound. An example is the description of Duchenne muscular dystrophy to which perhaps prior description should be attributed to Edward Meryon, buried in Brompton Cemetery in London. The Dax/Broca puzzle, the Bell/Magendie controversy, and the Darwin/Wallace debate are all examples of who should have prior acknowledgement; many others examples stretch across the world. Inappropriate arguments about this and that can either sour international relations or lead to harmonious resolution, a sort of dialectic where thesis is followed by antithesis and then by synthesis. We should make the most of these opportunities to debate and inform each other.

What part do physicians play in the promotion of national and international peace? A great deal is possible — the Nuremberg Code, and discussions about physicians’ part in capital punishment and in war are examples. Recent strike action by physicians in the United Kingdom has been unprecedented, never before seen, and followed by the understanding that similar follow-up action would lead to more harm to patients, and, of course, to the profession, and the policy abandoned. The government also needs to learn that compromise is important and not to exploit a near-monopoly position within a government-controlled service for ill-founded statistical reasons, despite the many advantages that such a service holds for the population, since each of us is at one time either sick, potentially sick, and always in need of proper health care.

The planned exodus of the United Kingdom from the European Union (but not from Europe since that is a geographical matter) will change many aspects of health care. On the one hand, there will be greater frfeedom to control the ways in which governments act. On the other hand, the controls that come from being part of a larger community (the European Union) will be relinquished. The law of unintended consequences will have free reign with lots of heart-searching afterward.

There are many facets to our need to promulgate relations between nations and the manner in which we can promote these bonds. Within medicine, we see many possibilities for shaping the health and happiness of human beings, and shifting forces should make us wary and constantly vigilant to new opportunities. Our Strengths and Weaknesses bring Opportunities and Threats – the SWOT analysis. As medics and others who take part in health care, we must make the most of our strengths and opportunities by fostering our international relations, since these are precious and could so easily be lost by inaction, as well as by inappropriate actions.

Christopher Gardner-Thorpe, MD, is a consultant neurologist in Exeter, United Kingdom.

From Vesalius to Modern Neuroscience

Edward J. Fine, MD

Edward J. Fine, MD

By Edward J. Fine, MD

In Brain Renaissance From Vesalius to Modern Neuroscience, authors Marco Catani and Stefano Sandrone have written chapters based on translations from Andreas Vesalius’ book on the brain from his De Humani Corporis Fabrica, followed by commentaries. The book is published by Notting Hill Editions, 2016.

The first chapter adroitly reviews the history of dissection of human bodies and Galen’s hegemony prior to Andreas Vesalius’ first edition of his seminal and revolutionary anatomical textbook of 1543.

No caption

Chapter 2 recounts Andreas Vesalius’ illustrious lineage in a family of physicians and pharmacists who attended royalty. Andreas Vesalius was born on Dec. 31, 1514, in Sablon, a neighborhood of Brussels. His father was the royal apothecary (pharmacist) to Charles V of Spain. At age 15, Vesalius entered the Castle College in Leuven, which promoted the philosophy of humanism. At age 18, Vesalius left Leuven to study medicine in Paris.

Chapter 3 recalls Vesalius’ medical education in Paris and his encounter with profound differences between what he saw in human cadavers and Galen’s incorrect descriptions. Galen’s texts of anatomy were the canon from the time of the Roman Empire to publication of Vesalius’ De Humani Corporis Fabrica. Vesalius left Paris abruptly without graduating, due to war between Henry II of France and Charles V of Spain, patron of Vesalius’ father.

The fourth and fifth chapters highlight Vesalius graduating from Leuven Medical School, traveling to and joining the medical school at Padua, Italy, renowned for its eminence in teaching anatomy from human dissection. Through dissection, Vesalius found so many more errors in Galen’s descriptions of human anatomy that Vesalius concluded Galen had dissected monkeys and other animals rather than humans. Chapters 6, 7, and 8 deal with production of the Fabrica, a volume of nearly 700 pages of which the seventh book deals with the brain, making 200 woodcuts used to print illustrations, and sources for backgrounds in anatomical illustrations. Vesalius’ friendship with Contarini, the podesta (chief magistrate) of Padua, provided corpses of recently freshly executed criminals for dissection.

