Embracing the Future of Neurology

The launch of World Federation of Neurology Digital Neurology Updates (WNU) 2024.

In an era where digital transformation is revolutionizing every aspect of our lives, the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) is proud to announce a significant leap forward in global medical education with the inaugural World Federation of Neurology Digital Neurology Updates (WNU 2024) 2-day online event. Scheduled for Sept. 26-27, 2024, this event is a testament to our unwavering commitment to fostering global collaboration and education in the field of neurology.

A New Era for Global Neurology Education

The decision to host WNU 2024 as a fully online event was born out of WFN’s core goal: to overcome geographical, economic, and logistical limitations, thereby creating a more inclusive and far-reaching educational platform. This initiative allows neurologists, researchers, health care professionals, and interested parties from across the globe to come together in an interactive digital space. By doing so, WNU 2024 not only democratizes access to the latest neurological knowledge but also significantly reduces the environmental impact typically associated with traditional conferences, underscoring our dedication to sustainability.

A Rich Tapestry of Neurological Knowledge

WNU 2024 is poised to offer an enriching and diverse educational program. The agenda is meticulously designed to cater to the needs of both seasoned professionals and those in the early stages of their neurology careers. Participants can look forward to keynote lectures delivered by distinguished experts in the field, promising insightful discussions that are sure to inspire new ideas and propel the practice of neurology into new frontiers.

WNU 2024 demonstrates WFN’s adaptability and unwavering commitment to advancing neurological care and education across the globe, regardless of the obstacles we may encounter.

As we look forward to this exciting event, WFN extends its heartfelt gratitude to all those dedicated to the field of neurology. Your passion and commitment are the driving force behind our efforts. Join us for WNU 2024, Sept. 26-27, 2024, and be a part of an engaging, stimulating online gathering that promises not only to educate but also to inspire.


Election of One Trustee for the Council of Delegates Meeting 2024

Review the list of candidates for WFN trustee.

Prof. Raad Shakir, CBE, FRCP

For the upcoming election of a trustee at the virtual Council of Delegates (COD) meeting in September, WFN’s Nomination Committee, chaired by Prof. Raad Shakir, has reviewed all applications and has the following recommendations (in alphabetical order):

  • Fernando Cendes, Brazil
  • Valery Feigin, New Zealand         
  • Miguel Osorno, Mexico
  • Brian Sweeney, Ireland
  • Barbara Tettenborn, Switzerland
  • Tissa Wijeratne, Sri Lanka

The statements of these individuals will be published in an upcoming issue of World Neurology, and will be available on the WFN website.

The voting process will be announced in due course, and will be accompanied with detailed instructions.

The deadline for nominations was March 15, 2024. Nominations made after this deadline are still possible. Additional nominees must be a member of a WFN member society and must present the supporting signatures of five or more authorized WFN delegates, a CV, and a letter of agreement to stand.This must be submitted to the Secretary General, c/o the WFN Headquarters at info@wfneurology.org no later than 30 days prior to the start of electronic voting. Deadline for additional nominations will be Friday, July 26, 2024. Electronic voting will occur over three weeks starting Aug. 26, 2024. •

Prof. Raad Shakir, CBE, FRCP, is chair of the WFN Nomination Committee, and a past president of the WFN.

WFN Clinical Fellowship

Four weeks of learning at the university hospital in Giessen, Germany.

By Salsabil Abdulrahim Mady Abulazayem

I completed my WFN clinical fellowship at the department of neurology at the University Hospital Gießen in Giessen, Germany, for a period of four weeks under the supervision of Prof. H. B. Huttner. I was welcomed by Dr. M. Jünemann. He showed me the department and introduced me to the entire team. I appreciate the warm and kind welcome. I always felt fully integrated into the department’s daily routine, which allowed me to participate in all of the available activities.

During my first week, I regularly attended the movement disorders clinic with Prof. Reuter, where I had the opportunity to evaluate patients with all types of movement disorders and to discuss the cases, the diagnostic work-up, and therapeutic options. I also had the opportunity to witness complex therapies not present back home, such as subcutaneous apomorphine infusion and deep brain stimulation.

In the second week, I attended the neurocritical unit with Prof. Schramm, Dr. Alhaj Omar and Dr. Khilan, where I had the opportunity to evaluate patients with acute neurological conditions such as Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), acute stroke patients, and post-thrombectomy care, and their diagnostic work-up and management plans. I was truly impressed by the perfect care from all of the medical staff.

During my third and fourth weeks, I attended the stroke unit rounds where cases were assessed and discussed, usually patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke, acute hemorrhagic stroke, acute lower motor neuron lesions such as GBS or myositis, and meningitis.

I had the opportunity to attend an epilepsy clinic with Dr. Mück, an MS clinic, and discuss diagnostic work-up and therapeutic options in different patients. In addition, I had the opportunity to attend the weekly Journal Club during my month. Also, I attended daily morning staff rounds where clinical cases were presented and interactively discussed to reach a final diagnosis.

I was able to increase my knowledge base and to learn therapeutic and diagnostic approaches that I could use in my daily clinical practice thanks to this clinical fellowship.

