ICNMD 2018 Update

By Wolfgang Grisold, MD

The 15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases (ICNMD 2018) took place July 6-10 in Vienna, Austria. The congress was organized on behalf of the Applied Research Group on Neuromuscular Disorders of the World Federation of Neurology.

There were participants from 69 countries at the ICNMD 2018. The distribution from the top 6 represented countries is shown here.

The venue for ICNMD 2018 was Austria’s largest conference hotel, the Hilton Vienna Am Stadtpark. Combining the magnificent location in the heart of the city with great amenities and services, the Hilton Vienna provided the perfect location for the meeting.

For the first time, a conjoint meeting was organized with the European Federation of Autonomic Societies (EFAS). Joint sessions were organized with the Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS) and the European Neuromuscular Centre (ENMC).

The congress was attended by over 1,450 delegates from 69 countries, which made it a truly international event. This great participation showed that there is a continuous need for neuromuscular research and treatment worldwide.

The meeting was preceded by a day of teaching courses. For the first time, a hands-on teaching course in cooperation with the Anatomical Institute of the City of Vienna was organized by Prof. Meng. Only a small group of participants were able to participate in this course and experience ultrasound on anatomic specimens, which were also demonstrated in detail later in the course. Participants received a botulinum toxin introduction, which was presented by Prof. Truong.

Scientific Program Development

For the scientific program development, the online blogging tool “Basecamp” was used. The blog contained a headquarter channel, and each topic channel and its content access was limited to ICNMD committee members and organizers. The general congress information and program development announcements were delivered by the organizers via the headquarter channel, and the program ideas were shared by committee members, each via topic channels that they specialize in. This sharing blogging system gave the whole committee an interactive program development process, which was highly appreciated by the individual members.

Public Patient Day

For the first time, ICNMD also hosted a Public Patient Day (held in German only). More than 70 people participated in the Public Patient Day raising questions on neuropathy, muscle disease, and myasthenia among others.

Opening Ceremony

The ICNMD 2018 Opening Ceremony represented the Austrian as well as the Viennese culture. Classical music by Franz Schubert and typical Carinthian folklore built the musical framework for the official opening of ICNMD 2018.

Prof. Wolfgang Grisold, ICNMD 2018 Congress president and Master of Ceremony, had the honor of welcoming Mag. Beate Hartinger-Klein, the Austrian Minister of Health, Prof. John England (ICNMD) and Prof. Walter Struhal (EFAS 2018 president).

Dr. Laïla Belarabi in front of her poster at the ICNMD 2018 in Vienna. She is the recipient of the ICNMD-WFN training position in Rabat, and was invited by the ICNMD congress to attend the Vienna meeting.

Furthermore, the ICNMD – WFN Fellow Program Winner, Dr. Laila Belarabi, training in Rabat, was honored during the ICNMD opening ceremony.

Scientific Program

The scientific program was divided into four main topics: muscle disease, peripheral neuropathy, motor neuron disease and neuromuscular junction. Each congress day was devoted to one of these topics and started with a plenary session followed by scientific breakout sessions and problem-oriented workshops.

ICNMD 2018 incorporated innovative ideas into its scientific program which introduced overarching sessions and joint sessions with EFAS, Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS), and European Neuromuscular Centers societies. The congress also brought new subtopics such as cranial nerve diseases and aspects of cancer on the PNS.

Another innovation was an interactive virtual session with an HIV Research Center in Cape Town, South Africa. Three cases were presented virtually by speakers from Cape Town, which were discussed live with the audience at the congress in Vienna.

This new session type helped in solving an unforeseen speaker travel issue where one of the plenary speakers was unable to travel from Japan. He was able to use the same virtual session method to deliver his presentation virtually as well as interact with delegates in real time.

The well attended plenary sessions were recorded onsite, and the videos will be made available to the delegates on the congress website as well as the WFN website.

This meeting also demonstrates the important need for interdisciplinary and multiprofessional collaboration.

The congress was able to present several new treatments, and new therapies such as gene therapy, enzyme replacement therapy, new immune therapies, and others mark a new area in the treatment of neuromuscular disease. These novel concepts were not only part of the scientific sessions, but also several industry supported satellite symposia of high quality. High traffic and much interaction in the exhibit hall allowed delegates and exhibitors to network and share the most up-to-date information in the field.

In addition to the neuromuscular topics, the congress also integrated palliative care and patient related issues into the program. Several historical epochs also were discussed in the history session.