Disgusted by nefarious intrigues of jealous surgeons and physicians at the Court of Phillip II in Spain, Vesalius escaped to the Holy Land after contacting colleagues who would petition his return to the chair of anatomy and surgery at Padua. The authors cite reliable accounts that Vesalius studied medicinal herbs there. He died attempting to return to Padua. His death on the island of Zante was attributed to exhaustion from scurvy, or illness caused by a prolonged voyage in the tempestuous Mediterranean Sea.

Chapter 13 defines Vesalius’ concept of the brain as the source or sensation and voluntary movement. Vesalius was versed in comparative anatomy: “… there is no difference at all in the structure of the brain in the parts that I have dissected in the sheep, goat, monkey … when compared with the human brain.” He recognized that man’s intelligence was due to “… the human brain larger proportionally to his body but also larger than all of the animals … .” Vesalius stridently denied the presence of the rete mirabilie in the base of the human skull, a structure Galen insisted was present in humans. This structure is part of bovine skulls. Vesalius also decried Galenic beliefs about ventricular function.

In Chapters 14 and 15, Vesalius denotes dura and pia as hard and soft membranes surrounding the brain. He reminds readers of similarities and differences between these structures and pericardium and epicardium. Vesalius presciently mentions that the surface of the thin membrane (pia) is covered with aqueous liquid (cerebrospinal fluid) and that this membrane “provides a defensive wall for the brain against collisions with the skull.”

In Chapter 16, Vesalius describes the corpus callosum, brainstem, and cerebellum with emphasis on the position and external surface of the cerebellum. Vesalius rebuked Galen for not describing accurately the morphology of the cerebellum: “Oh, Galen, you have been deluded without good reason by things of little importance and sometimes also by your apes.” Vesalius comments on the mid-position of the corpus callosum — that it is a band of fibers connecting the hemispheres. The commentary begins with the statement that Galen and Vesalius assigned a mechanical function to the corpus callosum to keep the cortex from collapsing into the ventricles.

In the commentary, we learn that some anatomists succeeding Vesalius assigned absurd roles to the corpus callosum such as the seat of the soul. Spurzheim and Gall proposed that the corpus callosum “contributed to producing action and reciprocal reaction between the hemispheres.” We read that persons born with agenesis of the corpus callosum may be nearly normal or be developmentally impaired. Catani and Stefano Sandrone accurately summarized Gazzaniga and Sperry’s research on the functions of persons who underwent transection of the corpus callosum for control of epilepsy. Catani and Sandroni inform us that the anatomical fornix was linked to arches in Rome where prostitutes met their customers. They recounted the discovery of connections of the fornix to mammillary bodies by Felix Vicq d’Azyr in 1786. These authors advanced the idea that Papez, who is credited for “discovering” a circuit for emotion in 1937, was actually scooped by Paul Broca in 1878. Moreover, Christfried Jakob’s circuit for emotions closely resembled James Papez’s 1937 diagram. John Fulton and Jacobsen observed chimps were less aggressive after they had resected portions of their frontal lobes. Antonio Moniz, assisted by the neurosurgeon Almeida Lima, injected pure ethanol into frontal lobes of chronic schizophrenics. They were convinced they had improved the patients’ behavior. They were visited by Walter Freeman, an ambitious neurologist, who later performed 3,000 trans-orbital leucotomies that partially controplled violent behavior, but caused profound inability to plan and initiate activities. Catani and Sandrone summarized the tragic case of H.M. who suffered anterograde amnesia after bilateral removal of his hippocampi in an attempt to control partial complex epilepsy.

In the chapter on the pineal gland, Vesalius localizes this structure to the base of the third ventricle and its function as a gland. Sandrone and Catani summarized knowledge of pineal function from Descartes’ opinion as the seat of the soul to current knowledge of its role in secretion of melatonin. Connections between the photoreceptors in the eye to the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus and then to the pineal gland control increase melatonin release from the pineal gland at night and suppress its secretion during daylight. I was amused to learn that farmers expose hens to excessive artificial light to suppress melatonin release and increase egg production.