To conclude, I would like to thank Prof. Huttner and his team, Dr. M. Jünemann, Prof. Reuter, Prof. Schramm, Dr. Alhaj Omar, Dr. Mück, Dr. Wolff, Dr. Ebert, Dr. Genau, and Dr. Khilan for all of their kindness. Of course, I would like to thank the World Federation of Neurology for granting me the opportunity to do this clinical fellowship and the German neurological Society for their wonderful ongoing help with the WFN Department visit program. I highly recommend it to young neurologists. •

Salsabil Abdulrahim Mady Abulazayemi is Lecturer of Neurology, Cairo University.

World Brain Day 2023 in India

images of newspapers covering world brain day in india

A sampling of the media coverage of WBD in India 2023.

Unique activities enhanced World Brain Day in India.

Chandrashekhar Meshram, Gagandeep Singh, Nirmal Surya, and U. Meenakshisundaram

World Brain Day 2023 was celebrated with great enthusiasm and commitment in India by the Indian Academy of Neurology. The campaign extended over several days.

The 2023 theme was Brain Health and Disability, Leave No One Behind, and  generated a lot of interest. The activities were focused toward increasing awareness among common people and students about brain health and disability. Chandrashekhar Meshram issued a press release.

This year, we at the Indian Academy of Neurology changed the approach and focused on reaching a few hundred thousand people through the most popular TV channel in the country. The activity was in the form of panel discussions on brain health and disability. WFN President Prof. Wolfgang Grisold was one of the panelists. Other panelists were IAN President Dr. Gagandeep Singh, WFN Trustee Dr. Chandrashekhar Meshram, IAN Past President Dr. Nirmal Surya, IAN Secretary Dr. U. Meenakshisundaram, and IAN Treasurer Dr. Lakshmi Narsimhan.

The panelists discussed the importance of World Brain Day, dementia and disability, epilepsy, stroke and disability, and the role of rehabilitation in disability. People could watch the telecast twice on July 22. The session is also available on YouTube

Articles were published in newspapers to educate people about brain health and disability, the importance of exercise for brain health, information about Guillain-Barre Syndrome and its outbreak in Peru, stroke and disability, and brain health as a human right.

Walk for Your Brain was organized and held July 23 in Nagpur. People from various walks of life participated in the activity. The event was led off by Ravindra Thakare, tribal commissioner. People carried placards that displayed messages such as “Our brain, our future,” “It is your brain, use it or lose it,” “Proper diet for healthy brain,” “Epilepsy is treatable, don’t hide it,” “Clean city, healthy brain,” “Exercise, diet, and sleep. Three pillars of brain health,” and “Avoid air pollution for a healthy brain.” Chandrashekhar Meshram explained the importance of World Brain Day and provided tips for preserving brain health and preventing neurological diseases.

The Indian Federation of Rehabilitation (IFNR) conducted several activities on World Brain Day. Dr. Nirmal Surya, president of IFNR, presented on family- and community-based rehabilitation in which he emphasized the role of family participation in delivering rehabilitation in developing countries.  He said this model would be a way forward in providing affordable rehabilitation for all in developing countries. Dr. Abhishek Srivastava, secretary and director of the IFNR, explained prevention and rehabilitation of poliomyelitis and how we win with community-based rehabilitation. The talk was elaborate on the various rehabilitative aspects that were undertaken to uplift the daily living of patients with poliomyelitis.

IFNR organized an awareness drive with a video contest, in which participants submitted videos on the theme of World Brain Day: Prevention, Awareness, Education, Advocacy to uplift the brain health. Over 80 submissions were received. The top five submissions were showcased on the World Brain Day Webinar Platform and given prizes.

Epilepsy Foundation India organized a public awareness program for people with epilepsy. The program kicked off with a painting competition and a welcome address by Dr. Nirmal Surya. He talked about the importance of brain health and the theme of leaving no one behind and how to keep the brain healthy and disease-free.

Prof. Tissa Wijeratne, co-chair of WBD and WFN, talked about brain health and disability and why it is important to have awareness in developing countries. Dr. Chandrashekhar Meshram, trustee of the WFN, emphasised the need of brain health in epilepsy as well as other diseases such as stroke, Parkinson’s, and dementia. A dance and lecture session by members of the Epilepsy Foundation was also organized.

The World Brain Day campaign will certainly contribute toward promotion of brain health, awareness and prevention of disability, early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neurological disorders, and in turn improving the patient care.

The IAN’s Plans for World Brain Day 2024

In continuation of the campaign Brain Health for All, the WFN has decided the theme for WBD 2024 is Brain Health and Prevention. The Indian Academy of Neurology will participate in the 2024 campaign in a big way. India has a high incidence of young strokes. With the increase in life expectancy, the problems of diseases such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease are on the rise. Lifestyle medication, diet, and air pollution are important issues that need to be addressed. Public awareness for causes and prevention of neurological diseases will be the top priority during the 2024 WBD activity in India. •

WFN Neurological Community Update

WFN president reviews neurology development around the world, IGAP, World Brain Day, WCN, and other key topics.

Wolfgang Grisold

A 2023 WFN survey of WFN member societies assessing knowledge and content of the IGAP, revealed a disconcerting low level and awareness. Activities and publications of the WFN are aimed to increase the awareness and practical implementation of IGAP (Displayed Q 4-8) (London Office: C. Hunte)

Welcome to the first issue of World Neurology in 2024. We hope you had a relaxing, festive holiday season, and we look forward to the new year. 2024 will be another positive year for neurology, and we as the neurological community of the WFN will have many opportunities to foster and support neurology.