Poster Sessions

A total of 357 posters were presented throughout the three guided poster sessions. All posters were reviewed onsite by the invited poster chairs using a mobile-friendly poster rating page. Based on the submitted evaluation results, eight Best Poster Award winners were selected, and the winners received a certificate and Viennese souvenir during the closing ceremony.


ICNMD2018 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 34 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Networking Events

To round out the extensive scientific program and to allow more time for delegates to visit with colleagues, the congress offered various networking opportunities.

The President’s Committee Mystery Dinner (invitation only) showcased the beauty of the Danube with a short boat ride followed by a traditional Austrian fish dinner in a traditional Austrian restaurant along the river.

The ICNMD 2018 Congress Dinner was held at the historic Vienna Town Hall. This prestigious venue represented traditional Viennese flair. After a delicious Austrian dinner, participants were introduced to the Waltz and could give it a try themselves.

Finally, delegates were invited to a Heurigen Evening, a traditional Viennese wine tavern where delegates enjoyed the typical Viennese “Gemütlichkeit” by enjoying some delicious Austrian dishes and wines.

The closing ceremony highlighted the great success of ICNMD 2018. Prof. Juan Jesús Vílchez Padilla was inaugurated as the congress president for ICNMD 2020 with the traditional handover of the ICNMD trophy, a wooden stick carved by indigenous communities of the city of Vancouver.

The 16th International Congress on Neuromuscular Diseases (ICNMD 2020) will take place July 10-14, 2020 in Valencia, Spain. ICNMD 2022 will take place in Brussels, Belgium.

The international cooperation needed to organize and develop the scientific content by the congress and scientific committee worked smoothly.

Welcome to Valencia in 2020, and we do hope that the present speed of drug development for neuromuscular diseases continues, or even increases. •

WFN Junior Traveling Fellowship Report

By Melody Asukile

The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) is the home of neurology in Europe and was formed in 2014 by the union of the EFNS (European Federation of Neurological Societies) and ENS (European Neurological Society). Their goal is to promote neurological excellence in Europe and the world.

I had the privilege of attending the Fourth EAN Congress held June 16-19 in the history-rich city of Lisbon, Portugal under the theme of Neurogenetics. The program was filled with a wide range of interesting topics, including but not limited to movement disorders, dementia, stroke, neuromuscular disorders, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis with presentations from leaders in their respective fields.

The congress also had a lot of activities that catered for neurologists in training such as case-based workshops, focused topic workshops, hands-on courses, teaching courses, and several interactive sessions. I particularly enjoyed the interactive sessions as we had the opportunity to network with neurology experts and residents from all over the world. Examples of the interactive sessions were the EAN BrainChallenge, a case-based interactive quiz show, and real patient assessment and management by experts. These sessions were not only enjoyable but also informative regarding the clinical approach to neurology patients.

There were ePoster and ePresentation sessions on three days of the congress. My abstract was accepted as an ePoster presentation in the Epilepsy 3 session. My topic was “The Efficacy of an Online Learning Tool in Improving EEG Analysis and Interpretation Skills of Neurology Registrars, Neurologists and Technologists.” I had three minutes to present and discuss my findings that showed that the course had proved to be an effective EEG teaching resource. Some important points raised were the usefulness of the online course in resource-poor settings where EEG teachers were lacking, but also extending to better resourced areas; and the affordable cost of the 6-month program.

Overall, the congress was informative and showcased some of the ground-breaking research in-progress in Europe regarding the use of neurogenetics for the diagnosis and treatment of both “old and new” neurological conditions.

I am grateful to the WFN for affording me the opportunity to attend this meeting through the Junior Traveling Fellowship Grant.•

Melody Asukile is a Zambian neurology resident in Cape Town, South Africa.

Palatucci Events

By Wolfgang Grisold and Javier Cardenas

In May 2018, the Palatucci Advocacy Leadership Forum (PALF) took place May 16-20 at the Rancho Bernardo Inn in San Diego. The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) has a longstanding initiative to promote advocacy and leadership by inviting interested colleagues from the United States with international participation. These events are called Palatucci Events after Dr. Donald Palatucci who was an early founder of this idea. They offer a comprehensive  program on patient advocacy.

Palatucci Events teach  and  encourage participants to engage in learning advocacy and in practical engagement in regard to advocacy for patients and neurology. This activity started in 2001, and has recruited a network of Palatucci/PALF graduates.

