Raising the voice of pediatric neurology.

Kevin Rostasy and Anna Jansen
By Kevin Rostasy and Anna Jansen
Pediatric neurology is a discipline focused on diagnosis, comprehensive management, and research into diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system from fetal life to transition into adulthood. It is a field that has grown in the last half century and has recently seen leaps in innovation, including diagnostic methods, novel treatments including gene therapy, interventions, and research. It is vital that the significant burden of neurological diseases in childhood is addressed through research and education as these disorders have a lifelong impact on the individual, their careers, and society as a whole.
In 1996, the European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS) was legally registered in France based on open individual membership, with English as the official language. The EPNS is now an established international, independent non-profit society for physicians, health professionals, scientists, and students with research and/or clinical interest in pediatric neurology. It is governed by a board of 30 elected members.
The EPNS mission statement is to promote excellence in patient care, research, and education to improve the neurological outcome of children and young people in Europe and across the world. With about 2,500 members, the EPNS membership base has been steadily increasing and strengthening every year. The European Journal of Paediatric Neurology is the official society journal, and is published six times a year. It publishes high-quality papers primarily of a clinical research nature on the whole spectrum of pediatric neurological disease.
A major focus of the society is to advocate for pediatric neurology at the highest level by nurturing national, multidisciplinary, and international collaborations with similar societies, policymakers, patient groups, and other major stakeholders. The Committee of National Training Advisers (CNA) serves as a vital advisory group to the EPNS and as a link to the national pediatric neurology societies.
In 2023, the EPNS started to build a framework centering on the 10-year Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy & Neurological Disorders (IGAP), with the goal of implementing the plan with specific reference to pediatric neurology. IGAP is an unprecedented opportunity to lobby for the importance of brain health, and easy equitable access to the highest standard of patient care in neurology across the patient’s lifespan, while supporting their caregivers and other family members. The EPNS has appointed IGAP representatives in 41 European countries working with the EPNS to implement IGAP at a national level.
The EPNS promotes excellence in education, providing a comprehensive learning environment in pediatric neurology to students, trainees, and qualified professionals in all stages of their careers to improve the neurological outcome of children and young people. For example, a new EPNS Exam has been introduced to assess the basic knowledge needed to underpin pediatric neurology training. In addition, the EPNS Moodle is available to provide a learning platform for EPNS members. The society offers many other regular educational opportunities, including the well-established weekly EPNS webinars, 3-year EPNS rolling training courses covering the major topics in the pediatric neurology syllabus, EPNS Central Eurasia Workshops, and the EPNS Caucasus teaching courses. The EPNS continues to award EPNS Fellowships and EPNS Visiting Teachers to selected EPNS members who benefit from these unique opportunities.
The EPNS strives to foster, expand, and support science and clinical research in child neurology by bringing together the best clinicians and scientists in the field. This includes the society’s flagship biennial EPNS Congresses where delegates enjoy a scientifically stimulating program and interaction. The next EPNS Congress will take place on July 8-12, 2025, in Munich.
The EPNS Research Meeting takes place every other year. It is a forum for researchers in pediatric neurology to present their work, creating the possibility for future collaborative research. The EPNS looks forward to welcoming pediatric neurologist researchers at all stages of their careers to the next EPNS Research Meeting, which will take place Oct. 17-18, 2024, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The Young EPNS (YEPNS) is a motivated group bringing together younger members to learn, collaborate, and network. They have made a significant contribution to EPNS activities, including contributing to the EPNS Guidelines Committee, which was created to promote high-quality, homogenous evidence-based patient care.
If you would like to join the EPNS, contact our administration team at info@epns.info.
Education, Promotion, Networking, Science for pediatric neurology •
Kevin Rostasy is president of the EPNS, and Anna Jansen is chair of the EPNS Advocacy and Collaboration Committee.