Globally, neurology is developing well. This statement can be supported by developments in neuroscience and global developments. General neurology as well as the subspecialties are thriving; examples are stroke and worldwide stroke services, epilepsy, and new drugs for epilepsy, movement disorders, and MS. The new possibilities not only to diagnose, but also to treat some of the genetic diseases is an incredible advance, and breaks previous dogmas on therapy limitations and prognosis of some neurological diseases.

Regarding global development, important are the activities of the WHO. Worldwide, the WHO has 194 member states. Several WHO departments take care of present and emerging health problems of the world. The classification of neurological disorders still needs separation from mental disorders and requires a universal and globally accepted classification, which can be the basis for universally applied stable and more devoted structures.

A positive example for the development of classification is stroke and ICD-11, where the WHO ICD-11 classification will allow further implementation of stroke services worldwide. Despite this amazing success story, we must continue to develop the prevention as well as chronic care, disability, and palliative care in stroke patients on the other side of the spectrum.

The WHO has implemented a “brain health unit” that fosters and supports the implementation and development of neurology. One key development is the IGAP, which is based on policy and advocacy, therapy, prevention, innovation, research, and public health. This concept was accepted by all member states at the World Health Assembly in 2022. Despite its strong support for neurology and ultimately persons with neurological diseases, the echo and acceptance at the regional and country level still needs more powerful inputs.

Presently, the WHO is developing a tool kit for the implementation of IGAP, addressing all stakeholders. The WFN uses its channels of distribution to member societies, uses information at talks and presentations, has information on IGAP on its website, and has emphasized the IGAP and cooperation with the WHO at the World Congress of Neurology (WCN) 2023 and will continue to do so.

We want to emphasize this important IGAP activity for several reasons:

  1. It promotes neurology at all levels and everywhere (“Semper et unique“).
  2. It provides a well-structured concept on the establishment and needs of neurology, which can be adapted and used according to the individual local needs. This may differ according to the income status of countries.

The call to all member societies is to familiarize members and health systems with the IGAP, put it on the agenda of your society meetings, and try to promote it within your networks, including health authorities and other stakeholders.

The mission of IGAP and the role for the development of neurology is enormous. We want to remind readers of the important role of the ILAE and the WFN in its development. We share this common effort, and as stakeholders, we have to avoid competitive altruism. The common goal is implementation of neurology and improvement of the large number of persons affected with acute and chronicneurologic disorders, disability, and be on the forefront to prevent disease.

From the other tasks and programs of the WHO, such as brain health, fight meningitis and tuberculosis, and implementation of rehabilitation, we would like to remind readers of the WHO essential medicine list (EML), which we covered in the last issue of World Neurology in 2023. Successfully, more medications, one for epilepsy and two for MS, were added to the EML list. The EML is a dedicated WHO effort to make drugs available in all countries of the world. In some countries, there is a lack of registered drugs, deficits in registration, procurement, distribution, and affordability.

World Brain Day (WBD)

The WBD has become an annual event for the WFN community. It celebrates the day of WFN’s founding in 1957, chooses a yearly topic, and collaborates with topic-related societies and regions.

This year, we will continue supporting the important topic of brain health, and focus on brain health and prevention. The activities will be chaired by D. Dodick and T. Wijeratne, the WFN regions, and will receive professional help from the marketing firm Yakkety Yak.

Prevention in neurology is a powerful and often underestimated tool to prevent neurological diseases and has a wide range of interventions, from vaccination, to pharmacology, nutrition, and lifestyle modifications. As with diagnosis and treatment, all types of prevention need to be added to neurological curricula.

Communication: Meetings/Congresses and Education

Communication with the WFN‘s member societies is important. Please follow our website and social media. We also have a new medium called the WFN Service Page, which will be published every three months in the Journal of the Neurological Sciences (JNS). This will increase the reach of the WFN. We also encourage you to publish material from your society and your regions in World Neurology. If you consider publishing in a journal, please consider the JNS and eNS as official journals of the WFN.

Congresses such as the WCN 2023 always leave impressions and produce new insights, either at the meeting or in discussions and informal gatherings. We are happy to report we had a large number of persons participating virtually at this congress. This served two main purposes: to reach countries worldwide, who are unable to travel for financial and other reasons, and to increase the worldwide spread of neurology. One hundred and thirty two countries participated.

There is material on the WFN website from the WCN 2023 in Montreal. Also, please note the summary of the plenary sessions, the coffee talks, and all abstracts are now published in the JNS.

Meeting with the Korean Committee in Seoul.

The next WCN will be in Seoul in 2025. The program committee has started its work. It is a generous venue and and a vibrant city. The Korean Neurological Society is putting much effort into this important congress, and it will provide strong input for neurology in the region.

For September 2024, we are planning a virtual educational update meeting: World Federation of Neurology Digital Update 2024 (WNU2024) Sept. 26-27. Eminent speakers will provide an update on the most frequent diseases, and the meeting will offer online teaching courses on these topics.

It will be a useful update instrument between the WCN congresses. Updates, education, and CME will be the strategy. The meeting will be virtual only.