The participants are from all age groups of practicing and training neurologists and bring an interesting mixture of professional knowledge and experience of both academic and practice level. The participants are divided into groups. Each group has a tutor who discusses with his/her group the participants and their work. Prior to the meeting, the participants need to develop a project, which is exposed to discussion and advice during the meeting. This is a valuable experience to create, promote, and subject projects to different people and to a different audience. In the follow-up of the Palatucci meetings, participants are encouraged to share the experience of their work. Positive developments and equally important roadblocks and setback are discussed.

One of the most important tasks is communication. Interviews with the press, the importance of short messages (sound bites) is taught and actively trained with professionals.

In addition to press news and communication, essentials about how to talk, discuss, and negotiate with politicians is thoroughly discussed. This content is important and helps to understand the mechanisms  in politics.

Being invited to testify and being able to present a case was part of an intensive training.

In addition to the tutors, a faculty of experienced Palatucci graduates were invited. They were able to share their often exciting experience in advocacy.

At this meeting, Representative Scott Peters of California talked about himself and interacted with the participants by engaging in communication. This activity shows that the content and the ideation of these Palatucci courses are highly specific and aim in the direction of interaction with policymakers, local authorities, and with policymaking on “The Hill.” The Palatucci courses demonstrate that being a good neurologist is not enough. Part of the agenda is to advocate for patients and, in the long term, for neurology. Advocacy and communication are important tools in neurology.

For several years, starting in Thailand, the World Federation of Neurology has had a regular American Academy joint World Federation Palatucci Meeting at its World Congresses of Neurology (WCN), which usually involves a full day of work devoted to project development, how to make a stand, how to present in press and how to appear in legal situations. This part of Palatucci is only a small copy of the American Academy of Neurology Palatucci Event but follows its pattern and is led by experts who are able to attend the Palatucci meeting. The idea still needs promotion and advocacy, and all levels of neurology are needed to promote neurology. •

WFN Junior Traveling Fellowship Report

By Ahmed Dahshan, MD

It is my pleasure to write this report about my attendance and participation in the Fourth European Academy of Neurology (EAN) Congress held June 16-19, 2018, in Lisbon, Portugal.

I presented a poster at that event. My poster title was “Normal Appearing Gray Matter in Multiple Sclerosis, Is It Really Functionally Normal?” I presented the poster to colleagues who attended the congress. It was useful to show them my work, listen to their comments, and answer their questions.

There were more than 5,000 participants in the congress, and it was a good opportunity to share knowledge in that area of research and make some agreements to have collaboration in some research work in the future. Attending the congress added a lot to my knowledge in neurology in general and particularly in the area of genetics and new treatments on the molecular level.

The congress proved fruitful, and I enjoyed attending the different symposiums, controversies, and the EAN brain challenge, which was a useful and exciting session. The most useful scientific activity apart from presenting my poster was attending the different interactive sessions. They were simple, updated and interesting with properly prepared scientific materials.

I would like to thank the WFN for its generous support, which helped me to attend such a great scientific event in neurology and present my work. I hope this support continues helping more young colleagues to increase their experience and attend scientific events all over the world. •

Ahmed Dahshan is neurology assistant lecturer at Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

Journal of the Neurological Sciences: Editor’s Update

John D. England, Editor-in-Chief,
Journal of the Neurological Sciences

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our authors, reviewers, and readers for helping to make the Journal of the Neurological Sciences a successful journal. The mission of our journal aligns exactly with the mission of the World Federation of Neurology. Thus, we strive to publish articles that improve world health by promoting prevention and care of people with disorders of the nervous system.

John D. England, MD

John D. England, MD

As such, our articles cover a wide spectrum, ranging from basic neuroscience to purely clinical and public health topics. With the full support of the World Federation of Neurology, we have been able to improve the quality of our journal. This is reflected in the latest metrics available from 2017.

The five-year impact factor (IF) is 2.536, and the IF has risen steadily over the past few years. Although this metric is important, other measures of a journal’s impact are available and are increasingly more important. During the last five years, the number of articles downloaded from our journal is 36,733,371. The four countries with the largest downloads are China, Japan, the U.S., and the U.K.; however, virtually every major country in the world is downloading our articles at an ever-increasing rate.

Our authors submit articles from all over the world, and they collaborate frequently with peers at different institutions and different countries. The review and publication times are now shorter than almost any other major journal. The average review time to first decision is 2.8 weeks, and the time to final decision is 5.7 weeks. Once an article is accepted, the online article publication time is a quick 0.3 weeks (2 days). With your continued support, I am confident that the journal will do even better in the next several years.

