We are grateful for WFN’s endorsement of the Australia China Training Initiative of Neurology (ACTION). The course is an intensive training of up-to-date neurological treatments.
ACTION is the collaboration of academic partners in China and Australia. It is between the University of Melbourne, Jiatong University affiliated with First People’s Hospital in Shanghai, Fudan University affiliated Huashan Hospital in Shanghai, Melbourne Brain Center at Royal Melbourne Hospital in Melbourne.
It is run by an academic faculty consisting of Professor Terence O’Brien, Professor Stephen Davis, Professor Qiang Dong, Professor Wang Shaoshi, Associate Professor Bernard Yan and Professor Trevor Kilpatrick.
ACTION started in 2010, and we are now in our fourth year of operation. So far, we have had 108 Chinese neurologists through the course.
The structure of ACTION is run over a two-week intensive learning environment. The first week is in Shanghai in July and the second week is in Melbourne in November annually.
ACTION is a lecture- and workshop-based course. We teach a spectrum of neurological subspecialties including stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders, neuromuscular, neuropsychiatry, neurogenetics, etc.
The final week of the training course in Melbourne is completed with a formal examination on the course’s teaching material and the Chinese neurologists are then awarded by the University of Melbourne.