WFN educational days will be continued, with the AFAN WFN educational day on neuropathies on Feb. 17, 2024, followed by a joint headache day with AFAN and GPAC/IHS. Another educational day with the AOAN is planned. This format has been successful, attracting  many attendees, not only from the regions, but worldwide. Recordings of the meeting can be seen in the WFN e-learning hub.

The WFN president high above Seoul.

We need to encourage and increase our efforts for CME and continuous professional development (CPD) worldwide. This is an essential part of professional practice in neurology, and needs constant update and development. Worldwide, many countries have established CME programs, belonging to the portfolio of practicing neurologists and are often linked with recertification. Usually the time of participation in a meeting or an activity is converted into a system of credits. This works well for individual countries but, for many reasons, in most circumstances cannot be exchanged or compared.

For large international congresses such as the WCN, the UEMS EACCME system is used, which has a detailed and strict separation of industry and other possible influences on the scientific program. This system is acknowledged by most European countries, and it also has an agreement with the American Medical Association and the Canadian Royal College of Physicians.

The WFN has a Standards and Evaluation Committee (chaired by Prof. Laszlo Vescey) in place that receives applications for meetings and events which fulfil the criteria of the WFN . This committee endorses international meetings according to the requirements of the WFN. The endorsed meeting is allowed to use the WFN logo for its event.

This was a short update on important WFN activities. Please follow us on our website and social media as well as the new WFN service page in JNS for more information. •

Palliative Care for Stroke Patients

Report from the joint session of the WFN and the World Stroke Organization (WSO) at the WSO Congress in Toronto.

By Wolfgang Grisold

The Congress of the World Stroke Organization took place in October 2023 in Toronto.

In addition to the traditional joint session of the WFN and WSO at the World Congresses of Neurology, since 2022 the WSO and WFN have established joint sessions at the WSO Congresses.

Last year’s topic was education; this year’s topic was palliative care in stroke patients.

Speakers were:


  • Kiechl (Austria)/Grisold(Austria)


  • Gillian Mead (UK)
  • Stefan Kiechl (Austria)
  • Wolfgang Grisold (Austria): WFN.
  • David Oliver (UK).

Prof. Kiechl presented epidemiological data on stroke worldwide. The large number of strokes as the most frequent neurological disease and the high mortality within five years after stroke were discussed. The Austrian stroke system, which is quite elaborate from the acute phase toward rehabilitation, was explained, and the role of palliative care discussed.

On behalf of the WFN, we discussed the worldwide availability of guidelines and recommendations for palliative care in stroke, as well as principles including the WHO recommendations and the ethical principles of autonomy, benefice, non-maleficence, and justice (Jansen 2022). A comparison with other palliative paradigms is important (Steigleder, Kollmar, and Ostgathe 2019) and for several neurological disease entities different concepts are needed.

For acute strokes, several guidelines and and recommendations exist (example: Braun et al. 2016), however little information exists on the palliative situations in stroke survivors, who have a high risk of recurrence as well as a high morbidity within five years. Stroke often leaves patients with impairment and disability (Wijeratne et al. 2023).

Following the hospital phase, often pain, sensory disturbances , sleep pathology, weakness, and sarcopenia appear. Loss of independence, existential worries, and often stigma with disability follow. Mental symptoms such as depression, apathy, also anxiety, agitation, and delirious states may occur (Cowey et al. 2021). (See Table 1.) Depending on the strategic localization of stroke, also neuro- cognitive sequelae of various nuances can be observed (examples: Anton’s syndrome, Capgras syndrome, among others).

Table 1

Mental changes in patients with stroke

During acute treatment:

  • Mental changes
  • Anxiety 12%-18%
  • Delirium 8%-19%
  • Agitation

After hospital discharge:

  • Depression
  • Neuropsychological changes
  • Existential needs
  • Hopelessness
  • Loss of meaning
  • Hopelessness
  • From: Int J Stroke. 2021 Aug; 16(6): 632-639.

Published online 2021 May 17. do: 10.1177/17474930211016603 (Mod)

The ability of communication can be compromised by several factors. (See Table 2.)

Suicidal tendencies in stroke patients are rarely mentioned and have been described in mainly small studies (Paolucci and Ngeh 2015), (Paolucci and Ngeh 2015) and in few general reviews. (Vyas et al. 2021).

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that increasing frailty impairs the compensation of the entire organ system and leads to a global decline in performance “Seneca effect”. (Bardi 2017). Stroke is one cause of the collapse of complex, poorly compensated biological systems in older and often multimorbid and frail patients.

It is worth noting that data from nursing home patients on chronic stroke treatment, therapies, and rehabilitation are largely lacking (Cowman et al. 2010), and this is a gap between acute stroke treatment and the long term follow-up.

The next session was given by Prof. Gilian Mead (UK) and highlighted the role of the family in the course of the disease and in decision-making processes (Visvanathan et al. 2020). Ethical principles such as autonomy, doing good, doing no harm, and justice are the principles, as well as basic principles of palliative care in neurological diseases (Kluger et al. 2023).