In our ongoing attempt to inform readers of important and interesting new developments in the journal, the editorial staff has selected two new “free-access” articles.

Miming neurological syndromes improves medical student’s long-term retention and delayed recall of neurology.

The article by Emmanuel Roze and colleagues summarizes the impact of an innovative simulation-based training program on long-term retention of neurological semiology in third-year medical students at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. The researchers named this teaching program The Move because it used mime-based role-play where students were trained to simulate patients with neurological syndromes. Thirty months after the teaching sessions, the students who participated in The Move were tested for long-term retention of neurological semiology and compared with a group of students who participated in only a standard teaching program in clinical neurology. Students who participated in The Move program achieved significantly higher scores in neurological semiology compared to the students who participated in only the standard teaching program. The authors conclude that simulation-based learning enhances learning of clinical neurology and suggest adoption of such programs in medical school curricula.

E. Roze, Y. Worbe, C. Louapre, et al., Miming neurological syndromes improves medical student’s long-term retention and delayed recall of neurology, J. Neurol. Sci. 391 (2018) 143-148.

The move: When neurosciences teach us to better teach neurosciences.

The accompanying Editorial by Marc Verin and Pascal Benquet emphasizes the conclusions and significance of the study by Emmanuel Roze and colleagues. They provide a background and context for understanding why active learning increases both performance and motivation through the process of cognitive embodiment. Incorporation of these newer teaching methods may result in enhancing the clinical proficiency of physicians and other health care providers.

M. Verin, P. Benquet. The move: When neurosciences teach us to better teach neurosciences, J. Neurol. Sci. 391 (2018) 149-150. •

Brain Diseases From Bench to Bedside Report

April 12-13, 2018, Moscow
By Peter Sandercock

The meeting, organized by Profs. Eugene Gusev and Alla Guekht, focused on the recent developments in translational research and treatment innovations in cerebrovascular diseases, epilepsy, cognitive impairment and dementia, depression, demyelinating diseases, and others. It was held at the Buyanov City Clinical hospital, and was organized in partnership with the following institutions: Ministry of Health of The Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Healthcare Department, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, World Stroke Organization, European Stroke Organization, World Federation of Neurology, International League Against Epilepsy, European Federation of Neurorehabilitation, All-Russian Society of Neurologists, Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry.

Peter Sandercock

The International Stroke Faculty included Profs. P. Sandercock (WSO, UK), V. Caso (ESO, Italy),  M. Hilz (Germany), L. Østergaard (Denmark), and D. Muresanu, (EFNR, Romania). The WFN had been represented by Prof. M. Freedman (Canada); and the ILAE by Profs. S. Wiebe (Canada), I. Blumcke (Germany), A.Hauser (USA), E. Beghi (Italy), N. Speccio (Italy).

Opening ceremony. Left to right: V. Caso, E. Gusev, A. Guekht, and P. Sandercock.

The conference faculty had a high-level meeting with Prof. V. Skvortsova, Minister of Health for the Russian Federation, to discuss the management of stroke and brain disorders and highlight the priority this should be given both internationally and within the Russian Federation. An action plan on collaborative strategy in brain diseases has been discussed.

The conference proved popular and over 700 delegates from 42 cities of the Russian Federation attended with additional registrants from Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. The conference attracted a high level of media coverage and both Profs. P. Sandercock and V. Caso gave video interviews for local media organizations.

The stroke session began with an update on controversies in thrombolysis by P. Sandercock, who highlighted the importance of not withholding thrombolysis to patients with ischemic stroke purely on the basis of age over 80.

Meeting with Prof. V. Skvortsova, Minister of Health for the Russian Federation (center). Left to right: M.Hilz, S. Wiebe, N. Specchio, E. Gusev, V. Caso, S.Muraviev, M. Martynov, E. Beghi, L.Østergaard, M. Freedman, A. Hauser, A. Guekht.

V. Caso gave a powerful talk on life after stroke in women. She highlighted the particulars of stroke management during pregnancy and demonstrated how gender inequality results in adverse effects in women’s health care in general and in stroke outcome in particular. M. Hilz gave a detailed overview of autonomic dysfunction in diseases requiring neurological intensive medicine.

