Walter Struhal, MD

Steven L. Lewis, MD
By Steven L. Lewis, MD, Editor, and Walter Struhal, MD, Co-Editor
We are very pleased to introduce the November/December 2016 issue of World Neurology, which starts with the report from the Sept 12, 2016, Council of Delegates meeting that was held in Prague, Czech Republic. In his President’s Column, Raad Shakir, MD, describes the close relationship and tight collaboration of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) and the six WFN regional organizations and the role of the World Congress of Neurology in enhancing the regions.
Wolfgang Grisold, MD, the secretary-general of the WFN, reports on the activities of the Austrian Society of Neurology related to the July 22, 2016 third Day of the Brain, and Federico Pelli-Noble, MD, reports on the Day of the Brain activities that occurred on the same day in Tucuman, Argentina. Christopher Gardner-Thorpe, MD, also provides a thoughtful discussion on neurology and international relations.
Kate Riney, MD, PhD, updates us on epilepsydiagnosis.org, an extensive and unique online tool for diagnostic information on the epilepsies, which can be of benefit to all neurologists (and our patients) globally. There are also a number of book reviews in this issue, including one from Edward J. Fine, MD, on Brain Renaissance from Vesalius to Modern Neuroscience. Dr. Grisold reviews Teaching and Tuition of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Indonesia During One Century: 1850-1950, and Yuri Takeuchi, MD, reviews Mentored by a Madman: The William Burroughs Experiment.
Also in this issue, Mustapha El Alaoui Faris, MD, provides us with an overview of the Continuum program in Morocco, as a model for other regional programs based on Continuum, the official continuing medical education publication of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) and with which a joint AAN-WFN effort helps provide Continuum to user groups in various countries where this resource is needed. We look forward to future contributions from other regional Continuum user groups to highlight how this important educational resource is being utilized to support neurologic education and patient care. Also, in what we hope will be the model of many similar contributions for future issues, we know readers will appreciate seeing a “Photo of the Issue” that was provided by Dr. Shakir, showing Jun Kimura, MD, giving a recent EMG workshop at the Lebanese Society of Neurology in Beirut.
John D. England, MD, provides his editor-in-chief’s update from the Journal of the Neurological Sciences, the official journal of the WFN, and personally reflects on the recent loss of two leaders in academic neurology, Donald Gilden, MD, and Omar Khan, MD, Finally, Donald Silberberg, MD, the past editor of World Neurology, provides an extemely heartfelt tribute in his obituary for Dr. Gilden.
We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the articles in this issue, and we continue to encourage your outstanding submissions and helpful suggestions for the benefit of all of the readers of World Neurology.