An important aspect is the patient’s mental capacity, which determines the decision-making process: the ability to understand information, to critically analyze its content in terms of discussion or reflection, and finally to make decisions. The role of the family in patients who cannot express an opinion is important and requires many considerations. The literature has not yet addressed this issue in sufficient detail. Concepts for information about the disease, symptoms, and measures such as “tailored talks” with detailed and understandable templates for patients and relatives are useful. The concept of shared decision making involves the doctor, patient, and family (or partner) making further decisions together (Armstrong 2017) (Prick et al. 2022). Important aspects are unrealistic expectations about prognosis, outcome, and prognostication, both on the part of the patient/family and the clinician.

Table 2

Factors that frequently impair communication.

  • Fatigue and loss of tenacity:  depression, apathy, irritability
  • Impairment of expression: facial expressions speech, tonality, prosody
  • Loss of  body image: neglect, disfiguration
  • Loss of function, such as motor and coordination
  • Social aspects: communication, isolation, incontinence,
  • Stigma

From: Neurological Ddisorders With a Significant Psychiatric Disturbance, Grisold, W. and Grisold, S., Lecture: World Congress of Psychiatry (WPA) , September 2023, Vienna.

The effects of severe strokes on the further quality of life are often underestimated. This might cause an enormous impact on future lifestyle. (Fig.1)

In addition, cultural differences must be taken into account, and the effects caused by the stroke must be considered. Immediately after the stroke, there are important challenges for the family, which often needs support.

Slide shown by Prof. Mead at the WSO session in Toronto (reproduced with permission). Prof. Mead quoted Maya Angelou.

Prof. DJ Oliver (UK) spoke about the meaning of “end of life” and expected death. In contrast to many other neurological conditions, the changes occur suddenly, often without warning, and are accompanied by major changes in lifestyle. For the family, the catastrophic changes are compounded by uncertainty about future developments, such as the possibility of regression of the neurological deficit. The sometimes-unjustified hope of improvement through neuro-rehabilitation needs to be explained and discussed, and the expectation needs to be realistic.

In all cases, appropriate symptomatic treatment is important. Particularly in acute cases, there are unstable and complex situations that require complex decisions. Mental and psychosocial aspects also need to be considered.

However, preferences and priorities for desired future treatment require intact mental capacity.

In the joint discussion, the importance of the patient and family coming to terms with the stroke was discussed. There are undoubtedly more recommendations for the acute stroke phase than for the chronic phase, with the factor of permanent or increasing disability also having to be considered. Studies of nursing home patients show that there is a strong need to consider special measures for institutionalized patients with a history of stroke.

A further focus of investigation and research should be dedicated to stroke survivors who are prone to recurrence in the following five years, have a high comorbidity, and a high mortality rate. Especially for patients with disabilities and institutionalized patients, the aspects of palliative care need to be considered. •

Wolfgang Grisold is president of the WFN.


Armstrong, M. J. 2017. Shared decision-making in stroke: an evolving approach to improved patient care. Stroke Vasc Neurol 2 (2):84-87.

Bardi, Ugo. 2017. The Seneca Effectc Why Growth is Slow but Collapse is Rapid. Book: Springer; The Frontiers Collection DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-57207-9.

Braun, L. T., K. L. Grady, J. S. Kutner, E. Adler, N. Berlinger, R. Boss, J. Butler, S. Enguidanos, S. Friebert, T. J. Gardner, P. Higgins, R. Holloway, M. Konig, D. Meier, M. B. Morrissey, T. E. Quest, D. L. Wiegand, B. Coombs-Lee, G. Fitchett, C. Gupta, W. H. Roach, Jr., and Committee American Heart Association Advocacy Coordinating. 2016. Palliative Care and Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke: A Policy Statement From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Circulation 134 (11):e198-225.

Cowey, E., M. Schichtel, J. D. Cheyne, L. Tweedie, R. Lehman, R. Melifonwu, and G. E. Mead. 2021. Palliative care after stroke: A review. Int J Stroke 16 (6):632-639.

Cowman, S., M. Royston, A. Hickey, F. Horgan, H. McGee, and D. O’Neill. 2010. Stroke and nursing home care: a national survey of nursing homes. BMC Geriatr 10:4.

Jansen, L. A. 2022. Medical Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, and Patients’ Well-Being. J Clin Ethics 33 (1):23-28.

Kluger, B. M., P. Hudson, L. C. Hanson, R. Buzgova, C. J. Creutzfeldt, R. Gursahani, M. Sumrall, C. White, D. J. Oliver, S. Z.

Pantilat, and J. Miyasaki. 2023. Palliative care to support the needs of adults with neurological disease. Lancet Neurol 22 (7):619-631.

Paolucci, S., and J. Ngeh. 2015. Suicide in stroke survivors: frequency and risk factors. Neurology 84 (17):1724-5.

Prick, J. C. M., S. M. van Schaik, I. A. Deijle, R. Dahmen, Pjam Brouwers, P. H. E. Hilkens, M. M. Garvelink, N. Engels, J. W. Ankersmid, S. H. J. Keus, R. The, A. Takahashi, C. F. van Uden-Kraan, P. J. van der Wees, R. M. Van den Berg-Vos, and Vbhc Stroke group Santeon. 2022. Development of a patient decision aid for discharge planning of hospitalized patients with stroke. BMC Neurol 22 (1):245.