V. Parfenov covered management of patients after stroke, highlighting the value of lifestyle changes (quitting smoking, increasing physical activity, and fresh fruit and vegetable consumption) and antithrombotic therapy with aspirin after ischaemic events.

I. Koltunov, N.Pechatnikova, and V. Kakaulina presented their work on cerebrovascular diseases associated with genetic metabolic disorders and demonstrated the program of genetic screening for rare diseases, supported by the Moscow government. A. Pryamikov, A.Mironkov, and O. Sazhina, doctors from the regional stroke center in the host hospital, closed the session with an interesting talk on their experience on carotid endarterectomy and internal carotid artery stenting in acute stroke.

Meeting in the Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry.

The clinical stroke-focused session was followed by a translational science session, which covered a broader range of topics.  I. Blumke reported work from the European Epilepsy Brain Bank Consortium: 25 years of interdisciplinary experience with epilepsy surgery in 9,579 children and adults, L. Østergaard presented novel data on the role of capillary pathways in stroke and cognitive decline, N. Gulyaeva highlighted how distant hippocampal damage in brain disorders may be related to corticoid-mediated mechanisms. A. Shpak spoke on neurotrophic factors in neuro-ophthalmology, showing their important role in glaucoma as the model of neurodegenerative diseases. D. Muresanu gave a talk titled, “From Neurobiology to Evidence-Based Medicine: Concepts in Neurorehabilitation After Stroke.”

The session on cognitive and affective disorders was opened by the lecture by M. Feedman focusing on the diagnostic and treatment challenges of frontotemporal dementia. R. Akzhigitov and co-authors gave an overview on depression in neurological diseases, presenting the huge experience of the Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry with the effective programs of multidisciplinary management of depressions and cognitive impairment, including post-stroke.

The session on the following day was dedicated to epilepsy. V. Krylov and I. Trifonov presented the results of the epilepsy surgery program, which is successfully developing in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation. S. Wiebe gave a thorough overview of the outcomes of epilepsy surgery. He emphasized that the novel way of conceptualizing surgical outcomes highlights the importance of longitudinal data. N. Specchio described special issues of epilepsy surgery in children. A. Hauser demonstrate how TBI and post-traumatic epilepsy represent a substantial societal burden. He reviewed the major risk factors and stated that studying the predictors of epilepsy after TBI should become one of the priorities. The successes and challenges in the implementation of the 68th WHA Resolution on Epilepsy were presented by E. Gusev and A. Guekht. They demonstrated that epilepsy is comorbid to stroke and other major noncommunicable diseases, dramatically increasing their severity and mortality.

The seminar on post-stroke cognitive impairment led by M. Freedman.

The last session was opened by E. Beghi with the talk describing the mechanisms and predictors of falls in neurological diseases, including stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and others. He stressed that stroke can be the cause of balance disorders due to impaired ability to produce fast, accurate, and coordinated muscular patterns. Several interesting talks were presented by Russian colleagues on multiple sclerosis, including the burden of multiple sclerosis (V. Mkrtchyan, N. Pavlov) and therapeutic approaches (N. Khachanova and N. Arzymanian).

The novel techniques and experience of neurostimulation in gait disorders in multiple sclerosis patients were presented by the neurosurgery team of the Buyanov City Clinical Hospital (S. Asratyan). The significant part of the session was dedicated to management of ALS, presented by members of the Russian and foreign faculty.

The interactive video session concluded the conference with presentation of interesting cases in different aspects of neurology and with a lot of discussion.

On the next day, the international faculty and the leading Russian specialists on brain diseases visited the Moscow Research and Clinical Centre for Neuropsychiatry of the Healthcare Department of Moscow, one of the leading institutions for management of patients with post-stroke cognitive impairment, depression and anxiety, suicidal ideations, epilepsy, and other brain diseases. It was the second meeting of the international scientific advisory board of the Research and Clinical Centre, formed in October 2017 during the World Stroke Day Congress in Moscow.

The meeting started with an overview of the more than 100-year history of the center, presented by its director A. Guekht. The scientific achievements, patient management, and educational activity of the center, as well as the state-of-the-art facilities for diagnostics and research were quite impressive.

Prof. N. Gulyaeva (Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, RAS) presented the results of studies in translational neuroscience. Then, completed and ongoing research projects in post-stroke cognitive impairment, epilepsy, depression and suicide, and autonomic disorders were presented by the specialists of the center and of collaborative institutions (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS, N.V.Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine and Buyanov City Clinical Hospital). The projects were extensively discussed by the faculty, and plans for international publications and new projects had been developed. The true highlights of the meeting were a series of seminars in stroke and other brain diseases led by the eminent members of the international faculty. These seminars were of high educational value for the doctors and researchers from Moscow clinics.

