Wolfgang Grisold
By Wolfgang Grisold
At this unique meeting organized by the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) and the European Neurological Society (ENS), more than 5,900 neurologists from 102 countries attended. The top countries included France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. But, of course, many participants came from outside of Europe.
From a total number of 2,700 abstracts submitted, the Congress Program Committee led by Prof. Jacques De Reuck and Prof. Gustave Moonen selected 1,500 to be presented as electronic and paper posters. The ePoster session was a great success.
There were 68 sessions, including eight symposia, focused workshops, oral sessions and special sessions. The education program consisted of 25 teaching courses and three practical courses.
During the lunch breaks and in the evening, pharmaceutical companies organized 11 satellite symposia.
Similar to previous congresses, young scientists had the opportunity to compete in the Tournament for Young Neurologists. The Subspecialty Scientific Panels chose the best presentation in their field. All the participants were winners, since the congress evaluations showed that the scientific program as well as the organization was excellent.
The highlight of this congress was the foundation of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN). EFNS and ENS came together to found this new society. Currently, 45 national neurological societies and 800 individuals are registered members of EAN. EAN represents more than 19,000 European neurologists.
The Assembly of Delegates elected its Board on June 3. The following officers were elected:
President: Günther Deuschl, Germany
Vice President: Prof. Franz Fazekas, Graz, Austria
Secretary General: Prof. Didier Leys, Lille, France
Treasurer: Prof. Marianne de Visser, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Chair Scientific Committee: Prof. Antonio Federico, Siena, Italy
Chair Liaison Committee: Prof. David Vodusek, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Member at Large: Prof. Per Soelberg Sorensen, Kopenhagen, Denmark
The first EAN Congress is scheduled to take place June 20-23, 2015, in Berlin.