Steigleder, T., R. Kollmar, and C. Ostgathe. 2019. Palliative Care for Stroke Patients and Their Families: Barriers for Implementation. Front Neurol 10:164.

Visvanathan, A., G. E. Mead, M. Dennis, W. N. Whiteley, F. N. Doubal, and J. Lawton. 2020. The considerations, experiences and support needs of family members making treatment decisions for patients admitted with major stroke: a qualitative study. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 20 (1):98.

Wijeratne, T., D. W. Dodick, S. L. Lewis, and W. Grisold. 2023. World Brain Day 2023 “Brain health and disability; Leave no one behind a World Federation of Neurology (six regions) and World Federation of Neurorehabilitation Collaboration. J Neurol Sci 451:120733

From the editors

We’d like to welcome all readers to the February 2024 issue of World Neurology, the first issue of 2024. The issue begins with the President’s Column. Dr. Wolfgang Grisold, WFN president, provides an overview of the many activities being planned, organized, and supported by the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) for 2024 and beyond. In this issue, you will also find a summary of the many outstanding plenary sessions presented during the World Congress of Neurology (WCN) 2023, with a foreward by Dr. Guy Rouleau, WFN vice president.

Dr. Chandrashekhar Meshram, WFN elected trustee, provides a summary of the WFN Publications Committee and History of Neurosciences Specialty Group. This issue’s History column is devoted to a book titled The History of Stroke by Dr. Jan van Gijn. Dr. Jan Stam provides the book review.

Dr. Duc Nguyen, a neurology trainee from Vietnam, summarizes his remarkable experience as the first recipient of an WFN and Indian Academy of Neurology Asian Departmental Visit provided at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research in Chandigarh, India. Dr. Prisca-Rolande Bassolé, a young neurologist from Dakar, Senagal, reviews her attendance at the WCN2023 supported by a WFN Junior Traveling Fellowship. Dr. Bindu and Medha Menon describe their foundation’s activities aimed at using technology to mitigate the impact of epilepsy in their region of India.

Dr. Grisold provides a report of the Joint Session of the WFN and the World Stroke Organization (WSO) that occurred October 2023 at the WSO Congress in Toronto. The session was devoted to the concept of palliative care for stroke patients. Dr. Orla Hilton updates us on the Global Research Coalition and the call for collaboration in global research initiatives devoted to global brain heath.

Dr. Cassandra Kniffin Arnold and Joanna Amberger report on the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database, with a foreward to this important initiative by Dr. Martin Krenn. Dr. Marco Tulio Medina reports on the recent anniversary celebration of the creation of the Neurology Postgraduate Program at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH), which one of the World Neurology editors (SLL) had the privilege and honor of participating in.

Finally, Dr. Fabrizio Benedetti reviews the current pharmacological and toxicological concepts underlying the important phenomena of placebo/nocebo and the brain.

In this first issue of 2024, we want to thank all readers for their interest in the WFN and World Neurology. We look forward to sharing additional information with you about the WFN, neurology, and neurologists around the world in future issues of World Neurology. •

Report of My Attendance at the WCN2023

By Prisca-Rolande Bassolé, MD

I am a young African neurologist and researcher working in Dakar, Senegal.

I am grateful to the World Federation of Neurology for granting me a traveling fellowship to attend the XXVI World Congress of Neurology 2023, in Montreal.

I had the opportunity to refresh my knowledge and share work of my Neurosciences Department on epilepsy (e-Poster 402) and sleep disorders (e-Poster 400) with colleagues from other countries.

I also had the privilege of following in the footsteps of the eminent Prof. Wilder Penfield, a pioneer in the “functional localization” of brain areas, during a historic discovery at the McGill Neuro Hospital of Montreal.

It was a rewarding experience and a great place for networking.

Thank you to the WFN for promoting continuing education by helping junior neurologists attend these neuroscientific events. •

26th World Congress of Neurology Plenary Speakers

Plenary speakers shared their latest research on topics such as diabetic neuropathies, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, and global health care equity.

The 26th World Congress of Neurology was held Oct. 15-19 in Montreal. This combined in-person and virtual meeting was attended by over 3,500 neurologists from 129 countries. The highlight of the meeting was a series of plenary lectures given by world experts in a variety of subjects, ranging from a rare disease to neuroepidemiology. They brought their insights into a plethora of important neurological problems, from rare diseases to the World Health Organization’s plan to address neurological diseases across the globe. Summaries and salient messages are presented below.  All of the subjects covered important issues that concern neurologists and that can potentially affect billions of people around the world.

–Guy Rouleau, vice president of the WFN

Hosted in Montreal, the 2023 World Congress of Neurology united experts to address key neurology challenges. Plenary speakers shared their latest research on topics such as diabetic neuropathies, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, and global health care equity.

Dr. Tarun Dua from the World Health Organization emphasized the urgency in tackling neurological disorders, shaping a collaborative atmosphere.

The congress served as a hub for diverse perspectives and initiatives. Explore the discussions in each plenary lecture by reading the full press releases linked with each lecture.