The conference closed with warm thanks from the organizing committee to the supporting organizations, the conference faculty, and conference participants for their efforts in improving the outcomes for people with stroke and brain disorders. The conference strengthens the international collaborative efforts to tackle these disorders, which place such a burden on patients, society and health systems.•

Prof. Peter Sandercock is emeritus professor of neurology at the University of Edinburgh.  He is a member of the Board of Directors of the World Stroke Organization and chairman of the WSO Education Committee.  He is commissioning editor for the World Stroke Academy, the WSO’s online global educational resource.

Palliative Care in Neurology

By David Oliver

There is increasing awareness of the role of palliative care for neurological patients, and this has been emphasized at two recent conferences.

David Oliver

At the Fourth Congress of the European Academy of Neurology in Lisbon, there was a European Association for Palliative Care / EAN Symposium on Palliative Care and Neurology as part of the program.  Over 100 people attended.

During the session, Prof. Raymond Voltz, Dr. Simone Veronese, and Prof. David Oliver spoke on developments within the field. The importance for all neurologists to provide a palliative care approach and to collaborate with specialist palliative care was emphasized, as has been emphasized in the EAN / EAPC Consensus on palliative care and neurology. There was good feedback, and several members of the audience discussed the issues afterward.

Within the same congress, there was a case-based workshop on end-of-life care for the neurological patient, looking at the use of interventions such as gastrostomy or ventilation at the end of life, coping with difficult patient and family situations, and how to be involved in difficult conversations.  Prof. Oliver also spoke at a scientific theater, a presentation within the poster and exhibition area,on the Consensus document on palliative care and neurology.

The 15th International Congress on Neuromuscular Disease (ICNMD) was held in Vienna in early July.  Over 1,400 delegates from 69 countries attended the meeting, which was held in collaboration with the European Federation of Autonomic Societies (EFAS).

Palliative care was included within the program, and the workshop on palliative care was attended by over 40 people who heard about the role of palliative care for neurological patients, the effectiveness of multidisciplinary care approach, the recognition of end of life care, and the experience of an ALS team in Moscow, Russia, in developing a clinic and increasing the availability of both palliative care and morphine use in symptom management.

Prof. Oliver, who is co-chair of the EAN Palliative Care Specialty Panel and chair of the EAPC Reference Group on palliative care and neurology, spoke in two other sessions. There was an “overarching session” on dysphagia, and he spoke on the ethical challenges of the management of dysphagia, including the assessment, use of interventions, discussions with patient and families and consideration of care at the end of life, including the consideration of withdrawal of treatment.  The session allowed a wider discussion of the issues of dysphagia, which may affect many with neuromuscular disease.

Palliative care also was featured in a plenary session on motor neurone disease. Prof. Oliver discussed the ethical issues in the management of motor neurone disease, discussing the telling of the diagnosis, the issues of genetics, cognitive change, nutritional support, ventilator support, and end-of-life issues.  The session was a new development at the congress with palliative care being discussed in the large plenary session, with over 500 people attending.

This was a wonderful opportunity to introduce palliative care and ethical discussions into the care of people with neuromuscular diseases. We are very grateful to Prof. Wolfgang Grissold, the chair of the ICNMD Scientific Committee and the organizers, for facilitating these opportunities to present at this congress. •

Further Information


Oliver DJ, Borasio GD, Caraceni A, de Visser M, Grisold W, Lorenzl S, Veronese S, Voltz R. A consensus review on the development of palliative care for patients with chronic and progressive neurological disease. Eur J Neurol 2016; doi:10.1111/ene.12889

Prof. David Oliver is honorary professor at the University of Kent, an EAPC board member, and chair of Reference Group on Neurology and Palliative Care.

Continuum in Haiti

By Aaron Berkowitz, MD, PhD

When I first began working in Haiti with the nongovernmental organization Partners In Health (PIH) and its Haitian sister organization Zanmi Lasante (ZL) in 2012, I was asked to provide CME in neurology for internists, family physicians, and residents in several hospitals. There is only one neurologist in Haiti for 10 million citizens and no neurology training programs. Therefore, physicians training in Haiti have no opportunity to learn about neurologic disease from a neurologist – no preclinical course, no rotation, no CME. And yet, since the majority of patients in Haiti do not have access to the country’s only neurologist, they see these same general practitioners who have had no access to neurology education.

