Donald H. Silberberg
World Neurology now has a superb Editorial Advisory Board, representing every region, and equally important, representing the WFN’s website and Journal of Neurological Sciences. In “@WFNeurology” on page 9, Walter Struhal and Peter Engel discuss the advantages of these linkages.
Also in this issue, for the first time, you can see a list of some of the current articles in the JNS, with hyperlinks to the PDFs of selected articles. Similarly, when I receive announcements that require immediate display, I forward them to Engel for posting on the WFN website.
This issue is the fifth online, with subsequent issues to come every two months. This is a good time to remind you that the content of World Neurology is entirely what you wish to make it. Please send me reports from your region, historical or personal reflections, notices of future events, letters to the editor, and of course, original articles on a topic that interests you. When you publish work that will later be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal, you don’t need to worry about copyright issues on the part of World Neurology or the WFN.
You can help with our distribution list. Because many national societies are reluctant to release email addresses due to privacy concerns, our list serve is incomplete.
Please ask your colleagues if they are receiving communications from World Neurology. If not, please advise them to send their address to me or to Keith Newton, assistant editor, at keith@wfneurology.org, in order to become a subscriber. If your national society can provide a list, please ask that it be sent to us.
Finally, a wish for a happy, productive and healthy 2014 to all.