By Steven L. Lewis, MD, Editor
and Walter Struhal, MD, Co-Editor

Walter Struhal

Steven L. Lewis
We are very pleased to introduce the March/April 2017 issue of World Neurology. Much of this issue revolves around the educational activities of the WFN, starting with the article by Wolfgang Grisold, MD, and Steven Lewis, MD, who provide an update on the many and varied educational activities of the WFN and its partners. This issue also includes enthusiastic and vivid reports from several African neurologists who were recent participantsin the Neurology Department Visit programs in Germany, Norway, and Turkey. We would like to add our sincere thanks here to our partner societies who make these WFN/partner society department visits so successful and fruitful for everyone involved.
In his President’s Column, WFN President Raad Shakir, MD, provides a powerful proposition about the need for neurologists to work together, including educating the public, other providers, and our governments about the importance of brain health and systems of care delivery to combat brain diseases. We also report on the great honor recently bestowed on Vladimir Hachinski, MD, past president of the World Federation of Neurology, when he received the the Prince Mahidol Award in Public Health in Thailand. In his Editor-in-Chief’s Update from the Journal of the Neurological Sciences, the official journal of the WFN, John D. England, MD, describes his selected two new “free access” articles selected for the readership, which deal with the interesting issue of cardiac transplantation in Friedreich’s Ataxia.
In this issue’s history column, Dr. Peter Koehler provides a wonderful synopsis of the many contributions of Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard (on the bicentennial of his birth), including but certainly not limited to, his eponymous syndrome. Finally, Prof. G. Logroscino and his colleagues from Italy and France report on the recent International Course of Neuroepidemiology, Clinical Neurology, and Research Methods in Low-Income Countries that took place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the contributions in this issue, and, as always, we look forward to ongoing submissions on news of interest to neurologists around the globe. Please send any contributions to •