Aaron Berkowitz, MD, PHD

I began providing week-long CME courses on neurologic diagnosis and management of common neurologic conditions, and precepting local physicians in the care of their patients with neurologic disease between lectures.  Our colleagues in Haiti appreciated the courses, and I enjoyed the opportunity to think through challenges in neurologic care and education in resource-limited settings (e.g., should a patient with an acute stroke and no access to CT receive aspirin?).1,2 However, the approach felt diffuse since I was giving lectures for large groups of practitioners at several hospitals, and seeing individual patients with multiple individual providers in different departments at each hospital. After several years, my colleagues in Haiti and I thought we could have a larger and more sustainable impact by focusing on a smaller group.

We decided to start a neurology rotation for the internal medicine residents at a newly opened teaching hospital in rural Haiti, Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais (HUM).3 Instead of lecturing in various hospitals and seeing patients with providers in different departments of each hospital, during each trip I worked with the same five PGY-2 internal medicine residents, and they worked only with me.  The volume of consults we saw and the incredible progress in neurologic diagnosis and treatment made by the residents inspired us to start the first neurology training program in Haiti at HUM in 2015.

Three generations of neurology trainees at Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais in Haiti with issues of Continuum provided by the AAN-WFN Continuum Education Program. From left to right: Dr. Brégenet Lamour, Dr. Ronald St. Jean, and Dr. Roosevelt François.

We initiated a 2-year fellowship program that accommodates one trainee each year. Applicants must be graduates of internal medicine or family medicine residencies in Haiti. A team of about a dozen U.S.-based neurology faculty spend one to 12 weeks per year in Haiti providing bedside and classroom teaching, precepting the fellows in their care of inpatients and outpatients, and mentoring them to provide CME to their colleagues in other departments and conduct research projects.4

I have always encouraged our visiting faculty to bring a few textbooks in their suitcase for the neurology program’s growing library. One faculty member brought several issues of Continuum. Our fellows loved it:

“I was impressed with the teaching method in Continuum to create such a comprehensive resource on each topic and convey the material so clearly,” said Dr. Roosevelt François, the program’s first graduate (in 2017) and current in-country program director.

“I appreciate how each issue begins with the basics and arrives at the most up-to-date aspects of diagnosis and treatment,” said Dr. Brégenet Lamour, our current second-year fellow and soon-to-be second graduate.

I wanted to subscribe our neurology fellows in Haiti to Continuum, but I had not had good luck mailing things to Haiti; a book donation to a Haitian medical library from a U.S. publisher we had organized was held up in Customs for nearly six months.  I learned about the AAN-WFN Continuum Education Program to assist in neurologic education in low-income countries (Haiti ranks 216 out of 235 countries in GDP per capita5). The coordinators of the program kindly agreed to send the journals to me in the U.S. to transport them in my suitcase to make sure they would arrive expeditiously. Five copies of each issue are provided; we keep one in our library, give one to our first graduate/faculty member, and provide one each to our two fellows. We save one for our next fellow. The fellows use Continuum not only for their own education but as a teaching tool.

Some of my U.S.-based colleagues ask if Continuum is too geared toward high-income settings to be applicable in Haiti, given that there is limited access to many neurodiagnostic tests and modern neurologic treatments in Haiti as in most low-income settings.6

“We don’t think ‘just because we don’t have this in Haiti, we don’t need to know about it.’ No!” Said Dr. Francois. “We need to know the most comprehensive up-to-date information to be prepared for the future when this technology arrives in Haiti.”

“While we await advances in technological resources, we must continue to train our human resources, said Dr. Ronald St. Jean, our current first year trainee. “Neurology existed long before technology.”

“Some of our patients want to travel abroad for diagnostic testing or treatment not available in Haiti, so we need to know how to advise them – is the test or procedure indicated? What are the risks and benefits of the intervention? Otherwise they could waste their time and money,” added Dr. Lamour.