The Global Importance of Diabetic Neuropathies

Eva Feldman, MD, PhD, James W. Albers Distinguished University Professor, and Russell N. DeJong, Professor of Neurology, University of Michigan

Type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions, and complications like ulcers and amputations not only impact quality of life but also strain health care systems worldwide. During her plenary lecture, Dr. Eva Feldman cast a light on diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), a major complication of diabetes and a leading cause of global disability. Discover the latest insights into the global burden of DPN and learn about the urgent need for new treatment approaches, education, and lifestyle changes to combat this worldwide challenge.

Read the full press release.

The WHO, IGAP, and Brain Health

Tarun Dua, MD, Head, Brain Health Unit, World Health Organization, Switzerland

Neurological conditions are the second-leading cause of death and the leading cause of disability worldwide. The World Health Organization’s new Intersectoral Global Action Plan provides a critical blueprint for combating neurological conditions and calls for urgent action from governments and health care organizations around the world. Dr. Tarun Dua discussed this landmark coordinated effort to tackle the challenges posed by neurological disorders, including the five key objectives for addressing these conditions worldwide and 10 global targets to be achieved by 2031.

Read the full press release.

The Epidemiology and Burden of Neurological Disorders

Valery Feigin, MD, PhD, Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology, National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Low- and middle-income countries currently experience a disproportionate degree of the global burden of neurological disorders. Dr. Valery Feigin revealed groundbreaking findings from the latest Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. Learn about the top 10 neurological conditions causing 90% of global disability and see how this data can aid neurologists and global health organizations in reducing health care disparities in low- and middle-income countries.

Read the full press release.

Status of Disease-Modifying Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease

Anthony Lang, MD, Professor of Neurology, Jack Clark Chair for Parkinson’s Disease Research and Lily Safra Chair in Movement Disorders, University of Toronto, Canada

Parkinson’s disease is one of the fastest-growing neurological diseases on the planet. But what if researchers could detect signs of the disease years before symptoms start to show? During his plenary lecture, Dr. Anthony Lang presented a groundbreaking new model for identifying and studying Parkinson’s disease. This approach will help researchers investigate biological aspects of the disease that may be detectable many years before symptoms begin to show.

Read the full press release.

Clinical Trial Progress in ALS

Merit Cudkowicz, MD, Chair, Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Neurology; Director, Sean M. Healey & AMG Center for ALS, Massachusetts General Hospital; Julieanne Dorn Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School

One of the central challenges of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) research is finding ways to slow the progression of this relentlessly degenerative disease. Several late-stage clinical trials in ALS have had positive results. In addition, recently, two promising experimental drugs were advanced to phase 3 clinical trials as part of the innovative HEALEY ALS Platform Trial. Dr. Merit Cudkowicz’s lecture highlighted the drugs currently being tested in the HEALEY ALS Platform Trial as well as several other recently approved ALS medications, the promise of gene therapies, and a proposed new biomarker that is aiding in the development of treatments and research.

Read the full press release.

The Rett Syndrome: From Clinics to Genetics

Huda Zoghbi, MD, Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine

Rett Syndrome is a delayed-onset childhood disorder that causes a broad range of severe neurological disabilities, including loss of the ability to speak and socialize, and the development of tremors, ataxia, seizures, autonomic dysfunction, and stereotypic hand-wringing movements. In her lecture, Dr. Huda Zoghbi, MD, discussed what her lab has learned about Rett pathogenesis and the significance of MeCP2 protein levels in maintaining healthy brain function. She outlined how an insufficient amount of this protein contributes to Rett syndrome, while an excess (resulting from gene duplication) leads to another severe neurological condition.

Read the full press release.

Transformations in the Treatment of Stroke

Liping Liu, MD, PhD, Director, Neurointensive Care Unit (NICU), Neurology and Stroke Center, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, China

Stroke is a leading cause of disability worldwide. However, giving certain treatments—called reperfusion therapies—soon after the start of a stroke can dramatically improve patient outcomes and minimize long-term brain damage. Dr. Liping Liu highlighted recent advancements in stroke treatment and strategies for addressing the global burden of stroke. She presented recent research on the effectiveness of reperfusion therapies for ischemic stroke and advocated for increasing awareness and training in these types of therapies for the global neurology community.

Read the full press release.

President of African Academy of Neurology Calls for Urgent, Unified Action to Address Lack of Trained Neurologists

Dr. Augustina Charway-Felli, President of the African Academy of Neurology

Africa is faced with critical shortages of neurologists and health care funding, leading to some of the world’s highest rates of disability from neurological disorders. Dr. Augustina Charway-Felli presented a strategic plan at the WCN. The proposal underscores regional training to bolster Africa’s neurologist count and prioritizes educating primary care providers. Dr. Charway-Felli advocated for a unified approach focusing on training, reducing brain drain, increasing specialized neurologists, and public education. Interregional collaboration and WFN accredited training centers in Dakar, Senegal; Rabat, Morocco; Cairo, Egypt; and Cape Town, South Africa, are vital components. The plan aims to alleviate the severe neurologist shortage and improve neurological care accessibility in Africa.

Read the full press release.

Kathy Oliver Champions Global Action for Patient Organizations at the 26th World Congress of Neurology

Kathy Oliver, chair of the International Brain Tumor Alliance

Patient engagement is gaining prominence in healthcare with Kathy Oliver championing this movement. Oliver emphasized the pivotal role of patient organizations in shaping clinical trials, drug development, health care policy, and regulatory issues. Patient engagement enhances research quality and resource allocation by aligning with patients’ priorities. Oliver highlighted five priorities for effective patient collaboration, stressing clear expectations, focusing on patients’ perspectives, promoting mutual learning, fostering effective collaboration, and ensuring timely involvement. Central to this approach is the principle “nothing about us, without us,” advocating for patient centrality in health care decisions.

