Prof. Marianne de Visser
The WFN welcomes Prof. Marianne de Visser to the position of co-opted trustee.
De Visser is an adult neurologist at the Amsterdam University Medical Center in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and emeritus professor of neuromuscular diseases at the University of Amsterdam.
She was trained as a neurologist at the University Hospital of Amsterdam. In 1988 and 1989, she was a visiting scientist at Andrew Engel’s lab at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where she performed ultrastructural studies on skeletal muscle in dermatomyositis.
Her research interests are neuromuscular disorders and, in particular, myositis, ALS, post-polio syndrome, and hereditary neuropathies. Because of her work in ALS, she became interested in palliative care. Previously she was the president of the Netherlands Society of Neurology, and she served with distinction as a WFN elected trustee under Presidents Jun Kimura and Johan Aarli. Recently she stepped down as the secretary-general of the European Academy of Neurology.
De Visser will bring her extensive experience and her value of teamwork to the benefit of the WFN.