Opening of the 54th International Neuropsychiatric Congress in Pula.
The 54th International Neuropsychiatric Pula Congress (INPC) was held in Pula June 18-21, 2014, under the auspices of the Croatian President of Republic Prof. Dr. Ivo Josipovi.
The organizers of the Congress are: Kuratorium International Neuropsychiatric Congress, Department of Medical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Association of Neuropsychiatry and Zagreb’s Institute for the Culture of Health. It was endorsed by the World Federation of Neurology and supported by the European Psychiatric Association, the Central and Eastern European Stroke Society (CEESS) and International Interdisciplinary Medical Association of Russia. The main
sponsors of the congress were the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatian, City of Zagreb, City of Graz, and Istria County. There were more than 350 participants from Croatian, Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Greece, Iran, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Macedonia, Germany, Poland, Romania, Russia, United States, South Korea, Slovenia, Serbia, Ukraine, United Kingdom.
The main theme of the congress was “Lifestyle and Prevention of Brain Impairment.” In addition to lectures on the main theme, there were numerous accompanying symposia, in particular: third European Summer School of Psychopathology, seventh International Symposium on Epilepsy, second Neuro-Interdisciplinary School, third Symposium on the Interface Providers in Neurorehabilitation, psychiatric symposia on the new Croatian law on the protection of persons with mental disorders, forensic psychiatry, ADHD, treatment of advanced Parkinson’s disease, the activities of the Association of Public Health “Andrija Stampar” in stroke prevention, a common approach to diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of Anderson Fabry’s disease in
South-East European region, cerebral aneurysms, palliative care and atrial fibrillation as a risk factor for stroke. A joint meeting with Alps-Adria Neuroscience Section, WFN Applied Research Group on the Organization and Delivery of Care and Central and Eastern European Stroke Society was held dealing with different therapeutic approaches in the treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases.
Invited lecturers from all over the world gave 76 lectures, followed by vivid discussions. Special attention was also given to the poster session with numerous posters from neurology and from psychiatry and two best posters from each discipline got the prize given by the City of Graz.
International Neuropsychiatric Pula Congress, organized continuously for the past 54 years, is one of the congresses with the longest tradition in the world in the field of neurology, psychiatry and neuropsychiatry. With its multidisciplinary approach, covering many interesting topics in psychiatry, neurology, and in other related fields of medicine, it is still promoting the fundamental idea of long-established “Pula School of Science and Humanism.”