The AAN-WFN Continuum Education Program provides an excellent resource for practitioners in low-income settings who may have limited access to internet in the field to provide up-to-date information on neurologic disorders. In the words of my colleague Dr. Francois, the first neurologist to be trained in Haiti:

“Thank you to my professors for helping me to discover Continuum, this inexhaustible resource of neurologic information, and thank you to the AAN-WFN for providing us with this resource.  Continuum offers an enormous opportunity to continue my neurologic education with the most up-to-date information, and make sure my practice is current. Continuum is a crucial part of the continuity of my neurologic education.” – Dr. Francois •


  1. Berkowitz AL, Westover MB, Bianchi MT, Chou SH. Aspirin for acute stroke of unknown etiology in resource-limited settings: a decision analysis. Neurology. 2014 Aug 26; 83(9):787-93
  2. Berkowitz AL. Managing acute stroke in low-resource settings. Bull World Health Organ. 2016 Jul 01; 94(7):554-6.
  3. Berkowitz AL, Martineau L, Morse ME, Israel K. Development of a neurology rotation for internal medicine residents in Haiti. J Neurol Sci. 2016 Jan 15; 360:158-60
  4. Israel K, Strander S, Martineau L, Pierre S, Morse ME, Berkowitz AL. Development of a neurology training program in Haiti. Submitted
  5. The World Bank. GDP per capita 2017 (US$). https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?year_high_desc=true Accessed July 5, 2018
  6. McLane HC, Berkowitz AL, Patenaude BN, McKenzie ED, Wolper E, Wahlster S, Fink G, Mateen FJ. Availability, accessibility, and affordability of neurodiagnostic tests in 37 countries. Neurology. 2015 Nov 03; 85(18):1614-2

Aaron Berkowitz, MD, PhD, is the director of the global neurology program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School.

World Brain Day is July 22

Mohammed Wasay and his World Brain Day (WBD) team have again prepared numerous activities for individual member societies to join with to celebrate the formation of the WFN on July 22. This year, the theme is Clean Air for Brain Health (and healthy brain development).

Dakar Promotes Training in Electrophysiology

First class of clinical neurophysiology training in the Department of Neurology of Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar

By Prisca-Rolande Bassolé, Daniel Gams Massi, Hermann C. Kiendolo Ngoma, Fatoumata Ba, Marème Soda Diop, Lala Bouna Seck, Moustapha Ndiaye, Massar Diagne, Mouhamadou Mansour Ndiaye, Amadou Gallo Diop

Since 2016, the Department of Neurology of Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar has become the third WFN Teaching Center in Africa. During the process of accreditation, the WFN officials were informed about the different training available.


The first class of 2017 University Diploma of Clinical Neurophysiology and two professors. (Left to right) Dr. Prisca-Rolande Bassolé from Burkina Faso, Dr. Daniel Gams Massi from Cameroon, Prof. Massar Diagne (faculty), Dr. Marième Soda Diop (faculty), Dr. Fatoumata Ba from Senegal, Dr. Hermann C. K. Ngoma from Congo Brazzaville.]

Epileptology training was initiated several years ago, and more than 50 African neurologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists, and neurosurgeons were trained. A training on clinical neurophysiology was in progress at that time.

A year after this accreditation, in 2017, a one-year training on clinical neurophysiology was born.

This first training program includes four workshops on basic aspects of neurophysiology, electroneuromyography (ENMG), electroencephalography (EEG), evoked potentials (EP), and an intensive practical done in the clinical neurophysiology unit of the Ibrahima Pierre Ndiaye Department of Neurology in Fann national teaching hospital of Dakar under supervision of faculty members.

In March 2018, after a theoretical and practical evaluation, the Neurology Department of Dakar graduated the first batch of clinical neurophysiology training.

The recipients were two women (Dr. Fatoumata Ba from Senegal and Dr. Prisca-Rolande Bassolé from Burkina Faso) and two men (Dr. Daniel Gams Massi from Cameroon and Dr. Hermann Ngoma from Congo Brazaville).

We wish a great success to this training. •

Prisca-Rolande Bassolé1, Daniel Gams Massi3, Hermann C. Kiendolo Ngoma4, Fatoumata BA5, Marème Soda Diop2, Lala Bouna Seck2,5, Moustapha Ndiaye2, Massar Diagne2, Mouhamadou Mansour Ndiaye1,2, Amadou Gallo Diop2

  1. Department of Neurology, El Hadj Ibrahima Niasse private University-Saint Christopher Iba Mar Diop School of Medicine of Dakar, Senegal.
  2. Department of Neurology, Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal.
  3. Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Douala, Cameroon.
  4. Department of Neurology, Faculty of sciences of health-Marien Ngouabi University, Congo Brazzaville.
  5. Neurology Department of Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis, Senegal.