Although the titles of chapters on Testes and Buttocks of the Brain and Sex on the Hills may strike readers as risqué, the content is about the colliculi and the dependent pineal gland resembling these organs. Catani and Sandrone explain lucidly how the expansion of occipital lobes replaced the superior colliculi as the principal structure for vision in the ascent of evolution from birds to man. They mention the role of the inferior colliculus in the auditory pathway from medulla to the primary auditory cortex.

In Chapter 22 on the cerebellar processes, Vesalius lambasted Galen for his fanciful and fallacious concept of the function of the cerebellum as a valve to control the flow of the animal spirits to the spinal cord and then to the nerves. Vesalius vehemently objected to the misnomers of Galen used to describe folds of the cerebellar cortex as vincula or chains.

Commentary following Vesalius on the cerebellum contains a plethora of interesting facts, including that the elephant has the largest cerebellum in absolute and relative size. We learn that Costanzo Varoli removed the brain from the skull, inverted it, and described the pons (Latin for bridge). Thomas Willis in 1664 discovered its three peduncles. Albrecht von Haller corrected Willis’ statement that the cerebellum controlled involuntary movements of the heart and lungs by locating these functions in the brainstem. Luigi Rolando used electrodes supplied with current from Volta’s electrical pile to stimulate regions of the brains of pigs. He found muscular movements were strongest when he stimulated the cerebellum. Pierre Flourens in 1824 correctly assigned coordination of movement to the cerebellum and movement to the spinal cord. Catani and Sandrone end their commentary tersely, describing cerebellar cellular anatomy and Golgi’s vicious defense of the syncytial theory of brain architecture in his Nobel lecture in 1906.

Vesalius described the infundibulum as the structure that collects and drains cerebral phlegm. He believed drainage from the infundibulum out of the cranium occurred through spaces surrounding arteries, veins, and nerves. The commentary describes the connections between  the hypothalamus and pituitary, and the regulatory effects of the hypothalamus on thyroid, adrenal, and ovarian or testicular hormones. The authors cited the amazing case of the pituitary giantess Aama Bataillard, whose autopsy revealed a greatly enlarged pituitary. They summarized extensive research on the influence of pituitary extracts on growth and maturation in Chapter 24.

Subsequent chapters deal with the variations of the blood vessels of the brain and Vesalius’ precise description of structures within the eye. Vesalius’ closing chapter deals with methods on how to remove and dissect the brain.

Chapter 31 contains useful chronological tables of advances in microscopy, electrophysiology neuroanatomy, and neuroimaging. A subsequent chapter tersely comments on phrenology, discovery of animal electricity, and the action potential.

The following chapters provided more information on advances made in staining brain tissue by Golgi and Cajal, emergence of the neuronal doctrine, and Cajal’s declaration of proof of dynamic polarization based on Cajal’s microscopic observations. Staining techniques that differentiated regions of human brain led to construction of elaborate maps by Campbell and Brodman.

Chapter 37 omits the discoveries of Richard Caton who first recorded electrical potentials recorded from cerebral cortices of moving mammals (electrocorticography) in response to light and tactile stimuli. No comments are offered regarding Hans Berger’s meticulous descriptions of normal and abnormal EEG activity in awake and sleep, after trauma, and during seizures. The authors’ final chapter summarizes the emerging science of functional MRI imaging of connections between regions of brain during specific tasks.

This book has some minor but detracting errors and omissions. The authors did not mention the Papal edict that blocked human dissection for four centuries and how the Medici family’s Pope ended this prohibition. This information would explain the resurgence of human cadaver dissection in the Renaissance. In the section about limbic system connections to the prefrontal cortex, these authors should have mentioned that Ignaz Moniz received the Nobel Prize for discovery of the harmful prefrontal leucotomy, but not for initiating the highly beneficial technique of cerebral angiography. In some areas, the commentary seems haphazard and sometimes omits important material.

