By Steven L. Lewis, MD, Editor, and Walter Struhal, MD, Co-Editor

Steven L. Lewis, MD

Walter Struhal, MD
We would like to welcome all of you to this issue of World Neurology, the official newsletter of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN), and the first issue since returning from the very successful 24th World Congress of Neurology (WCN) held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates at the end of October, 2019. As such, much of this issue is devoted to highlighting the many activities of this remarkable Congress, including the detailed report/President’s Column from WFN President Dr. William Carroll, who also highlights and details the many outstanding plenary sessions that the thousands of delegates who attended the WCN were privileged to attend, as well as the press releases and activities that informed countless others around the world. Dr Richard Stark, WFN Treasurer, provides his report of the exciting and highly attended Tournament of the Minds that culminated in a nailbiting final event that occurred just prior to the closing ceremony of the Congress. We’ve also chosen some representative images of the many activities that occurred during the WCN in a photo montage that we hope provides a flavor of the breadth of this important and remarkable international neurologic event.
With regard to other recent neurologic meetings, Drs Sergei V. Lobzin, V. Goldobin, and N. Tcinzerling report on the many activities, and the historical significance of, the 21st Davidenkov Readings Neurological Congress that was held in St. Petersburg, Russia in September 2019. Dr Martin Krenn and WFN Secretary General Wolfgang Grisold report on the Oxford Muscle Symposium, highlighting the historically significant presentation by Dr. Ikuya Nonaka on neuromuscular diseases in Japan and their discovery. In addition, Drs Gagandeep Singh, Satish Khadilkar, and Sita Jayalakshmi provide their detailed report of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Indian Academy of Neurology held in early October 2019 in Hyderabad, India.
This month’s history column, by Dr. Peter Koehler, focuses on the history of the concept of the localization of vital neurologic functions, especially related to concepts regarding this localization to the cerebellum versus the medulla. Also in this issue, Drs Jon Stone, Alan Carson, and Mark Hallett announce the creation of a new international organization devoted to functional neurologic disorders, and invite interested neurologists worldwide to join.
In concluding, it was wonderful seeing so many neurologists from around the globe (and of all stages of training and career) in Dubai, and we want everyone to start “saving the date” for the next WCN that will be held in Rome in early October 2021. Planning is already underway for what promises to be another highly attended and highly successful international meeting of the minds for all neurologists from across the globe. •