Read the full press release.

Neurologist Reveals the Hidden Neurological Consequences of Historic Pandemics

Hadi Manji, MD, Consultant Neurologist and Honorary Associate Professor at the National Hospital for Neurology, United Kingdom

Although the height of the COVID-19 pandemic may be behind us, millions of people continue to experience disabling complications like long COVID—and researchers still don’t understand the full scope of COVID-19’s impact on the brain. During the congress, Dr. Hadi Manji shed light on the neurological complications of COVID-19 by exploring similar long-term complications of global pandemics, including the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, HIV/AIDS, and Zika virus. This enlightening lecture explored what past pandemics can teach us about diagnosing and treating current post-infection complications like HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) and long COVID, which impact millions of people worldwide.

Read the full press release.

Publication Committee and the History of Neurosciences Specialty Group

Author reviews the history of the Neurosciences Specialty Group and reviews the function of the WFN Publications Committee.

By Chandrashekhar Meshram

This column, intended to explain the work of the WFN committees and specialty groups in World Neurology, was started by Prof. Wolfgang Grisold during his tenure as Secretary General in 2020. I plan to take it forward. The WFN committees contribute greatly to the work of the WFN. The chairs are appointed by the trustees, and the committees are composed of members of the regions.

The present composition and membership of all of the WFN committees and specialty groups can be seen on the WFN website.

The committees work on specific issues and are an essential part of the WFN activities.

In the September/October issue of World Neurology, information about the nominating committee was published.

The specialty groups, previously known as Applied Research Groups, focus on specific aspects of neurology.

The idea of this column is to introduce one committee and one specialty group in each of the subsequent issues of World Neurology.

The WFN Publications Committee

The WFN Publications Committee is chaired by Dr. John England. Dr. England is the Richard M. Paddison professor and chair of the Department of Neurology at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine in New Orleans. He is also the editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Neurological Sciences. The Publications Committee provides oversight for the Journal of the Neurological Sciences, eNeurologicalSci, and World Neurology.

The Journal of the Neurological Sciences (JNS) is the flagship journal of the WFN. JNS publishes original scientific articles, review articles, guidelines, letters, and special issues in the field of clinical and basic neuroscience. Over the last several years, JNS has shown a steady and substantial rise in platform usages, cite scores, and impact factor. Special issues are popular and well cited. Recently, a special issue on tropical neurology was published, and special issues on environmental neurology and recent advances in stroke are in progress.

eNeurologicalSci (eNS) is the newer online companion journal for the JNS. Dr. Walter Struhal from Austria is the editor-in-chief. eNeurologicalSci has a globally represented editorial board and has demonstrated a steady and significant rise in cite score over the past two years. It publishes original scientific articles and novel case reports.

World Neurology is the popular longstanding newsletter for the WFN. The editor is Dr. Steven Lewis from the U.S., and the co-editor is Dr. Walter Struhal from Austria. World Neurology publishes news items, updates, and opinions in neurology from around the world. World Neurology serves an important function in communicating important updates from the WFN to neurologists. It is published every two months and is sent to 25,000 neurologists worldwide with two email blasts for each issue and online access.

Each of the three publications are accessible via the WFN website or via their respective websites.

History of Neurosciences Specialty Group

This specialty group has studied the history of the neurosciences for many decades. The mission is to study the history of the neurosciences and bring together neurologists with an interest in the subject and inform them about what is going on in the field.

In 1992, Frank Clifford Rose, who had become the WFN secretary-treasurer-general in 1989, started a journal, Journal of the History of the Neurosciences. It was associated with this WFN specialty group that, at the time, already existed for more than 10 years. This research group was founded by Dr. Macdonald Critchley, and its first official meeting was in 1980. A few years after starting the journal, the International Society of the Neurosciences (ISHN) was added as a second group associated with the Journal, to which the subtitle was added Basic and Clinical Perspectives. It became a platform not only for neurologists interested in the field, but also for other neuroscientists with an interest in the history of their subject.

The specialty group is currently chaired by Peter J. Koehler, faculty of health, medicine and life sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.

The group has 26 members and Egle Sakalauskaite-Juodeikiene (University of Vilnius, Lithuania) and Edward J. Fine (University of Buffalo, New York) contribute significantly. The specialty group, in cooperation with the ISHN, started a monthly virtual seminar in 2020. These monthly meetings are open for specialty group and ISHN members, as well as all persons interested in the history of the neurosciences. They are usually held on the third Wednesday of each month, except northern summer. Information can be found at ISHN-monthly-programs.pdf (ucla.edu) or ISHN Monthly Zoom Meeting | Neurohistory.nl.

Since 2010, the specialty group has published bimonthly articles in World Neurology. Some of the recent titles include “Todd, Faraday, and the Electrical Activity of the Brain,” “Named Lectures at the World Federation of Neurology,” and “Deep Brain Stimulation for Psychiatric Indications Preceded Movement Disorders: A Historical Sketch.” •