These authors’ commentary on the cerebellum omits anatomical studies of James S. Risien Russell, who discovered the uncinate fasciculus, known as the hook bundle of Russell. That chapter overlooks clinical observations of American authors Charles K. Mills and Theodore Weisenberg regarding lesions in the anterior versus posterior vermis that cause loss of tone and respectively falling forward or backward. No mention was made of Babinski’s discovery of dysdiadochokinesis in 1902 or Granger Stewart and Gordon Holmes’ publication in Brain in 1904 on loss of check or “rebound” in patients with cerebellar hemispheric lesions. This chapter minimizes Gordon Holmes’ meticulous and exhaustive observations of 40 World War I soldiers as they recovered from gunshot wounds to their cerebella. Holmes described initial hypotonia of limbs ipsilateral to destruction of the cerebellar hemisphere, later deviation of gait toward the side of the cerebellar hemisphere. The figure showing extreme hypotonia of a soldier is the sole illustration from Holmes’ opus. The authors could have included Holmes’ graphic recordings of disturbed movements induced by cerebellar hemispheric lesions.

The commentary would be improved by comment on the Galvani versus Volta controversy, the landmark publication of The Functions of the Brain by David Ferrier in 1876, based on ablation and electrical stimulation of cerebral cortex of primates and other mammals. Elaborating on discoveries of Caton and Berger, cited only in the chronological tables, would have added much.

Typographical errors mildly mar the book. In pages 40 and 41, the erroneous date 1664 appears three times instead of 1564, which is the correct year of Vesalius’s trip to the Holy Land and his death. Footnote 27 contains a typographical error, “chartoid,” for carotid. Nonetheless, these minor defects do not blemish a book that contains a vibrant translation of Vesalius’ Book Seven and plethora of information in their commentary.

Despite these omissions, this is the book to own for those who are not Latin scholars but desire to read an accurate translation of the writings of Vesalius. Much of the commentary upon anatomical, clinical, and pathological discoveries made after Vesalius is germane and informative for understanding the development of neuroscience. Oxford Press substantially bound this hardcover book, printed an attractive cover, and precisely reproduced figures in the appendix from Vesalius’ Book Seven. I can attest to the clarity of these illustrations, having viewed both original editions of the Fabrica on visiting the medical library at Leuven. MRI, photographs, and illustrations from neurological and neuroanatomical literature were intelligently selected and faithfully reproduced. A revised edition following some of these suggestions would be well received.

Edward J. Fine, MD, is an associate professor of neurology at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Williamsville.

A Century of Teaching and Tuition of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Indonesia

11_indonesiaBy Wolfgang Grisold, MD

The book Teaching and Tuition of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Indonesia During One Century (1850-1950) by Antoine Keyser provides a history of neurology in Indonesia, covering development of this field in different epochs of science and the changing political situation. It also memorably describes the research, theories, and final detection of beriberi in this part of the world.

Indonesia is a large country, and looking at its population of 240 million, distributed on 3,000 islands, it is surprising that we know so little about the country and its neurology. The territory of what now is Indonesia is briefly followed through history, which is important in order to understand the influence of different medical schools, mostly from the Dutch academic background, on the development of the health system, including neurology. The book describes the emerging specialty of neurology in close context to psychiatry and the later emerging field of neurosurgery.

The reader will find many familiar names from European neurology involved in research and development. The book also includes a short sketch on specialization in psychiatry in Indonesia. In particular, the studies of the Swiss psychiatrist Emil Kraeplin (1856-1926) visiting and studying the cultural factors influencing mental diseases is a good example.

The author chronologically looked at publications and topics of interest to neurologists. The most impressive story is that of beriberi, and a separate chapter not only teaches the importance of this disease for the region, but the tortuous path the final discovery of the cause and offering of effective treatment of this condition. This story, like the similar story of scurvy, teaches how inflexible dogma, conventions, and large organizations (where individuals including prisoners, soldiers, and patients were kept under uniform conditions) can endanger the health of persons. Also, the author’s description of vitamin B1 deficiency and its effect on the health of people is a worthwhile lecture for teaching purposes.

This book mirrors the field of neurology in the past 100 years worldwide, using the example of Indonesia. The development of local conditions are described, based on historic facts as well as publications.

It is a good example of how a book comprising narrative and facts can provide valuable background on neurology in an individual area. The World Federation of Neurology could be well advised to encourage its members to produce similar outlines of the history and development of neurology in its regions.

Wolfgang Grisold, MD, is secretary general of the World Federation of Neurology.